Monday 9 March 2020

Can a style of writing also be called a genre?

Amina Motzer: yes it can good luck on your paper !☺

Morris Cuomo: First, let me define style--in composition and literature. I think it's the choices the author makes in terms of words (diction) and sentence structure ( short sentences, longer sentences, and the number and type of clauses (sentences inside of other sentences which depend on, but add to the main sentence.So, you could have something that is intended as an essay but is written in the style of a poem. Or a poem written in the style of an essay. It's not common, but it shows that style and genre are linked but not tightly. Here is a poem written as a note of apology (sort of):This Is Just To Say I have eatenthe plumsthat were inthe iceboxand whichyou were probablysavingfor breakfast.Forgive methey were deliciousso sweetand so cold. -- William Carlos Williams...Show more

Verdie Wollen: Not really a matter of style. Examples of genres in writing are romance, horror, science fiction and fantasy ! ...

Joellen Zorrilla: I think so, like prose and drama, they are considered genres

Ronald Moehr: Style would be the particular author's way of writing, their use of the language. Hemmingway had a VERY individual style, characterized, by amongst other things, his use of VERY short sentances and paragraphs. So, to answer the question NO, Style does NOT equal Genre.

Clementina Collelo: i know what genre is..what is style?

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