Thursday 12 March 2020

Your stock market prediction?

Rolanda Merritt: The bottom is lower than where we are now. Not quite enough fear in the market, although there is clearly a lot of pessimism. We need more volatility to shake out the shorts, and we are no where near the volatility seen in January and March of this year, and the bottom of the bear market that ended in 2003. Scott more

Abel Adger: I'd say a couple more hundred gone from market and oil holding steady since so many people are worried about it dragging down the US economy already. And no more bank collapses unless people freak out and forgot their money is insured if they don't go over the insured limit per account/instituion

Ramona Pago: Nobody knows for sure, but I would think it's near the bottom now unless one of these other banks collapse. If that happens, you're going to see another major sell-off. The good news is it appears oil prices are finally meeting their match! . If the government bails out these banks, then we may be near the bottom, but truth be told, nobody knows.

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