Friday 21 February 2020

What are good poetry publicity packages?

Daria Verfaillie: That would depend on how your collection is published. Do you already have a publisher? and if so, "they" should be promoting your collection. If not, is your collection self-published? If so, is it in hard-back or is it a chapbook? If, on the other hand, you're looking for someone who is willing to publish a collection of your poems, you'll need to determine your potential marketability. Are you already a famous poet or famous for something other than poetry? If not, then you may have a difficult time finding a publisher willing to invest the time and money on an unknown author. However, you can try to pick up a copy of Poet's Market and see if you can find a publisher listed who takes unsolicited collections for publication.Note: beware of vanity presses...they'll get your book in print, but you will have to cover all the costs of printing, editing, advertising, etc.If that's the way you want to go, fine, just go into it with your eyes open. If! that's not your cup of tea, you may want to start small and get your individual poems published "first", then put together a collection later....Show more

David Kuper: tricky step. query from yahoo and bing. just that can help!

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