Monday 17 August 2020

dental work while pregnant?  

dental work while pregnant?  

answers 0:ok so im 17w4d pregnant. this thursday i have a dentist appointment for some tenderness around my wisdom teeth which came in over the summer and there is not enough room in my jaw for them. so IF i had to get the removed would i be allowed to have an anesthetic? like the numbing shots or whatever its called? and how about laughing gas? is a regular cleaning also ok? i haven't been to the dentist since early last year so i know i gotta go now. should i call my obgyn and inform her that i have an appointment and will she be able to tell me whats ok and whats not?thanks. i know its a silly question but i just wanna know....Show moreanswers 1:Ugh! I had dental artwork whilst i develop into 35 weeks! It develop into terrible. They placed me on a table with my head waaaaay back, and it gave me important nausea. i began sweating and saying i develop into going to throw up. It develo! p into by way of fact your head shouldn't in any respect be below your abdomen by way of fact all the blood is going to the tummy once you're that pregnant. As to the chemical compounds, i think of much less is extra whilst it includes that stuff. in case you may wait, you need to. and that i'm particularly particular accepted anethetic is OUT, properly... heavily do you pick to believe somebody to furnish you the correct quantity of drugs to maintain your toddler alive? community i'm instructed is okay. i could say, till you're dying of a toothache, merely wait!...answers 2:Cleaning is okay, but no Xrays!Just keep flossing and rinsing your teeth until after you have the babyyour teeth can keep a couple more months.answers 3:a dental professional should never ever give a pregnant women nitrous oxide! so make sure you dont get that. usually you should wait to get your wisdom teeth extracted..cleanings are okay, sometimes people dont treat pregnant women. you they are suppose! d to always, because if something is wrong it could be detecte! d in the oral cavity first. , but i would definitely call your obgyn to make sure it is alright..if you are healthy and everything is good with the baby it should be fine, but the reason is when they clean your teeth bacteria pretty much goes into the blood stream and you dont want any complications with you or your baby...answers 4:You will most likely be allowed too but it can be harmful to your child. The regular cleaning should be fine, but anything with novicane or laughing gas could cause irreversible damage to your babyanswers 5:Cleanings and exams are fine. Hold off on any x-rays and work that does not fall into a critical to do or an emergency situation. The second trimester is a good time to do dental work if absolutely necessary. By the way local anesthetics would be okay but nitrous oxide should be avoided. Good luck with the baby.

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