Tuesday 31 March 2020

could an aircraft travel up to 800mph?

Percy Seiger: The 800mph Gulfstream G650 Fastest Civil Aircraft

Randolph Lozoya: Yes concord and it went faster than 800mph, it even broke the speed of light.

Gene Debell: Long since been done. You have heard the term "supersonic" and "faster than the speed of sound", haven't you? I'll leave it to you to look up what the speed of sound is at sea level. They used to teach that in science in high school, but I guess the days of science and math at primary schools is all but gone....Show more

Angel Klym: The Concorde was civilian and it went like 1200mph.The military has jets that hit like 3000mph

Everette Rovinsky: Well hmm fastest ever air breathing aircraft was the sr71. It flew mach 3.5. That's a **** ton faster than 800mph.And the fastest aircraft (with a human onboard) was the x15. Mach 6.7 I believe. It actually could fly into suborbital space. That's a **** ton faster than 800mph.800mph is slow compared to what speeds aircraft have ach! ived even 50 years ago....Show more

Armanda Hertel: Both civilian and military aircraft have already exceeded 800 mph by a very large margin.

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