Sunday, 2 August 2020

what do i do when my cat goes into labour? do i have to cut the umbilical cord?  

what do i do when my cat goes into labour? do i have to cut the umbilical cord?  

answers 0:this is the first time my cat is having kittens. do i need to cut the umbilical cord?can you give me any advice what to expect?>thanksanswers 1:no u do nothing its up to your cat....have blankets so your cat dont bleed all over your floor or sofa, when they get to a certain age where the mother no longer feeds them u will have to feed them on milk and porridge like i did 🙂answers 2:Your cat will work it, think about how they live in the wild, if anything goes wrong or labour takes long call a vetanswers 3:Only if she doesn't do it herself. She probably will handle the whole thing, but it's possible you might need to help if she is young and confused, or if one kitten comes out right after another, or if she gets exhausted. You should be prepared in case you DO have to do it. Have some dental floss and small scissors li! ke nail that have been sterilized in boiling water. You remove the kitten from the sac, tie off the cord close to the body, then cut on the side of the tie away from the body. also should have a suction bulb for babies, to suction liquid out of their nose and mouth. Here are a couple of links I recommend reading that give you the basics of what to expect , what is normal, what is not normal, how to help if needed, and when to call the vet / take her to the vet. 4:You should of had her at vets for a check up. They would of talked you through it all. Phone them to let them know that youv a cat due, invade of compliations they will be prepared. No you don't mum dose it, but you may need vet if anything goes wrong. They come put in a sack and if she doesn't clean it off their face you need to break it at mouth area so they can breathe. X andanswers 5:S! he will do all the work, but the link I am providing will educ! ate you on what she needs, and what to watch for.

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