Wednesday 4 March 2020

Natural beauty or makeup?

Ulrike Hert: Natural beauty is the best. But a little make up can help.

Estrella Northway: read below links for reference

Marcelle Vanlith: Natural of course... However, my sister wears all of the makeup... And you seriously can't tell. She blends everything so well that her skin looks flawless and naked... With a SH*T TON of make up on... So I'm kind of thinking that a lot of natural beauties are really not natural at all.

Terresa Tsasie: Very little makeup. Like. eyeliner, eye shadow, lip gloss and maybe some mascara. That's what I wear sometimes but not too often.

Valentine Michaud: A little mascara can go a long way

Lou Rought: I prefer natural beauty. I think there's a lot of girls out there that looks pretty darn cute and gorgeous without makeup :PPS. I know some people will say that us guys will say that to be nice, cliche and all, but I've seen enough girls that legitimately didn't have makeups on and sti! ll had a pretty smile. That's just me though....Show more

Bryant Pillitteri: Natural Beauty.

Maynard Reevers: Every guy will say natural beauty, but then you notice that they normally look at those girls that took 2 hours to wear makeup :D

Barrett Felicia: Average Looking with little make up. Honestly, I don't care if girls wear make up or not. It just matters that you know how to use it. You can be avergae looking and apply bomb *ss makeup and look incredbile, and you can be really attractive and put on bomb-*ss make up and look incredible. It's a matter of skill and knowing what you like...Show more

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