Iris Shawcroft: Dude, I know. It's total bullcrap. People blame Cheney-Bush for the horrible winds and rain that Hurricane Katrina brought to New Orleans. People act as though he could control the weather or something. All Cheney-Bush could do was handle the response, and they did a heck of a job.
Toby Caswell: no! corporations are not people just because corporations are comprised OF people. they have a set of goals entirely inconsistent with that of the individual (the true requirement of poersonhood).
Ellis Cellar: Does that just go too much against the more accepted norm of discussing police violence?
Jannette Kotz: Bushes fault
Bethany Blocker: This catastrophe is worse than Katrina. yet what the heck it quite is purely ruining Republican States. How in any different case might it have been dealt with if it develop into off the coast of California or the top East Coast? he's purely too freakin busy protecting up along with his golfing gam! e, his Basketball skills and Campaigning for Barbara Boxer occurring yet another holiday to Chicago and a McCarty stay overall performance. He does not have time for the lame people of united statesa.. Are you people so freakin stupid in charge Bush for Katrina yet not Obama for the Oil catastrophe. It develop into the Mayor and the Govenor who asked to not have FEMA come. The hurricane did not injury New Orleans it develop into the levies that did not carry. l. a.. gets greater money from the government than any state. Ray Nagan took the money that develop into earmarked for LEVIE upkeep and positioned it into Casinos to create greater vacationer money. NO is a bowl under sea point, the sea got here dashing in. until now that am the Governor stated the hurricane develop into over and eberything develop into sturdy. She didi not understand the levies broke and stated NO to Federal help. Now those people desire to help themselves and their livihoods and Obama says no. it qu! ite is ludicrous....Show more
Filiberto Amauty: "Apple f! or President 2012" This reflects the inane, out-of-touch sensibility of Romney's statement,"Corporations are people, too, my friend".
Mitzie Clough: Corporations have become parasites, not people. I don't understand why anyone still votes for republicans. They have to use religious fanaticism and bigotry to motivate their base to turn out.
Lindsey Zanardi: Katrina wasn't Bushes fault. The poor preparation and slow response was the fault of the local and state government, previous administrations, and the Bush administration's fault. The reason Bush ultimately deserves the most blame is because he appointed Brown to be the head of FEMA when he had absolutely no background in emergency managementLikewise the oil spill was not Obama's fault. The oil rig was built well before he lifted the ban on offshore drilling. While it! 's true you can criticize him for saying that offshore drilling doesn't cause spills a couple weeks before you could also say the same about half of all democrats and all republicansSo don't just blindly blame people you don't like for things. Actually look at the issue and then form your opinion...Show more
Douglass Sarley: NO I don't agree at all.
Von Houskeeper: and while they are drinking the beer, how about showing them his original long-form birth certificate?For the record I voted for a 3rd party candidate. No Bush or GOP nonsense please as it doesn't apply to me.
Elva Batie: He doesn't look back in his rear view mirror
Brian Freedland: Nope! Giving them any kind of recognition also gives them credibility.
Sylvie Snetting: No logical person could blame Katrina on Bush. That hurricane was going to happen more or less regardless -- reducing CO2 emotions wouldn't have an instantaneous impact. I blame Bush for his poor response and planning! to Katrina. He didn't get them ready, and he didn't save them when hel! l cast its shadow over Louisiana.The oil spill was completely difference. This was a man-made disaster. Bush never mandated that BP have a disaster response plan -- which they didn't and STILL do not have. Obama has BP as one of his highest donors -- are you really surprised with his lack of bringing down the hammer on the oil industry either?...Show more
Randa Hessell: I understand this "tomato" to be sliced so that a person incorporates in order to be protected from personal liability. My thinking is that if no one person is personally liable, well, the corporation is a non-person entity.But, I certainly can see why a multi-millionaire like Romney might think otherwise.
Christy Tirabassi: Too many in the news media are afraid to say anything negative about Obama - he has "friends" in high places.
Olen Penhallurick: Birthers seem insane, and it would be unwise to invite insane people to your home. Secret Service likely wouldn't be happy with it either.
Hans Sachetti: heck no..he's already prez..he doesn't have to prove anything to anyone...especially those fools. hahahaha, too funny.
Nelly Kikuchi: no they are run by people but thet aren't people
Chet Nozick: Why is a natural disaster all Bush's fault, but a man made disaster like an oil spill (just weeks after Obama lifted a ban on offshore drilling) turning out to be less of a story than the 5 kids who wore American flag shirts to school on Wednesday?
Jamika Gregorio: Delicious delicious people.
Germaine Tieken: It's a local problem.
Boyce Gilhooly: A corporation is run by people. In and of itself, it's not a person...
Ginny Trickett: If Corporations aren't comprised of people then what is it they are made out of? Cheese Whiz?
Morris Olexy: Did the previous 43 President's showed their birth certificates i am guessing NOthen why should President Obama ?
Rhett Kaines: Of course the Republicans agree , because this is j! ust a propagandistic ploy to make corporations appear to be human. and ! to benefit the Cons . They are greedy, and have led the US into a financial disaster. So no amount of such propaganda will succeed except for those who are fools, and vote against their own interestsHope this helps...Show more
Son Ahlers: Maybe it is! Let's look at a hypothetical situation: We know that there are companies that want to drill for oil off of our coastlines. We also know that a lot of politicians and the president is against that. Simply because it is not good for their friends and their fortunes would be hurt. Now, one good explosion of an oil well in the gulf with millions of gallons of oil leaking onto our shores would make the people say, "Hey look what happened, we better not drill any more wells". So we go merrily on our way and still be dependent on foreign oil. Now all the Big Boys are happy because now they will make even bigger fortunes.Remember, this is all hypothetical you understand....Show more
Maria Bengston: When you start! out with hating Obama and being determined to find anything and everything you can that will make him look bad, you come up with this type of "question."
Stevie Kizziar: I was thinking 'souless robots' would be a far better analogy for Corporations
Kalyn Proietto: I think Obama needs to invite the birthers into a wood chipper. Those treasonous slimebags are wasting all our air.
Elinore Schlinker: Uh, Bush didn't cause the hurricane but he's held responsible for the boys and girls he appointed at FEMA sitting back and not stepping in to check with state and local authorities to firm up plans before Katrina struck land. Katrina slowly approached New Orleans for almost a week giving the feds plenty of time to check with state authorities and mobilize but they didn't. The Deepwater Horizon blowout was an unanticipated event. The feds - the Coast Guard - were right there when the first call went out. BP, like all lease holders, had emergency plans filed and! there had been no indications of problems on the rig. Most rigs have ! very good safety records even though the work is very dangerous. There are a lot of inspections on the rigs and platforms... talk to the site supervisors and they'll complain for hours about the inspections and OSHA requirements....Show more
Sonya Volcko: He should lure them into a van, and have them sent to the mental hospital where they belong.
Neely Youngblut: In the context he said it, yeah. I love how he said a statement like that that just tweaks you libs. Somebody needs to say "enough!" to the liberals' demonization of corporations, because I get sick of that annoying drivel. Maybe he's not so bad after all? Anyway, I'm with him on that. He seems too plastic to me, but in the context he was using, and not yours, his statement was correct.
Vern Serratos: I think he should. It'll throw them through a loop!
Maryland Gareau: I'm a republican and I don't agree at all! But i'm not even going to vote for him anyway. My vote goes to Ron Paul!
! Oda Mauson: Depends upon how you want to slice that tomato.
Darrin Hixenbaugh: Outside of the fact that he has, he's president of the United States, not just one city in one state.His home state btw is Hawaii, he just lived in Chicago for eighteen years.
Hal Rouse: sure and show Indonesian school records too
Esteban Faggett: He did. Last year. I guess you don't pay attention.
Hobert Dula: Well, you are not looking at the responsibilities that Bush had during Katrina adequately. Bush denied all aid from foreign countries who wanted to GIVE not LOAN money to the sufferers of the hurricane. It was Bush's administration that lead FEMA. Bush also did nothing to soften his image for PR seeing that he spent 0% of his time on the ground with the mostly poor population of New Orleans, instead opting to pose with rich figures....And about the oil spill: that was BP's fault, not the federal government's....S! how more
Carlton Lastrapes: he can't -- that would imply that his! beloved Black citizens are a social problem ... which they are -- so he keeps silent and thus condones the problem by his silence
Mitchel Demry: In the context in which he said it, Absofrickenlutely. In the context your side is trying to spin it into, Absolutely not. For you to say they are not means YOU do not understand what a corporation is and how it works....Show more
Cody Petrulis: Is Church People? Yes.Is Congress People? Yes (well most of the time)Is The Supreme Court People? Yes.As such, does the Church get a vote for the President? No.Congress? No.Supreme Court? No.So, yes a Corporations are People.Do they get a Vote? YES> That is the distinction, through lobbying and campaign contributions, etc.The individuals in a Corporation should all get ONE vote in their home district. They should not get special access to politicians that we don't get. They should have to stand on the stairs of Congress and try to get a word in just like the rest of us. I ! can't call my Congressman and say, Hey, Mr. Begich, may I take you to dinner to talk about xyz?We have to stop this or the system will never work....Show more
Luana Carothers: Bush, and every knew the hurricane was going to take place a month in advance. Nothing was done. The Oil spill happened, and no one could possibly predict that.
Morris Olexy: Why is a natural disaster all Bush's fault,**No one said it was. Bush was criticized for his response to it, not the fact that there are such a thing as hurricanes** but a man made disaster like an oil spill (just weeks after Obama lifted a ban on offshore drilling) turning out to be less of a story than the 5 kids who wore American flag shirts to school on Wednesday?**How is it "less of a story" than the kids who wore the shirts? The oil spill has dominated nightly news, cable news and the newspapers while the American flag shirts story has been nothing but a minor blurb**...Show more
Agustina Stimmel: Becau! se nobody ever said it was his fault!He was at fault for the government! 's response to the disaster!Why do you cons always distort the issue?To confuse the gullible?Conservatives are traitors! They still ignore Bush ignore national security until America was attacked!
Len Bormes: Well, according to Mitt Romney, US richclass are smarter than everyone else. And even if such statement as this doesn't seem smart...Still I'd have to agree that corporations are people if accepting that US richclass are smarter than everyone else (since Mitt Romney is US richclass) -- even when making stupid, arrogant public statements during presidential campaigns....Show more
Alden Soldano: No, I don't like corporations. That does not mean I will not invest in them. I work with systems I like or don't like just the same. I can't refuse to play the game simply because it is not tailored to exactly what I alone want. But if it were up to me corporations would not have rights like human beings; they are not alive. There should be a responsible person o! r group of people in every business. In my opinion. I never said I was 100 percent neocon capitalist. There are too many golden parachutes flying out of failed big businesses. And too many "too big to fails"....Show more
Sheree Hipwell: The president does not need to carry around his long-form birth certificate for every quizzy whack-job to take a look at. Those people are truly crazy and I doubt the Secret Service would let any of them near the president
Theresia Fashaw: he has more important things to doand he doesn't let conservative media tell him what's 'important'
Devon Kalberer: I don't.