Saturday 22 February 2020

movie theater question?

Bennie Lantgen: Call the movie house. They should know. The only thing is most movie houses have automated answering machines so your best bet is to actually talk to the manager of the theater. This is one more reason I always go and watch a movie as soon as I can.

Rashad Marecki: good questions. That's tough one. Sorry, I couldn't help.

Shawnna Kusky: Does your theater have a website ? I work at a theater, and we have a website, On Tuesday or Wednesday, we update what movies we will get that weekend, and what we will get rid off.It is usually movies that are older or getting bad attendance.

Marco Stolarz: It is hard to find out. I worked in a theater for many years and we would get the new bookings for the Friday oppenings on Mondays and know then when it's leaving. So you could call the theater Monday night and they should know by then. Hope it helps.

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