Thursday 19 March 2020

Why souldnt americans have free health insurance?

Nannie Kasee: The Insurance industry in US is for profit. Capitalists of the strictest nature. I like Obama but if he does what he says he's going 2 do with the Health insurance corps, they'll put a hit on his head (knock on wood). So because it is for profit, you can't make it free...shareholder wealth has to grow.

Valentine Willinger: So far the power of interested money has stalled it. Lots of other countries do it without going broke or starting civil wars. Perhaps once people calm down they'll find the right model to apply.

Bethanie Menden: I won't be free. Not by a long shot. Think about this: the more the Government gets involved the smaller your paycheck is going to be.

Sammy Tabatt: They must have some kind of system. What if you had an emergency and couldn't pay the bill?

Kandi Lough:

Travis Colomb: I recommend that you try this web site where you can compare quotes from the best com! panies: :Why souldnt americans have free health insurance?Update: 5 answers...Show more

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