Monday 3 August 2020

Who would win a 4-way fight between a Bottle of Diet Pepsi a bottle of Diet Coke a Bottle of diet Dr Pepper->

Emery Blando: Diet Dr. Pepper.

Hubert Jestes: Diet Dr. Pepper, but diet dew would kick it's a^^!

Chauncey Williama: Diet Dr Pepper and Diet Coke would team up to become tag team partners and kick the living daylights out of diet pepsi and diet sprite. Then, once those two were down, they would turn on each other. Diet coke is powerful due to age, but Diet Dr. Pepper has the youthful grace and agility, so Diet Dr. Pepper wins again! :)

Jude Colbenson: Well, i would put my money on experienced Title Holder, Diet Coke... He would win on Points after 12 brutal rounds.... then lose in his following match to Diet A&W root Beer.. D-coke would go down hard in the 3rd round..shhhhhh you didnt hear that from me *wink*

Spencer Heidtbrink: Evian Spring Water woulddd. Because it'd "Spring" up on Diet Pepsi [; Hahaha.

Jene Kostyla: Diet Sprite 4 lyfe

Long Woltjer: u know what i would actually come in there with a chainsaw and kill them all

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