Sunday, 31 May 2020

Can you figure out this wordplay?

Dexter Gold: nope

Phil Kuarez: I think 4,800 yards.

Sook Hershkowitz: distance =dd= d/2 +d/4+35 +3/4(d/4-35) +1/2(d/16-35/4) +75 +150d=d/2 +d/4 +3d/16 +1/32d +35 -105/4 -35/8 +22532d =16d +8d +6d +d +32(260) -840 -250d=7230 yards

Ramona Pago: eeew i hate those, my brain hurts!!!!

Patrica Loertscher: X+260yrds260yrds

Bo Perham: wordplay or math homework?

Comment devenir un film payant supplémentaire

Comment devenir un film payant supplémentaire

p>Devenir un figurant payant est un moyen facile de s’amuser et de gagner plus d’argent dans l’atmosphère excitante de la réalisation d’un film. Le théâtre de fond est un excellent moyen d’entrer sur un plateau de tournage et d’en apprendre davantage sur les films tout en gagnant un salaire décent pour la journée.

Obtenez des prises de vue professionnelles. Une photo de tête est une photo professionnelle de la tête et des épaules de l’acteur. Imprimez plusieurs photos 8×10, en couleur. Attachez votre curriculum vitae à l’arrière de votre photo avec une agrafe dans le coin. Prenez quelques copies de votre photo de tête et votre curriculum vitae à chaque audition.

Soyez à l’heure pour les auditions et les tournages. Cela s’applique aux auditions et aux emplois une fois que vous ! avez été choisi. La règle générale est que 15 minutes d’avance, c’est l’heure, c’est l’heure, c’est l’heure, c’est l’heure tardive et c’est inacceptable. Une façon simple de prouver que vous êtes un professionnel est de vous présenter un peu plus tôt.

Demeurer disponible pour performer. Une grande partie de la vie d’un figurant consiste à attendre quelque chose à faire. Ils passent beaucoup de temps à installer des caméras, des lumières et des décors. Les figurants attendent dans la « zone d’attente » jusqu’à ce qu’on leur donne des instructions sur ce qu’ils doivent faire. Tous les figurants ne seront pas utilisés à tous les coups.

Assister à des « appels de bétail » pour des coulées à grande échelle. Les appels de bétail sont des auditions de grande envergure, qui ne nécessitent pas de rendez-vous. Attendez-vous à passer du temps à faire la queue pour rencontrer les agents de casting. Apportez pl! usieurs copies de votre photo et de votre curriculum vitae, ai! nsi qu’un stylo pour remplir les formulaires qu’ils pourront avoir à l’audition.

Suivez la direction. Le travail d’un acteur est de suivre des directions. Que vous soyez à l’écran ou dans la zone d’attente, il est facile de travailler avec vous. Cela comprend faire ce que le metteur en scène vous demande pendant que vous jouez et être généralement respectueux, comme se taire sur le plateau.

Soumettez votre photo de tête et votre curriculum vitae pour que votre candidature soit prise en considération. Une fois que vous avez trouvé les auditions en ligne, soumettez votre photo et votre curriculum vitae par l’entremise de leur portail pour que votre candidature soit prise en considération pour ce poste. Rédigez une courte note indiquant le rôle pour lequel vous vous présentez et demandant d’être pris en considération.

Comprendre les termes de base de la mise en scène. Il existe un langage spécifique à la scène cinématograp! hique. Il est utile d’apprendre un peu le jargon afin de comprendre les directives qui vous sont données. Les cours à la caméra ainsi que les livres sur le cinéma peuvent être utiles pour apprendre ce jargon.

Suivez un cours à la caméra. Un cours sera le meilleur moyen de vous préparer au travail sur le plateau et devant une caméra. Vous apprendrez ce que l’on attend de vous, vous vous exposerez au processus et vous comprendrez le jargon que vous pouvez rencontrer lors du tournage d’un film, et cela fera bonne impression sur votre CV.

Vérifiez les tableaux d’appels pour les auditions dans votre région. Les théâtres locaux, les écoles de théâtre et les collèges auront un « tableau d’appel ». Il s’agit d’un tableau d’affichage dans une zone commune où ils afficheront les offres d’emploi et les avis de casting.

Remplissez votre bon de paiement. Lorsque vous travaillez sur un long métrage, vous recevez un bon à la fin ! de la journée. Posez des questions pour vous assurer que vous les remp! lissez correctement. Gardez-en une copie pour vous et remettez l’autre à la personne appropriée avant de quitter le plateau.

Habillez-vous convenablement pour le rôle. En plus, vous devrez probablement porter vos propres vêtements pour le tournage. Vous obtiendrez des instructions sur la façon de vous habiller lorsque vous serez plâtré. Assurez-vous d’avoir ces articles en main, de pouvoir les emprunter ou de les acheter.

Trouvez des moyens de gagner des bonus pour de l’argent supplémentaire. Vous pouvez trouver le tarif en vigueur pour les acteurs d’arrière-plan en cherchant dans la feuille de tarifs « SAG/AFTRA ». Le taux de base actuel, jusqu’en juin 2016, est de 157 $/jour et passera à 162 $/jour en juillet. Il y a certaines indemnités pour l’utilisation de votre propriété ou de vos compétences spéciales. Vous pouvez gagner plus d’argent que le taux de base en effectuant des travaux supplémentaires ou en utilisant votre prop! riété.

Recherchez en ligne les auditions locales. Vous pouvez passer par un grand site de casting, comme Backstage, ou vérifier auprès de votre commission cinématographique locale pour voir ce qui sera filmé dans votre région. Il y a aussi des films sur Craigslist sous « Jobs ».

Inscrivez-vous en ligne auprès des réseaux de casting. Il existe plusieurs réseaux de casting en ligne où vous pouvez poster votre photo et votre CV pour être trouvé par les agents de casting. Vous pouvez vous inscrire directement sur ces sites. La plupart d’entre eux sont gratuits ou ont des frais minimes pour la soumission ou l’affichage de photos ou de bobines de film supplémentaires.

Construisez votre CV de comédien avec de l’expérience de la performance et des compétences spéciales. Même si vous n’avez pas déjà joué dans un film, vous aurez besoin d’un CV pour commencer. Il doit inclure votre nom, votre description physique, vos coordonnées! , votre expérience pertinente, votre formation et toute compétence sp! éciale que vous possédez.

Rencontrez des professionnels de l’industrie. Il est parfois vrai qu’il s’agit de savoir qui vous connaissez dans cette industrie. Allez à des projections de films, à des collectes de fonds et à des cours de théâtre pour rencontrer d’autres personnes impliquées dans la réalisation de films. Mêlez-vous aux autres et découvrez quels sont les travaux à venir et comment vous pourriez être en mesure de vous impliquer.

Saturday, 30 May 2020

Online trivia games, chatrooms style, where are they?

Misty Vagle: Trivia Chat

Dionna Doyel: Don't know about yahoo but my favorite Trivia site is http://www.sploofus.comI've tried lots of trivia sites and this is the best I've found plus they do have chat.

Vida Miss: This Site Might Help You.RE:Online trivia games, chatrooms style, where are they?A friend showed me this chatroom style trivia game. She played it through ICQ. Is there anything like that in yahoo? Where?...Show more

Frank Gazaway: Loads of insightful answers, thanks

Friday, 29 May 2020

Lyrics to teach me how to jerk song?

Dulcie Edis: Teach Me How To Jerk by New Boyz

Ileen Oshell: Is it one music or 2? i like the 1st one, somewhat devilish, yet large. It feels like a music that Motley Crue ought to sing. the 2d one it is no longer as large. The beigining is long and stupid. i think of that the midsection of the songs is an extremely cool section. "we've to play confusing so music won't supply up...", i like that section. The ending is the awesomest. "we are going to scream it loud, we are going to play alongside..." , large. The songs sound like in the event that they got here out of the 80s, and that i individually desire that somebody brings the sound back. You Rock!!!!...Show more

Has anyone ha dental problems they were never able to take care of?  

Has anyone ha dental problems they were never able to take care of?  

answers 0:I want to know how many people out there have had dental problems and were never able to get it taken care of for a long time if at all, whether it's from root canal to extractions to swelling and etc. I need dental work and it's just too expensive and my teeth are bad I have an infection and have taken antibiotics but you never know when it could come back. I just want to know who else has problems with their teeth that they can't fix and what they are. :-). Thank u!!answers 1:I know exactly how you feel! I need tons of work, just had 3 teeth pulled and one root canal. I also had a deep cleaning done. And I still need tons of work. All I can say is try to get a loan or credit card or just do what you can when you can. Your teeth are so very important to yo! ur overall health, so try to do what you can.answers 2:I dont get mouth infection. Just cavities. Which the dentist takes care of.answers 3:I meant to say from root canals to extractions that couldn't get done to swellings and infections.

Thursday, 28 May 2020

Study abroad funding question?

Cassey Hollinghurst: try contacting Sallie Mae International - they offer student loans for US students who want to study abroad as well as international students who want to study in the US

What was life like for women in the American West?  

What was life like for women in the American West?  

answers 0:If you have any information or know any good websites please share! I can't seem to find anything.answers 1:In 'America's Women' Gail Collins writes:'Once they reached the West, the early female pioneers enjoyed all the advantages that come with being scarce. "Even I have had men come forty miles just to look at me, and I never was called a handsome woman, in my best days,. even by my most ardent admirers." said Luzena Wilson. Irwin, Colorado, had only one respectable unmarried woman in a town that was filled with ambitiou young men. A mining engineer noted in his diary that foty men were paying court to the eligible female, the sister of Mrs Reed, the camp doctor's wife. The Reeds set up a system, limiting the parlor to six callers at a time and the callers to a maximum of "4 minutes on sofa with girl".Despite the rough manners of the early western ! men, a woman with any claim to respectability could expect to be treated with great deference, even awe. (When Elizabeth Gunn went to church with her children in Sonora, the men sitting along the streeet stood up and saluted as she passed by.) But the women missed female friendships, and having so many single men in one place inevitably led to the sort of behaviour that they found unpleasant. They complained in their letters about widespread drinking, gambling, swearing and violence. "In the short space of 24 days" wrote Louise Clappe, the wife of a mining camp doctor to her sister "We have had murders, fearful accidents, bloody deaths, a mob, whippings, a hanging, an attempted suicide and a fatal duel."Before they went west, most pioneer women had lived in houses that had heat, soft beds, and other comforts. But in the crowded citis and gold mining camps of California, they slept in leaky tents, sat on crates, and cooked over campfires. They slogged through mud and dust! to get to Sunday services and gave birth to their children al! one. Nevertheless, a lot of them seemed to enjoy themselves. "I like this wild and barbarous life" wrote Louise Clappe who on another occasion had told her sister "everybody ought to go to the mines, just to see how little it takes to make people comfortable in the world."For women, the gold in the California hills came from biscuits and flapjacks. A woman wrote from Califronia to a Boston newspaper, reporting that in less than a year she had made $11,000 baking bread and cakes "in one little iron skillet." Black women, who had a reputation for being good cooks, went west with the same dreams. One pioneer recalled seeing a crowd of people crossing the desert on foot and noted that one of them was "a black woman ... .carrying a cast-iron bake oven on her head, with her provisions and blankets piled on top - all she possessed in the world - bravely pushing on for California."With only a few dollars grubstake, a woman could open a makeshift boardinghouse and earn a comfor! table income. It didn't make sense to invest much in the houses, since the miners moved on at the first news of a gold strike somewhere else. Martha Gray Masterson, who followed her husband through gold rush territory, moved twenty times in twenty years, opening hotels, boardinghouses, grocery stores, and dry goods shops along the way. And though the men's standards were far from demanding, the boardinghouse owner's work wasw difficult, and full of unusual challenges. One woman was troubled by animals, which took advantage of the shortage of doors "Sometimes I am up all night scaring the Hogs and mules out of the House." she said.The labor shortage in the early West wiped out the normal rules about what jobs were appropriate for women. They worked as barbers and advertised their services as doctors, lawyers, and real estate agents. Nellie Poole Chapman took over her husband's dental practice in Nevada City, California. Although a very small woman, MrsChaman was appare! ntly skilled in the era's dental arts, which leaned heaily in the direc! tion of extraction. "A smart woman can do very well in this country" wrote one young woman to a friend back east. "It is the only country I was ever in where women received anything like a just compensation for work."...

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

Has anyone ever studied abroad in...?

Marcia Cheathan: Your query states ITALY and you are speakme abut austrailia. Both are utterly distinct cultures, continents, and studies for you. I might reccommend going to italy. You can journey far and wide, see fantastic structure, one of the crucial oldest and richest tradition at any place on the earth, all at the same time having a first-rate time. Austrailia is extraordinary too, however my vote might be italy! Great meals, first-rate wine, first-rate females, first-rate historical past... what extra might you ask for!!!...Show more

Mel Crapo: I studied abroad in China and it was absolutely fascinating. I highly recommend it! I was able to visit Beijing and see the Forbidden city and I made a trip to the Great Wall as well - beware though! It is steep! So wear good walking shoes if you go there. And I stayed in Hangzhou. Hangzhou is home to one of the C9 colleges, Zheijiang University, which is basically like one of the Ivy league schools of China. And Hang! zhou is beautiful. It's only about two hours by train South of Shanghai, and it is one of the tea capitals of China. It is also home to West Lake. It has a population of about 6 million and it is one of the more sophisticated cosmopolitan cities in China with a lot less pollution than cities like Beijing and Shanghai. It is just really beautiful. Marco Polo said it was heaven on earth in his travels there. I took classes at the law school of Zheijiang through a law school study abroad so I wasn't the typical undergrad study abroad student. The Chinese students in my classes were so friendly and nice and wanted to make friends. It was great! And they love to show you around (when they're not studying. lol. They study a lot!) I wouldn't go to Russia - too cold and Russians aren't as warm and friendly as the Chinese. Japan and Taiwan would also be cool but mainland China just has so much to see and so much history. Good luck in deciding. Zai Jian! (That's Mandarin for "good by! e").I just watched the new Karate Kid movie last weekend and i! t totally brought memories back from living in China. If you want a little dose of Chinese life, watch the movie. And it was really good!...Show more

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

I have a question about special education.?

Floy Fague: Public schools are required to follow IEP's under federal laws because they recieve money from the federal government. Under those laws, students can receive services throught the public schools up until they graduate or until the age of 21 (depending on the disability and what the child's educational needs are). Private schools are not required to provide, accept or work with children on IEP's as they are all self funded, without recieving public monies from the state or federal governments.College is another issue. College is something a student chooses to do. At that point, according to our laws, the government has met all it's responsibilities for providing a free and appropriate education. Since attending college is voluntary and must be paid for by the student, federal law does not apply and colleges are not required to recognize IEP's or even work with students to find ways to adapt. The only laws colleges must conform to as far as students with sp! ecial needs is physical access laws (ramps, elevators) and EO (equal opportunity) laws. As for your choosing to be in special ed or not, only your parents could disenroll you from special ed while you were under the age of 18. Since you would have been well under 18 when you left junior high, you could not have taken yourself out of the programs unless you parents agreed and signed the paperwork.renee...Just so you know, while some states do provide services for homeschoolers with special ed needs, it is not mandatory or required by federal law. In fact, there are many states (MD included) that take the stance that once you decide to homeschool a child, no matter what the child's disability or needs, the parents are solely responsible for meeting them and do not provide any sort of assitance....Show more

Rivka Killmer: I was 19 when I graduated high school. Does that mean that the high school doesn't have to follow the IEP when I was 19 during high school?

W! ally Gower: The IDEA, the law that provides IEPs, is meant for! ages 3 to graduation from high school. It does not apply to colleges.When you get to college, two other laws kick in more strongly to help you get the accommodations that you need in college, Section 504 and the ADA. You'll note that public colleges have a disabilities services office. That is where you need to go to talk to someone about this. They can tell you what accommodations you can get through Section 504 and the ADA....Show more

Isaias Badgley: At 18 you are consider an adult meaning the state that you live in isn't legally required to follow up an IEP as they were when you were a minor. As an adult you have the choice to continue and get special help in the college and university you attend usually in the form of Students with disabilities program arrived in most major college and university.To have left the program early on like you had mentioned would have only been able to be done by your parents. However, most schools would have advised against you leav! ing the Special Ed. program depending on which disability. Most school districts want to make sure that they are servicing students with IEP because of the legality of the situation... for example if you would have been placed back into a mainstream class with no IEP accommodations on your parents recommendations and legal signature and you were failing your parents could have no legal standing to sue the district. Many parents have tried to sue districts feeling that their child hasn't been helped... granted if they are under a IEP they legal have to be serviced but if they omit out of the program... I promise you the district lawyer is sitting in on the meeting when any parent wants to waive their child's IEP....Show more

Emerita Sciandra: My son recently graduated from college in Illinois - we held his transition to college in May of his senior year of HS. The IEP stated that in college he would receive the same supports he had in HS - His teachers were prone to "! graduate" him out of special ed, but I said no way. I don't know if th! is varies from state to state or not. But he went to college, a private college with his IEP in tow. He is dyslexic and ADD. When he entered college I contacted all his teachers and the head of the academic depts. I sent IEP copies to all of his instructors the first two years, after that he felt confident enough to do it himself. He went to college with ... "must be provided with a reader for all tests, books on tape, extended time on tests, teacher notes before tests, teacher's notes of classroom content." All but one teacher complied immediately, and the dean put pressure on the one that wouldn't. When books on tape weren't an option because newer texts can take up to a year to get - the teachers would cut his reading down or tell him specifically what he needed to read. He would come in early to begin his tests or stay late. Written work was difficult - such as papers, but we got permission for him to email the rough draft to the teacher - she/he would mark i! t up, then he would try to fix it or it would be emailed to me at home and I would edit it and send it on to the teacher. It was my understanding that if you go to college with your IEP still intact - that it holds water until you graduate, and he was 22 when he graduated this past May. This was not an easy process as I as his mom had to show him that he needed to be proactive from the beginning and advocate for himself. Many parents I know sent their childs IEP to college before the term started and at the very least they were offered four years of free tutoring. Colleges can be very accommodating if you push them. I think the key is not to lose that IEP before you enter college. Also check with the college and ask for their help before you apply. Good luck - Melanie...Show more

Jackson Esmiol: high schools are mandated to follow the iep b/c its a completly public facility even homeschooled kids are eligable for special ed through the public school system coll! eges while reciving some fedrial funds are not mandated b/c you also pa! y toution and you are old enough to make that decision by law as to weither or not you will take the courses or not

Hal Rouse: the college i went to told me that the accommodations i needed that was stated in all the paperwork wasn't college level accommodations. there's such a thing called JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL i'm guessing that's kinda like JUNIOR COLLEGE, but what i'm thinking its like middle school.the college that i'm gonna be going to has a program for LD students but i wanna know if it even has Special ED classes. at my old college we didn't have that. I want to be w/ the others and not be labelled anymore as a LD student....Show more

Jana Sakasegawa: Like others have expressed, I was elated to find YA's section for Special Education. I've not been here very long but have already bookmarked so many questions & answers. You see, I not only come from a family of Special Education teachers & administrators, but I am also a concerned parent. About these off-top! ic questions, the recent engineering ones in particular- I've heard of "Specialized Engineering". Perhaps that is one reason why questions were placed here incorrectly. Someone could have just quickly scanned the topics & mistook this to be an area for people studying those specialties or pursuing degrees/careers in such. Maybe the powers that be at YA will create an area for something geared toward them, if they haven't already. Perhaps they will label topics more specifically, as bethikinz suggested..or place a text description below each topic. They could also create a section for Special Education (& more) careers. As for the other offbeat questions, yes, I wholly agree with "luvmy4boyz32"... This question should be starred!...Show more

Marquetta Gimm: The one reason that no one mentions here is that the government is required to provide you with a education through high school. They don't have to provide you with a college education there for they can't be made t! o honor an IEP that was mandated in high school. That is why in college! it's up to the student, parents and the school to make sure that accommodations are made and kept.

Cómo hacer un gancho de agarre

Cómo hacer un gancho de agarre

Ata los ganchos juntos. Chorrear la presilla sin clavos desde la parte superior de los tres ganchos entre los ganchos, y atar los tres ganchos firmemente juntos con el fuerte alambre flexible. La fuerza del gancho de agarre depende de que los ganchos se mantengan unidos muy bien.

Sostenga la cuerda a un pie del gancho. Gírelo en un círculo grande alrededor de su cuerpo y suéltelo en el ángulo apropiado para alcanzar el punto de agarre deseado.

Considere la posibilidad de hacer un gancho de agarre con varillas de acero. Esto puede costarle tan poco como $5. Aunque la idea de una grapa es simple, la construcción requiere conocimientos de trabajo de metal, forja y soldadura. Los ganchos deben ser capaces de soportar al menos su peso. Usted necesita unir los ganchos de tal manera que cualquier gancho que muerda, sea tan fuerte como cualqui! er otro. Necesitas crear un lazo o anillo para atar una cuerda que también sea lo suficientemente fuerte para soportar tu peso. Necesitará lo siguiente:

Voltea el gancho de agarre. Use el imán para asegurar el cuarto y último gancho al eje perpendicular a los dos primeros ganchos que haya soldado. El gancho también debe estar en línea con el gancho que soldaste justo antes de éste (el tercer gancho). Suéltelo en su lugar tanto en el lado izquierdo como en el derecho del gancho.

Tira de la cuerda. Usted debe tener los tres ganchos atados juntos con el alambre y la cuerda que baja en una sola línea. Pruebe la cuerda, póngala en su cinturón o relé, y suba!

Doble la pieza en un ángulo de 50 grados a 1.5″ de distancia del extremo no afilado. Repita este paso hasta que tenga 4 ganchos.

Forme una cruz con las llaves. Asegúrate de que parezca una «X» para asegurarte de que se enganche cuando lo lances.

Corte una varilla redonda de ace! ro de 9″ de largo de 5/16″.

Pase la cuerda a través! de los agujeros de los ganchos. Asegúrese de que todos los ganchos estén orientados en la misma dirección. Ate un nudo en forma de ocho y un nudo de tope en el extremo de la cuerda para evitar que ésta se deslice a través de los agujeros.

Haga un gancho de agarre improvisado con una llave inglesa y un cordel. Este es un diseño rápido que puede completar usando materiales de su garaje o con un viaje rápido a una ferretería. Tenga en cuenta que es probable que el hilo no aguante mucho peso, así que evite usar este gancho para trepar. Puede ser más adecuado para objetos que se enganchan. Usted podría usar esto para tirar de una bicicleta de un río o desalojar un frisbee de un árbol. Necesitarás:

Trae dos llaves y un hilo. Si usa cuerda, su gancho de agarre aguantará más peso, pero puede tener problemas para atar la cuerda alrededor de las llaves.

Apunte los ganchos en diferentes direcciones con el mismo espacio entre ellos.

Limpia el g! ancho de agarre. Si quieres, puedes pintarlo con spray.

Ata un pedazo largo de hilo a la cruz que has hecho con las llaves.

Soldar los ganchos. Coloque los primeros 2 ganchos a cada lado del eje, cerca de la parte superior. Suéltelos en su lugar. Luego voltee el gancho de agarre y haga las soldaduras correspondientes en el otro lado.

Considere la posibilidad de anudar la cuerda. Se necesita una fuerza tremenda para transportar el peso corporal, el equipo y el equipo por una cuerda. Una posible solución es atar nudos a varios intervalos en la cuerda para agarrar. Tenga en cuenta que cuanto más gruesa sea la cuerda, más fácil será trepar, pero más difícil será lanzarla. Otra solución serían los mangos deslizantes que utilizan un dispositivo de fricción que se desliza hacia arriba por la cuerda y se agarra una vez que el peso se aplica a través de un estribo (agarre de pie) en un trozo de cuerda.

Considere la posibilidad de hacer un gancho ! de agarre atando los ganchos de metal. Este método es barato, simple y! robusto. Asegúrese de probar el gancho de agarre antes de intentar escalar algo alto. Necesitarás:

Asegúrate de que todo esté bien apretado, y entonces tendrás un gancho de agarre!

Doble la parte inferior de 4″ del eje en un lazo. Haga dos curvas de 90° con una separación de aproximadamente 1,5″, formando una forma de «U» en un extremo del eje. Utilice un tornillo de banco para «pellizcar» las dos piernas rectas de la «U» juntas, formando un bucle. Finalmente, doble el eje en un ángulo de 45° para que quede centrado sobre el lazo.

Haz los ganchos. Corte un pedazo de 5″ de varilla redonda de acero de 5/16″, y use la amoladora para afilar un extremo de la pieza de 5″ en un punto sin filo.

Utilice un imán o sujete el tercer gancho al eje perpendicular a los dos ganchos que haya soldado previamente. Suéltelo en su lugar tanto en el lado izquierdo como en el derecho del gancho.

Suelde el extremo del lazo al eje.

Monday, 25 May 2020

Can you tell me a quotation about Dr. Fried from I never promised you a rose garden?

Patricia Dornbos: Try and google 'quotations' - there are plenty of sites which might be able to help. Sorry I don't know who Dr Fried is, but I remember the old song.

community service school hours toronto?  

community service school hours toronto?  

answers 0:do you know if you can volunteer at a dentists office at reception and filing stuff etc for my school volunteer hours?answers 1:For liability and legal reasons, a dentist office will probably NOT let you "volunteer" -- it's a for-profit business, and therefore, the government frowns on such involving unpaid labor.Here is a place to find volunteering opportunities in Toronto: http://volunteertoronto.on.cahttp://www.idealist.orgYou can always look for nonprofits that provide low cost or non cost dental services, and volunteer with such if they have openings....answers 2:call them up and ask it aint going to hurt. But if you want brownie points i do something like serve soup to homeless or those sorta clichie ways of helping othersanswers 3:and no you don't need a degree to file and answer phones wtf! fffanswers 4:you need a degree...

Sunday, 24 May 2020

I am a UK teacher wanting to relocate to Orlando?

Nicolas Cooley: Here is the web address for the Orange County (Orlando area) school district. You can get in contact with them directly to discuss the credentials and certifications you will need to have. I just want to warn you, Florida is one of the lowest ranking states when it comes to the amount of money spent on students and teacher pay. For the second year in a row, the state government has cut funding to education. I am not too sure how this has affected Orange County but I know that in Broward County (Southeast Florida) has already laid teachers off and Miami-Dade County will lay teachers off in mid October or November. Oh and the state government wants to repeal a class size amendment that was passes and is supposed to go into effect in 2010.I don't mean to sound harsh or negative, I just want to give you the facts about what is going on in Florida....Show more

Carter Dewater: depends on where you want to teach. public schools require t! eaching certification; often, private schools don't. if you're in the UK now, I would recommend looking into the job market in Orlando prior to your move because private schools, which may pay better, can usually set their own standards for the teachers they hire. Public schools offer really good benefits packages, but they are also required to adhere to certification standards set by state law.

Solomon Belback: Good Lord why? You're leaving a perfectly nice cool island to go to bake in the hot, humid sunshine and teach undisciplined, undereducated louts. But if you're serious about it, the first hurdle you'll have to top is getting your teaching certification for the state of Florida. Contact any University there for information on how to go about doing this, they all can provide guidance. Once you have this, you're ready to go short of the immigration hurdles.Good luck to you!...Show more

Saturday, 23 May 2020

What should i put on my job application?

Shena Etulain: Yeah either put cashier or cashier/customer service. That always looks a little better.If you don't have any secondary education just leave that section alone. That would be college and whatnot.For the "how did you hear about us" they want to know how you heard about the job opportunity. So put newspaper ad, in-store flyer, friend, etc.Good luck!...Show more

Ardell Luy: job position? tell them you will start at the bottom and work your way humble. secondary ed.?1= freshman 2=sophomore ect how?say i know what i like.

Cómo pasar de una página a otra en un Mac

Cómo pasar de una página a otra en un Mac

Para pasar de una página a otra en un Mac con el trackpad, coloca dos dedos en el trackpad y deslízalos hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha. Si estás usando un Magic Mouse, coloca un dedo sobre él y deslízalo hacia la izquierda o hacia la derecha. El gesto se puede activar o desactivar desde el menú Preferencias del sistema.

Deslícese de derecha a izquierda para ver la página siguiente.

Haga clic en Preferencias del sistema.

Coloque dos dedos en el trackpad.

Haga clic en la opción Trackpad o Mouse. Seleccione la opción correspondiente al dispositivo que está utilizando. Si no ve el menú principal de Preferencias del Sistema, haga clic primero en el botón Mostrar todo en la parte superior de la pantalla.

Abra una página web en su navegador. Este gesto funciona para cualquier aplicación que te permita nav! egar entre páginas. La manera más fácil de probarlo es en su navegador web.

Haz clic en la pestaña Más gestos.

Deslícese de izquierda a derecha para ver la página anterior.

Deslice el dedo de izquierda a derecha para ver la página anterior.

Haga clic en la casilla «Deslizar entre páginas» para activarla o desactivarla.

Abrir una página web. Pasar de una página a otra funciona mejor en cualquier aplicación que tenga páginas entre las que te muevas. Por ejemplo, si está utilizando un navegador web, esto le llevará de vuelta a su página visitada anteriormente.

Haz clic en el menú Apple. Esto se encuentra en la esquina superior izquierda de la pantalla.

Coloca un dedo en la parte superior de tu Magic Mouse.

Deslícese de derecha a izquierda para ver la página siguiente.

Friday, 22 May 2020

What is a secondary diploma?

Francis Stickle: Secondary education is the stage of education following primary education. Except in countries where only primary or basic education is compulsory, secondary education includes the final stage of compulsory education and in many countries it is entirely compulsory. The next stage of education is usually college or university. Secondary education is characterized by transition from primary education for minors to tertiary, "post-secondary", or "higher" education (e.g., university, vocational school) for adults. Depending on the system, schools for this period or a part of it may be called secondary schools, high schools, gymnasia, lyceums, middle schools, sixth-form, sixth-form colleges, vocational schools and preparatory schools, and the exact meaning of any of these varies between the systems....Show more

Thursday, 21 May 2020

What age did your child start preschool?

Rona Ising: In my area they have to be 4 I believe. I wish not because I would LIKE them to go to pre school together. Im 6 months pregnant and my daughter is 10 months

Luis Farlow: Most schools recommend age 3 to start preschool. That way they are usually potty trained and are able to learn the basic skills needed for kindergarten. Preschool is a great way to pave the road for kindergarten and it gives the kids something to look forward to.

Raul Lushbaugh: My son just started and he's 4. He kept telling me he was ready to go. he did well the first couple of days but this morning got upset b/c i was leaving. He stayed at home with me b4 he went. He's never been to daycare.

Jacques Teri: Hi!My kids started preschool at two and a half and then the school nursery at three. I think you know they're ready when they are becoming bored with the things you do at home and start to become a bit destructive with frustration. Its also great for their social skills! to meet other kids though I must admit, I only put my kids in for two mornings a week to start with as it is a big change for them, and then gradually increased it. You will probably find once he does start preschool, he will be quite tired to begin with until he gets used to the different routine. Three out of my four children settled no problem at preschool but the fourth (not the last) was unsettled right the way through until he went to the school nursery. Can't say I know why but he just wasn't terribly impressed with it full stop!!Hope this helps....Show more

Felicitas Phildor: I forgot to add one more thing...How did you know your child was ready to go to preschool?

Tobie Oshea: I think 2 is too young personally. Mine started at 3 and a half and was barely ready...4 days a week is also too long....a few mornings is plenty. Mine took about 8 months to get used to she is 5 and loves school. I didnt know she was ready really...I just thought it ! was "time" but looking back I could have kept her at home long! er and she would have been fine.

Abel Adger: They don't let them start preschool around my area until they are 3. The daycare I use currently does a preschool program, so when he hits 3, he will be using the preschool program plus daycare.

Comment éviter les erreurs courantes de curriculum vitae

Comment éviter les erreurs courantes de curriculum vitae

Abandonnez la ligne sur les références sur demande. C’est implicite. Bien sûr, si quelqu’un veut une référence, vous en donnerez une. Personne ne présume que vous ne le ferez pas.

Vérifiez les fautes d’orthographe et les fautes de grammaire. C’est une erreur très courante. Il est toujours bon de faire faire une vérification orthographique une fois que vous avez terminé de préparer votre curriculum vitae. Il peut être difficile de repérer ou d’identifier vos propres erreurs, la meilleure façon d’identifier vos erreurs est de faire relire votre CV par quelqu’un d’autre ou en le lisant à haute voix.

Assurez-vous que votre curriculum vitae correspond à l’emploi pour lequel vous postulez. Il est important de rédiger un énoncé objectif pour permettre à l’i! ntervieweur de savoir sur quoi vous vous concentrez. Un objectif doit être clair et doit se concentrer sur l’opportunité d’emploi visée. Assurez-vous qu’il est court et qu’il met l’accent sur votre intérêt pour le type de travail pour lequel vous postulez.

Inclure les mots-clés qui correspondent au poste à pourvoir. Votre curriculum vitae doit inclure les mêmes mots-clés que ceux qui apparaissent dans la liste des emplois. Si votre curriculum vitae ne comporte pas les bons mots-clés, il est peu probable que votre curriculum vitae soit remarqué, car il ne semble pas convenir à cette occasion d’emploi en particulier.

N’incluez pas trop d’informations. Un intervieweur passe environ 30 secondes à lire votre curriculum vitae ; il est donc important de mettre en évidence les renseignements les plus importants sur votre curriculum vitae. Un curriculum vitae devrait contenir de l’information pertinente à l’offre d’emploi. Votre CV ne! doit pas dépasser 1 à 2 pages.

Rédigez des descripti! ons de poste qui montrent ce que vous avez accompli. Il est bon de rédiger des énoncés actifs qui mettent en valeur vos compétences et vos réalisations pertinentes. Si vous avez apporté des contributions importantes et que les améliorations apportées à ce poste comprennent une note rapide à cet effet, vous pouvez l’élaborer au cours de l’entrevue. Cela aidera un employeur potentiel à identifier facilement comment vous avez ajouté de la valeur à votre rôle.

Rappelez-vous que votre curriculum vitae est un document de marketing. Évitez d’être trop modeste. N’ayez pas peur de parler fièrement de vos réalisations, mais n’oubliez pas de ne pas mentionner et de ne pas vous vanter de toutes les réalisations que vous avez eues.

Tenez votre curriculum vitae à jour. Assurez-vous de lire et de mettre à jour votre curriculum vitae pour chaque emploi auquel vous postulez. Il est très important de mettre à jour votre section de compétences, v! otre numéro de téléphone, vos coordonnées, votre adresse, votre emplacement actuel, etc.

Mentionnez les tâches et les compétences les plus pertinentes pour l’emploi pour lequel vous postulez. N’oubliez pas que vous devez démontrer que vous possédez les compétences clés requises pour l’occasion d’emploi en question. Si votre curriculum vitae ne comporte pas ce point, il y a un risque que votre curriculum vitae ne soit pas pris en compte.

Faites preuve de légèreté sur la ligne des intérêts personnels. N’énumérez que les intérêts personnels qui révèlent une qualité qui vous aidera à répondre aux besoins de l’employeur. Si vous êtes dans le marketing sportif, alors n’hésitez pas à indiquer que vous faites du kayak. Si vous êtes un athlète dévoué et/ou un athlète qui réussit, posez-le parce qu’il fait preuve de concentration et d’accomplissement. Si vous êtes un passe-temps médiocre, ne l’utilisez pas. Les intér! êts personnels qui ne vous font pas vous démarquer en tant que person! ne qui réussit ne vous aident pas.

Ne vous concentrez pas sur vos responsabilités, mais sur ce que vous avez accompli. Les seules choses qui devraient figurer sur votre CV sont les réalisations. N’importe qui peut faire son travail, mais seul un petit pourcentage de la population peut bien faire son travail, où qu’il aille.

Gardez la conception simple. Évitez les modèles surutilisés (comme ceux de Microsoft Word) parce qu’ils vous donnent un aspect complètement générique, mais n’utilisez pas plus de trois polices différentes et essayez de respecter deux tailles de texte différentes. Vous voulez qu’il ait l’air intelligent, mais pas générique.

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Okay, homework help. Science, again. About TROUT.?

Clemente Schoeck: A basket of kittens might make my sinuses grab up like a 1964 Rambler engine that in basic terms spilled its final drop of oil on the bingo hall parking zone. A basket of money, on the different hand, might make my sinuses purr like a basket of sadder yet wiser cats, yet this is neither right here nor there. answer: nosireebob!

Delphine Cajka: The trout are trying to survive.They need to stay alive and reproduce. Bears, people, other predators have a harder time catching them if they can't be seen. Look up the word "camoflauge". Websters link: #2)Trout Markings Fishing Info you know that your local library provides homework help? Many libraries offer help with questions like this through chat or im services. Try it out sometime. Examples:! k/...Show more

I'm worried a woman won't date me cause my teeth are modeled and I have a lot of dental problems should I worry? it's not my fault?  

I'm worried a woman won't date me cause my teeth are modeled and I have a lot of dental problems should I worry? it's not my fault?  

answers 0:I have modeled teeth I was born with them which means I have a lot of Dental problems and I'm worried a woman won't Date me it's not my faultanswers 1:Any good dentist can treat mottled teeth and other problems that result in social avoidance.answers 2:Modeled teeth will look healthier, brighter, and cleaner. I would say that is a plus. Smile a lot. 🙂

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Home School transcript?

Jacques Teri: ok. is ti right.

Zora Mazzie: They are going to look at your academic record to see if your academically suited for their education program. Yes, your attendance from your eighth grade year will be a factor, as will your medical issues relating to those absences. Your current education level will also be a factor in deciding whether or not you are suited to attend their school.Often, children who have been home schooled are behind their peers academically and socially. Because you have been in attendance of a regular school, with the exception of this year, the social aspect should not be an issue for you. The academic aspect, however, is something that can only be evaluated once you begin general education again....Show more

Shaun Rapkowicz: They will probably do a background check on your grades.

I think Chuck and I are baby sitting my great grand daughter shouln't we get a note from them?  

I think Chuck and I are baby sitting my great grand daughter shouln't we get a note from them?  

answers 0:So that we can get her to a hospital if she has a flare up? She swells up terribly, it can also cause swelling even in her esophagus. My grand daughter and her hubby really do need some relaxtion time for a few hours and we are willing to help. She is a good baby and very funny, but when the flare ups occur, she has to go to a hospital immediatly. Would a permission note from them be notorized or what to give us legal perission?answers 1:I would not recommend any if you are serious. I have been greatly disappointed with the caliber of question and the immaturity of most being asked; as well as the hostility and vindictiveness that I have seen on the site.answers 2:I would suggest that you give up using YA entirely and get star! ted on Facebook. The atmosphere is much more friendly and the participants range from funny to silly to serious. It's also a good way to get in touch with people you haven't heard from in years. I like playing some of the games on there too.answers 3:Absolutely. There are some forms, perhaps you can find something online. You would need their notarized authorization for you to act in their stead when they cannot be reached. This should include medical decisions required by the treating facility. You need only do it once, then be sure it is in your purse whenever she is in your care.answers 4:Here in the US you can pick up a paper authorizing medical treatment for providers, and the parents or guardian can sign it.answers 5:I was deleted for saying trolls are responsible and should be reported. I guess the trolls are the new PC group. I notice most of the answers on seniors are from people that are not seniors. I wish I could find another site this one makes me! swers 6:When I keep my grandson my daughter leaves his insuran! ce card and all of his DRs info and medical history. She leaves me a note for emergencies and I'm on the doctors listanswers 7:I go most often to R

Monday, 18 May 2020

How does America think it can compete with China with leaders who have high school educations?

Scot Sepulbeda: The majority of Americans value a good education, but there is also a tendency towards complacency not found in hungrier countries.

Andra Oger: If you waste your money on learning nonmarketable skills then no one will hire you. It isn't that hard to figure out.

Elaina Adolfson: No way. The federal minimum salary is a few thing like $7.50 consistent with hour, and that quantity will in basic terms slightly sustain existence, devoid of authentic high quality. i assume that if some form of slavery have been carried out, you could desire to rigidity your slaves to stay in extremely substandard circumstances, yet they nonetheless could consume, and, as your assets, their healthcare could grow to be your responsibilty (ill or ineffective slaves stitch no footwear). you may homestead them and textile them besides, which i could assume could additionally be substandard, yet could fee some thing, none the less. we could no longer ignore that if we make! circumstances too undesirable, our slaves will rebellion or run away, so some high quality of existence, although minor, could be afforded. i could think of that paying somebody minnimum salary could actualy be decrease priced than conserving that very same guy or woman as a slave. it is whats referred to as "financial servitude", and that i'm helpful the chinese language are properly conscious of it....Show more

Ricardo Rozelle: We do have the best country in the world and will continue to have the best, and it will be better when Obama and the dimwitted Democrats are voted out of office.A Harvard education in law does not educate one to have common sense does it? Its very evident that Obama does NOT have any common sense, when more than HALF of the population are against his socialistic agenda...Show more

Debora Rinderer: Not where I come from. Education, intelligence, success was highly valued amongst the youth and adults of our area. Most Americans who ! are assets have those values. Most people who are worth some! thing to this society value education. By the way, what political leader you are complaining about only have a HS diploma?By the way, good thing you are off the military board. We were tired of you complaining like a little girl there, now you can complain like a little girl here. Whoa, looks like you just dropped the race card with your edit on your avatar. Way to go, you just discredited your argument.EDIT: Are you kidding me? Most Americans want a leader who is well educated and experienced. Provide a source for your rant!...Show more

Ollie Hamiel: This makes no sense at all, what leader do we have with only a high school diploma?

Dominic Sciancalepore: President Obama went to Columbia and Harvard. I believe he respects education.

Stanton Valdivia: I live in Japan, you have no idea how seriously they take education.It's an obsession.

Elfreda Grossen: I live in a low-income area? Wow, I wonder why you would think something like that...looks! at avatar.

Leisa Brodnex: I didn't mean LITERALLY had high school educations. It seems like Americans want leaders who don't seem like they ever got college educations.

Labrador Retrievers?  

Labrador Retrievers?  

answers 0:What do you know about labs? (their personalities, demeanor, health problems they are prone to, what they like to do etc.) We just got a puppy black lab a month ago and Google is sometimes no help.answers 1:I have 2 labs a yellow and a black. Labs are very good family pets. kids can go and play and cuddle with them and they don't mind it. They have great personalities! They are pretty trainable too. I trained mine to get the newspaper!!!!!!!! but make sure if you want your lab to be friendly when it's eating get your face like down with your pup when it's eating so it gets used to kids in it's face and messing w/it when it's eating. make sure you fix your puppy also pounds are overflowing! Labs were bred to fetch things. they are also sometimes quite spiteful. especially when they are young. anyway always REMEMBER TH! AT IT IS WAY EASIER TO TRAIN LABS AS PUPPIES THEN TO DO IT WHEN THEY GET OLDER!!!!☺ trust me my black lab has been trained since a pup and listens way better than my yellow lab which we rescued. but always remember to never give up! GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR NEW PUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ♥ YOUR LAB FOREVER! OH! and labs ♥ to dig,swim,chew be trained and play! chew toys are a must !...answers 2:I agree with the first answer, my black lab just turned 4 March 31 and he is still a big baby. He loves everything. Animals, people it doesn't matter. Hip dysplasia is the biggest worry for labs. Mine loves swimming and car rides I cannot say enough good about this breed. I've never had a better dog. He's not a big barker so when he does it's for a reason and his size and the deep bark tend to scare some people. Tucker is a very high energy dog he loves to run and play so be prepared for lots of exercise with yours. Congratulations and enjoy....answers 3: http://www.! is a site w/great info on ! the breed, it's temperament, and health issues.on a personal note i would recommend that you get a TON of chew toys. labs love to chew! (and puppies loose baby teeth).i would avoid raw hides at this ages cause they can hurt their gums. and go for a heavy duty rubber toy like a KONG, you can stuff treats into the KONG or peanut butter for some fun...make the dog work for it's treat (it also stimulates his mind).labs puppy hood last a LONG time, about 3 yrs on average so dont expect him/her to settle down after the age of 1yr like some dogs....i would also recommend getting your pup spayed or neutered at 6 months.labs also LOVE to dig!!! easy solution to keeping your yard from looking like you have an ongoing swimming pool excavation going on is to build a doggie sand box. bury toys and treats in the sand for him to find. bury them while he watches you...he'll get the idea. other than that...long walks are great for this breed, they usually also LOVE water, so maybe a trip to! a river, lake or beach....answers 4:I have 3 Labs. 2 10 y/o's and a 5 y/o. They do calm down, usually around 2 years of age. Socialization and obedience training are a must. Have plenty of things the pup is allowed to chew on. If not he/she will find anything to get it's little teeth into. They can be little, hairy barracudas as puppies.Exercise, exercise, exercise. A tired Lab puppy is a happy puppy(and owner).Check out There is a lot of info there....answers 5:you first answerer was good but just because her Lab loves poeple doesn't mean all will make sure you socialize your dog early. They are on the top 10 most fatal dog attack breeds. All dogs need socialized.answers 6:awww i have one too :)anyway...labs LOVE people, i hope you weren't looking for a guard dog. Mine wants to say hi to everyone who walks by so walking can be a challenge sometime. She is a total sweetheart and wants to be wherever i am, i feel bad sometimes because if we had a ! long play day and she's tired every time i get up she'll get up and fol! low me even though she's tired. they are very intelligent, but can also be very stubborn. I had absolutely no problem crate training her.She also just discovered swimming (she's 10 months old) and i hopefully want to get her involved in dock diving. I call her half hound dog also because she is a big time sniffer.they are great with people as i have said above so you shouldn't have any problems with strangers or anything. Some labs also stay "puppies" for most of their lives so be prepared.As far as health problems, they are prone to hip dysplasia, so maybe ask the history of the dogs parents and their hip rating, you can also get your puppy rated. Mine is prone to ear infections, as all floppy eared dogs are, i know i should clean her ears more, but she can't stand it and runs and puts up a huge fight so only gets her ears cleaned when she goes to the groomers....answers 7:Labrador's are one of America's most popular breeds. From thier charming demenor to thier genera! l happy go lucky attitude, they are generally accepted as a great family pet. They are very energetic dogs that require a good deal of exercise. Unfortunately, the quality of the breed has declined in the puppies available to the general public so where they were very intellegent, many are not quite as bright. This breed of dog requires a lot of obedience training. They need to have a lot of energy run off of them and are also prone to obesity. Common health problems include hip and elbow dysplasia, retinal detatchment, ear infections, aural hematomas, cataracts, Luxating patellas, torn/ruptured cruciate ligaments, gastric torsion and bloat, and muscular dystrophy. As I mentioned moments ago, OBESITY. Generally, they are good dogs with people and other animals, but if they are not properly disiplined and trained, they can and will destroy personal property, pull on a lead, disobey commands, become aggressive, chase cats, and other common problems in dog that have not ! been taught otherwise. I know it is difficult to believe your happy, s! weet, slobbery kissing, tail wagging puppy could be aggressive, but any dog has a potential to be aggressive, it is simply the training put forth by the owner that dictates the puppy's attitude as a grown dog.Remember this: Everytime your dog does something you think is sweet or cute now, I want you to picture your 60-120 pound full grown dog doing to you or even to a stranger. Is it still cute and sweet, or do those bigger teeth seem a bit more intimidating than the needles your puppy is currently sporting?So labs are great dogs. I had one myself, but it died from gastric torsion. They are great companions, but thier breed has been bred for commercial use rather than improvement or even maintaining the breed standard. Check with your puppies breeder to see how much of history of the major problems I mentioned above run in the line. You can also ask for the damn and sire's hip, elbow, and eye scores (which you would typically do before buying the puppy). Here's a lin! k to a good review of the breed, attitude, and major health issues with the breed: the information I provided was of some help to you!...

Sunday, 17 May 2020

Is there an Act for the disabled in higher education?

Sol Allphin: The Act that covers children is Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and for adults is the HIgher Education Act. The Higher Education Act of 1965 was reauthorized in 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1986, 1992, 1998, and 2008. It expires at the end of 2013. The ADA deals with school building and program access in Title III and includes all schools from preschools to post graduate institutions , except private religious schools.

Wilfredo Muldoon: The ADA helps people that are in college. The college is supposed to be accessible and give reasonable accommodations.

Comment jouer au Marco Polo

Comment jouer au Marco Polo

Fixez les limites. Blind tag, à défaut d’un meilleur terme, joué dans la piscine, est comme Marco Polo, sauf que les gens qui ne le sont pas sont encouragés à ne pas faire de bruit. Le jeu doit rester dans la partie peu profonde. Si vous le pouvez, attachez une ligne pour séparer l’extrémité profonde de la piscine de l’extrémité peu profonde de la piscine.

Décidez qui sera « lui ». Vous pouvez choisir au hasard, vous pouvez tous crier, « 1, 2, 3, pas ça ! » ou vous pouvez laisser quelqu’un qui veut être le premier. Peu importe qui commence, et il y a des chances que tout le monde ait son tour.

Les Polos doivent s’éloigner de Marco pour éviter de se faire prendre. Si vous fuyez Marco, alors vous devriez être rapide sur vos pieds, prêt à fuir à tout moment. Vous pouvez aussi aller sous l’eau et nager dans une autre direction après avoir criÃ! © « Polo » pour embrouiller Marco. S’il est près de vous, changez le chemin que vous empruntiez pour le déstabiliser.

Choisis une personne pour être « Marco ». Cette personne va essayer d’attraper tout le monde. « Marco » peut aussi être connu sous le nom de « Ça ». Pensez à c’est comme jouer une variante de tag â€" dans l’eau ! La personne qui est « Marco » doit avoir les yeux fermés tout le temps.

Dites à Marco de crier « Marco » pendant que tout le monde répond en criant « Polo. » Marco peut crier « Marco » aussi souvent qu’il le souhaite. Entendre les autres joueurs répondre « Polo » peut l’aider à savoir où ils se trouvent, lui permettant de nager ou de se rapprocher des autres.

Décidez des règles. Combien de temps la personne « it » devra-t-elle compter avant que le jeu puisse commencer ? S’agit-il d’un « tagging » si la personne qui est « elle » marque la personne avec son! pied ? Les joueurs qui ne sont pas « it » peuvent-ils sor! tir de l’eau ou doivent-ils rester dans la piscine ?

Jouez jusqu’à ce que la prochaine personne soit étiquetée. Puisque le jeu sera calme, la personne qui est  » elle  » devrait essayer de savoir où se trouvent les gens par les sons qu’ils font dans l’eau. Il peut aussi entendre des gens ricaner ou respirer de façon aléatoire à proximité. C’est dur de rester complètement silencieux dans l’eau ! La personne doit juste faire attention à ne pas se déplacer trop vite, et doit garder ses bras devant elle, pour éviter de tomber dans les murs.

Quand Marco marque quelqu’un, il ou elle devient le nouveau Marco et le jeu recommence. Une fois que Marco aura marqué une personne, il ou elle deviendra le nouveau Marco, et le joueur fermera les yeux, comptera jusqu’à dix et se préparera à marquer tous les Polos une fois de plus. Continuez à jouer au jeu aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez â€" cela ne prend généralement que quelques mi! nutes à Marco pour baliser quelqu’un et pour que le plaisir commence dès le début !

Marco devrait suivre les sons des autres personnes et essayer de les marquer. Vous pouvez nager ou simplement marcher dans l’eau. Pour rester en sécurité, gardez vos mains devant vous. Vous ne voulez pas vous heurter soudainement à un mur. Vous pouvez même garder une main sur le bord de la piscine lorsque vous vous déplacez, pour savoir où vous êtes. De plus, si vous marchez, faites attention à marcher dans les profondeurs et assurez-vous d’être prêt à nager.

Faites compter sous l’eau la personne qui en est la cause. Typiquement, la personne devrait compter jusqu’à 10. Il ou elle peut aussi compter au-dessus de l’eau si c’est le mieux. Quand le décompte est terminé, le plaisir peut commencer ! Les autres personnes devraient profiter de ce temps pour prendre une position tactique, pas trop ouverte, mais pas trop coincée, et aussi loin que possible d! e  » l’endroit « . Contrairement à Marco Polo, il n’y a pas de! cris ni de paroles, et les gens qui s’échappent doivent essayer d’être aussi silencieux que possible.

Dites à Marco de compter jusqu’à dix avant de chercher qui que ce soit. Tous les joueurs devraient commencer dans la piscine. Marco devrait se tenir debout, en comptant jusqu’à dix, donnant aux joueurs suffisamment de temps pour se disperser. Ils voudront s’éloigner le plus possible de Marco pour éviter de se faire prendre, à moins qu’il ne s’agisse de joueurs à risque qui aiment vivre sur le fil ! Une fois qu’il a compté jusqu’à dix, il peut commencer à chercher des gens, mais il doit garder les yeux fermés.

Saturday, 16 May 2020

Will it hurt my financial aid?

Carter Dewater: No it doesn't. Financial aid is about income not grades. As long as they find it necessary to pay for you, they will contribute.

Billie Bratchett: Well, financial aid from the government is typically figured on a yearly basis, not a term-by-term basis. You have a certain number of credits you need per year, not per term. So if one term you have fewer credits than you need, you can usually make up for it during the other terms in the year for which you are receiving aid. If you're at the minimum amount of credits, I wouldn't recommend dropping the course just because you don't need it (don't you believe in education aside from the required courses?) because you never know what will happen in the future that could affect your credits.Also, if you drop the course and get an F for the class your term GPA will be low (even if like you said your cumulative GPA isn't horribly affected), which could put you on academic warning or probation. If you are on a! cademic warning or probation too long, your financial aid is cut. Although you probably wouldn't lose financial aid so long as your cumulative GPA stays up, even if you had a bad term or term. Again, you just don't know what will happen in the future and it's best to keep yourself in a good position now just in case.In short - my advice is to stay with the class (especially since you're already taking the minimum credits and I presume that means your course load isn't unbearable). It looks better on your transcript (grad school? jobs?) and it never hurts to have a cushion in your gpa and credit requirements in case something happens - you really never know!Good luck!...Show more

Clemente Schoeck: Start with you FA advisor. Most schools will want you to take at least 9 credit hours to recieve partial FA. You should also finish your class. If you dotn ned it fine but if you get a good grade in the class it will only benefit your GPA because when it is time ot get a job ! you can say you graduated with more hours then the min. It mak! es you look like an go getter. Also you question depends on whether you are a MA or BA student, Lets assume your working on your BA. If you drop the class after the 50% mark you are goign to pay for that class anyway. If you drop before that it is around 25%, ull be charged. Why dont you just take an absence for medical purposes. This will just suspend things but will not drop you from school and will not mess up your FA. ...Show more

Faviola Dewire: You cannot register as independent. Are you 24, a ward of the state, or in graduate school? If so, than you can. If not than you have to register as dependent. But you can talk to your financial aid office about your personal situation and tell them that you fully support yourself to see what they can do/

Leisa Brodnex: If your financial aid is from the government, in the form of grant and loans, then no it won't hurt it. If your financial aid is in the form of a scholarship, there might be some clause that one F ! will mean losing your scholarship. Even if your cumulative GPA remains above the required GPA there might be some consequences because of the semester's GPA. An F will look bad on your transcript no matter how high your GPA remains.

Does TiVo have its own channels? Can i have TiVo instead of Dish Network?

Mitchell Pickens: yes u can

Luana Carothers: Tivo is a set top box which does not have its own channels. It is like a VCR only hard drive based. It is very similar to any DVR (dish network, etc), only there is a subscription fee (i think it is about 10 dollars per month), in addition to the cost of the box itself (200-500 dollars). A much cheaper alternative is to simply get a dvr (same basic thing as tivo) from your cable company or from dish network. For what its worth, the dish network DVR has been rated very highly by various reviewers and has a high capacity (all models have at least 100 hours of record time). There is typically no exta charge for the DVR from dish network as long as you subscribe to lots of channels from them or, I think, if you plug a phone line into the box (which is a good thing anyway, as it allows caller id to come up on your tv screen when someone calls your home phone)....Show more

Devon Kalberer: Tivo is way better than havi! ng Dish... but you do need a cable provider ..TiVO is not its own provider

Esteban Lyson: tivo actually doesnt. it records your hd and normal channles. its basically a fancy way of recording and saving

Clemente Schoeck: ok well you xan have direct tv w/ tivo. it comes with the remote. so if yoyu want that then you should call your dish provider. - Best of luckMaddie

Bennie Lantgen: yes tivo provides channels.

Virgil Loatman: Comcast, Dish, DirecTV, Time Warner all provide their own DVR equipment for use on their network but they are not universal. You cannot use a Comcast DVR on a Dish system or any other combination.You do not get to own the DVR from these companies. It is their property and even if you have shows recorded if they demand the box back you must return it to them.These Locked DVRs do not allow you to transfer video to your PC or give you any additional features.This is were a Tivo and a Locked DVR differ.Tivo is the premium ! digital video recorder (DVR).When you buy a Tivo you own it. T! ivo is universally compatible. In conjunction with a cable box or dish box your Tivo will work with any cable or satellite provider.Think of a DVR as a VCR without tape.Does your VCR provide you TV service? No.The Tivo service is to maintain the software and TV guide of a Tivo system.Tivo provides special content not available to the rest of the public. Behind-the-scenes of new movies, ability to download movies from and play them instantly, Tivo Desktop to allow you to copy your favorite shows to your PC and burn them to disc, play music from your networked PC, watch pictures and movies downloaded from your PC, etc.Tivo service - fee to provide you with up-to-the-minute updates for TV guide listings, software updates, bonus content and other features.Tivo Series 3 HD - Brand, model and type of DVR recorder. It's a Tivo brand, model Series 3 or 3rd generation, with HD recording ability. This is the DVR device....Show more

Rashad Marecki: NO, TIVO Is a piece! of hardware only, it does not recieve tv stations it will just record them off of the cable provider you already have

Gennie Shauer: If you want a DVR you can order one from Dish Network. They also provide HD-DVRs

Comment utiliser Google Inbox sur un ordinateur

Comment utiliser Google Inbox sur un ordinateur

Trouvez les courriels envoyés entre vos alias de courriel. Une erreur courante qui se produit avec votre application Inbox concerne les alias Gmail. Pour éviter tout encombrement excessif, la Boîte de réception n’achemine pas les messages que vous envoyez vers votre propre alias. Vous devriez pouvoir trouver ces messages sous les onglets « Courrier envoyé » ou « Tous les messages ».

Naviguez jusqu’à la boîte de réception sur le navigateur Internet de votre ordinateur. La disposition de la boîte de réception de votre ordinateur est généralement la même que celle de votre téléphone, à quelques exceptions près :

Configurez votre application Inbox. Vous aurez besoin de le télécharger soit sur votre appareil Android (version 4.1 et plus) ou iPhone (iOS7 et plus) en tant qu’application. Téléchargez ! l’application et connectez-vous à l’aide de votre compte Gmail, sinon vous ne pourrez pas y accéder sur votre bureau.

Connectez-vous à votre compte. Assurez-vous que c’est le même compte que celui que vous utilisez avec votre application Inbox. L’utilisation d’un autre alias Gmail à la place de l’adresse e-mail que vous avez utilisée pour vous inscrire à Inbox vous empêchera de vous connecter.

Téléchargez Chrome, Safari ou Firefox. L’application Google Inbox n’est disponible sur le bureau que via ces navigateurs. Assurez-vous d’avoir la version la plus récente de votre navigateur en vérifiant la version de votre navigateur sur

Allez sur le site Web de la boîte de réception. Vous devrez visiter cette page Web sur votre ordinateur pour accéder à la boîte de réception sur votre PC. Assurez-vous d’avoir d’abord configuré votre application Inbox sur votre appareil Android ou iPhone ; si vous ne le faites! pas, vous ne pourrez pas y accéder sur le navigateur Interne! t de votre ordinateur.

Utilisez les hangouts si désiré. Google Inbox for desktop dispose d’un menu Hangouts déjà intégré. Cliquez sur la bulle dans le coin supérieur droit pour accéder à vos conversations.

Profitez du traitement des courriels de votre boîte de réception sur votre ordinateur. Si vous avez besoin d’autres conseils pour connaître toutes les fonctionnalités de la boîte de réception, consultez la rubrique Comment utiliser Google Inbox.

Friday, 15 May 2020


Leif Andreason: the HD one specifically

Donnell Mollo: $12.95 a month or like $2 a month for a lifetime subscription...Tivo is great. I have nothing but good things to say about tivo...You can even hook it up to your internet with a router... you can download pics and music to your tivo box. Also you can schedule to record shows from your computer.. Even without using a router it is still really cool. I have a tivo that only records 40 hours worth of shows but Ive been having it for a few years, and I think that the newer boxes record at least twice that....Show more

Comment comparer les fractions

Comment comparer les fractions

p>Comparer des fractions signifie regarder deux fractions et déterminer laquelle est la plus grande. Pour comparer les fractions, tout ce que vous avez à faire est de faire en sorte qu’elles aient le même dénominateur et ensuite voir quelle fraction a le plus grand numérateur â€" cela vous dira quelle fraction est la plus grande. Le plus délicat est de savoir comment s’assurer que les fractions ont les mêmes dénominateurs, mais cela n’a pas besoin d’être si difficile. Si vous voulez savoir comment comparer des fractions, suivez simplement ces étapes.

Trouvez un dénominateur commun. Pour pouvoir comparer les fractions, vous devrez trouver un dénominateur commun qui vous permettra de déterminer quelle fraction est la plus grande. Si vous additionnez et soustrayez des fractions avec des dénominateurs différents, il serait alors préférable de trouver le plus petit! dénominateur commun pour les fractions. Mais comme vous ne faites que comparer les fractions, vous pouvez simplement prendre un raccourci et multiplier les dénominateurs des deux fractions pour trouver le dénominateur commun.

Déterminer si les fractions ont ou non le même dénominateur. C’est la première étape de la comparaison des fractions. Le dénominateur est le nombre au bas de la fraction et le numérateur est le nombre en haut. Par exemple, les fractions 5/7 et 9/13 n’ont pas le même dénominateur, parce que 7 ne correspond pas à 13, vous devrez donc prendre quelques mesures pour les comparer.

Comparez les numérateurs des fractions. Celui dont le numérateur est le plus grand est la fraction la plus grande. Ainsi, la fraction 65/91 est supérieure à 63/91 parce que 65 est supérieure à 63. Cela signifie que la fraction originale, 5/7, est supérieure à 9/13.

Modifiez les numérateurs des fractions. Maintenant que vous avez changé ! les dénominateurs des fractions à 91, vous devrez changer le! s numérateurs pour que la valeur des fractions reste la même. Pour ce faire, vous devrez multiplier le numérateur de chaque fraction par le même nombre que celui par lequel vous avez multiplié le dénominateur pour obtenir 91. Voilà comment faire :

Thursday, 14 May 2020

DirectTv DVR... I set it to record Survivor last night but it didn't.?

Bethanie Menden: You can watch the whole episode here while you learn how to work your DVR.

Gus Leiby: I have never had a program disappear from the "to do" list without a reason. Go to the recording hisory and see if there is any explanation for removal of a progam. Sometimes programs get cancelled; if they are removed from the schedule by the network or TV station, it will disappear from the list, but there should be an explanation in recording history. Are you sure noone else is fooling around with your DVR? Which DVR is it? Mine is a TiVo made by Sony.

Patricia Dornbos: i'm not sure but you can view last night's episode on

Tomi Vauters: You set it up wrong. Read the directions. Good Luck ! :)

Anibal Scheid: Direct TV

Comment réinitialiser une alarme de voiture d’usine

Comment réinitialiser une alarme de voiture d’usine

p>Bien qu’utiles, les alarmes de voiture semblent souvent être plus une nuisance qu’une aide. Ils se déclenchent de façon imprévisible, refusent de s’éteindre et font sursauter tout le quartier. Parce que la sécurité de votre véhicule est importante, vous pouvez apprendre quelques méthodes pour dépanner les problèmes d’alarme de voiture. En quelques étapes simples, vous pouvez assurer la sécurité et le bon fonctionnement de votre véhicule.

Réparez une alarme qui se déclenche lorsque vous allumez la voiture. Vous pourriez avoir besoin d’une nouvelle batterie. Désactivez l’alarme en retirant le fusible de l’alarme, puis amenez la voiture à l’atelier. Ils peuvent vérifier votre batterie et continuer à partir de là si le problème vient du système d’alarme.

T! rouvez le système d’alarme. Si vous avez une alarme de voiture d’usine, consultez votre manuel du propriétaire comme guide. Le système d’alarme se trouve habituellement sous le capot, près du volant. Si vous avez une alarme de voiture après-vente, elle peut être installée dans n’importe quelle partie de la voiture, mais les compagnies l’installent habituellement sous le volant.

Réinitialiser la centrale d’alarme. Repérez le système d’alarme et le transmetteur ; consultez votre manuel du propriétaire pour connaître l’emplacement exact. Appuyez sur l’interrupteur de réinitialisation ou éteignez-le et rallumez-le.

Débranchez la batterie. Ouvrez le capot et localisez la batterie. l’aide d’une clé à douille, dévissez la borne négative (-) de la batterie et retirez-la. Il s’agit d’une mesure de sécurité ; il peut être dangereux de toucher à l’électronique d’un véhicule.

Déverrouillez la voiture manuellement! . Si la télécommande d’alarme ne fonctionne pas, utilisez ! la touche directement. Souvent, l’ouverture de la porte arrête l’alarme. Si la porte du côté conducteur ne se déverrouille pas, essayez la porte passager.

Retirez le fusible d’alarme. Ceci devrait à la fois faire taire l’alarme et la mettre hors service jusqu’à ce que le fusible soit remplacé. Trouvez le fusible d’alarme dans la boîte à fusibles. Retirez-le et mettez le fusible dans un sac en plastique. Vous pouvez le ranger dans votre boîte à gants pour le conserver en lieu sûr.

Débranchez la batterie. Si l’alarme retentit toujours après le dépannage initial, vous voudrez arrêter la sirène le plus rapidement possible. Les alarmes de voiture reposent sur le composant électronique du véhicule, et le débranchement de la batterie devrait à la fois faire taire la sirène et réinitialiser votre alarme. Ouvrez le capot, localisez la batterie et, à l’aide d’une clé, retirez la borne négative. Puis rebranchez-le après une minu! te.

Rebranchez la batterie et testez la voiture. Après avoir tiré un fil, rebranchez la batterie pour vous assurer que l’alarme ne se déclenche pas de nouveau. Allumez votre voiture et faites tourner le moteur. Vous voulez vous assurer que la voiture peut encore fonctionner.

Utilisez les trucs les plus courants. Les alarmes de voiture d’usine ont quelques protocoles de réinitialisation simples pour aider à désactiver une alarme. La plupart des astuces reposent sur l’utilisation de la clé dans la porte ; simplement dit, beaucoup d’alarmes de voiture d’usine ont un capteur de porte, donc travailler avec la porte pourrait être la solution idéale pour une solution rapide.

Vérifiez si l’alarme est la raison pour laquelle votre voiture ne s’arrête pas. Quand une voiture refuse de démarrer, la plupart des gens passent par une série de vérifications pour trouver le problème. Après toutes les vérifications ne mènent à aucune solutio! n, pensez à vérifier l’alarme de la voiture. Certaines alarmes sont! câblées avec le contact comme mesure antivol. Essayez de désactiver ou de réinitialiser l’alarme, puis essayez de démarrer votre voiture.

Allumez votre voiture. Mettez la clé sur le contact et allumez la voiture. Si l’alarme ne s’éteint pas, essayez d’allumer et d’éteindre les phares du tableau de bord plusieurs fois sans faire monter le régime du moteur.

Diagnostiquer une alarme qui ne se déclenche jamais. Verrouillez votre voiture électroniquement à l’aide de la télécommande, si vous en avez une. Appuyez manuellement sur la goupille de verrouillage de la porte si la télécommande n’enclenche pas la serrure ou si vous n’avez pas de télécommande. Utilisez votre télécommande ou cliquez sur le bouton « lock » de la porte côté conducteur pour enclencher la serrure. Si cela ne fonctionne pas :

Cherchez un mécanicien si les problèmes persistent. Si aucune de ces méthodes de réinitialisation ne fonctionne, essayez de! parler à un mécanicien ou à un concessionnaire. S’ils peuvent reconnaître les problèmes par téléphone, la solution pourrait être simple. Toutefois, un diagnostic plus poussé pourrait être nécessaire en personne.

Réparez une alarme qui se déclenche de façon aléatoire. Vos capteurs d’alarme sont mal calibrés. Vous devrez les ajuster pour qu’ils ne continuent pas à causer des problèmes chaque fois qu’un chien se brosse les dents contre la voiture. Pour ce faire, reportez-vous à votre manuel d’utilisation sous la rubrique « Système d’alarme ». La plupart des voitures peuvent être recalibrées pour être moins sensibles sans aller au garage. Il existe deux types de commandes de capteurs d’alarme :

Appuyez sur les touches « panique » ou sur les touches de votre télécommande porte-clés pour arrêter l’alarme. Parce que le bouton « panique » peut déclencher l’alarme de la voiture, il peut aussi l’arrêter. En app! uyant sur la touche « déverrouillage » ou sur la touche « coffre!  », vous pouvez arrêter l’alarme de la voiture car elle désarme le système de sécurité de la voiture.

Comprendre les bases d’un système d’alarme. Les systèmes d’alarme se composent de quelques composants.

Parlez à un concessionnaire ou à un mécanicien. La désactivation d’une alarme de voiture peut être une solution temporaire avant de faire appel à un professionnel de l’assistance automobile. Cependant, n’oubliez pas que les alarmes de voiture sont conçues pour être antivol et, lorsqu’elles sont trafiquées, certains systèmes empêchent un véhicule de démarrer par mesure de sécurité.

Débranchez les fils. Certaines unités de commande d’alarme ont des étiquettes pour chaque fil. Enlever les fils reliés à l’unité de contrôle et enlever les fils reliés à la sirène sont deux façons de désactiver et de faire taire votre alarme.

Wednesday, 13 May 2020

sky tv codes for mirai tv?

Alonso Crehan: This is a bit specialist to appear on my site but I have seen the following codes suggested before depending on the model of TV and version of Sky;0533, 1442, 981 (with this one you need to press TV and hold down select plus the red button til the red light blinks twice, key in 981 and it should blink twice) and 0442 which you've already tried.

Dorine Nurre: Put n code blinked 2 still not working

My husband wants to join the army...there are no jobs around here. What are the pros  

My husband wants to join the army...there are no jobs around here. What are the pros  

answers 0:My husband would like to go to the concerns are taking my oldest daughter somewhere that she can't see her father(my husband is not her father) and being alone in some different state all by myself. Please if you have experience with this give me some advice. Thank you! Are there any good websites for talking to other Army wives??answers 1:Here are a couple of websites with some resources and info that might help. and The military can ba a though life but there are also a lot of benefits that come with it.answers 2:Many of us in this section have served or are serving in the Army and other branches. Naturally we will be biased. Hopefully we will all be biased in a positive manner! . We chose to serve our country for many reasons and all of them are good. That shouldn't be in dispute. But the main point is that we chose to join and many have made careers out of it. That speaks a lot to the type of life you have in the Army. I have served 24 years and have earned three degrees while serving. I have traveled around the world and brought my children with me almost every step of the way. They benefited greatly by seeing so much of the world. Your daughter being separated from her biological father could be difficult for her, but there are benefits to consider. Your husband can not only learn new skills and acquire many benefits while he is in service, but you also can use certain military benefits to improve yourself and possibly make yourself more attractive to future employers....answers 3:The Good outweighs the Bad. The Pro's to joining the Army is: Healthcare, Dental, Steady Paycheck that does increase every year most of the time, Army Retirement whic! h is one of the best in the US, Free College and the GI Bill (! College Money) is now transferable to Children like your daughter.The Cons are: Yes he may deploy. Yes you may not see him for 2 weeks because of some Army BS Training. That's about the only cons I have.. LolI have been an Army Wife for only 3 years but I love this life and I love knowing our bills are paid every month and that we have a beautiful home and food on the table. My Mother is a Nurse, which is supposedly one of the safest jobs to have in the Civilian world, she is top of the line, awards and all, masters degree and even she is scared for her job right now. So you just have to weigh your options. If he does the Army and hates it after his first "term" then he can get out and try to do something else... I'll post some sites for you....answers 4:Guaranteed pay check, and benefits, housing for your family, and free utilities if it's base housing. Yes, you may move to be with him, and have to move your daughter away from her dad. But, you don't have to. He will get ! BEQ money for his family, to help you with rent and utilities wherever you are. He will most likely be sent overseas right away, which could be a good thing for you and your daughter, because you can go with him to most places, and experience a different culture. If he is sent to Iraq or Afghanistan you can not go, but he will make a good deal more money. Of course that puts him in the war, and war is war. You would have to make friends or be alone. Side effects of not going with him. Women in the Army are pretty free with whom they sleep with married or not. Know this from first hand experience unfortunately. Which is why I'm going through a divorce. My soon to be ex is in the Army. Also foreign women are always looking to hook up with American GI's so they have a chance to come to the US, so it's fairly easy for him to meet women. Military life can be tough especially for kids if you move around a lot. But, it can also be good, because you experience different walks of li! fe. The Army recruiter should be able to give you some ideas on how to ! contact other Army wives. If he is going he might consider the Air Force, since the likely hood of staying state side at one base for entire carrier is pretty good. I was a Marine, and went to Korea, Japan, and California. My Dad was a Marine to start, then went in the Air Force and retired after 30 years at one base in Missouri. Never was away from home more then a couple of weeks a year....answers 5:experts and Cons of being interior the army from a Six 3 hundred and sixty 5 days army Vet. Now serving interior the army... experts: Seeing the worldwide, assembly new human beings, serving your country, army paying off college expenses, sea accountability pay. As an officer you will get a stateroom kinda like a mini lodge room you share with another officer. you get extra powerful uniforms then enlisted and extra powerful treatment additionally. Cons: particular in each activity that has to do with the protection stress or protection stress affiliated jobs you have a threat ! of death yet, i seem at it this way. i might extremely die understanding that i became into doing a great provider to my country then die of unintentional dying, drug overdose or etc.... particular in line with what field you % to grow to be you may get caught out to sea for an fantastically long term away out of your female chum make beneficial she totally is able to dealing with the stresses of on an regular basis existence devoid of you there for ethical help. additionally like somebody mentioned until now me communicate on your recruiters approximately this convey your g/f mothers and fathers, ie... everyone else. examine your settlement from cover to cover. have confidence me you will thank your self interior the long-term and finally get each thing you're "assured" in writing. SPC McDonald, Aaron-John P u . s . a . military "Proud To Serve" Lab Techs paved the way All Day!!!...answers 6:You should be discussing this with your daughter's father and your daughter depend! ing on her age. You won't ever be alone, unless you want to be. The Arm! y family is very supportive and really works hard to make new families feel welcome. It goes beyond being in a different state though, you could end up in a different country. Take your time and discuss all of the possibilities then decide what's best for everyone involved. I spent 4 years in the Army 20 years ago. All of my time after basic training was spent in Europe....answers 7:PROS-steady paycheckhousing (or BAH if not on base)military insurancelife insurancepride for ones countrychance to see the US/worldCONS-having your husband gone for long periods of timenot seeing family as muchI am a Marine wife and I am very proud of my husband and everything that he has accomplished. He is my hero and I have so much respect for him. We have never had another life besides the military. (We got married at 18)When your husband deploys, if you didn't want to stay in a different state by yourself, you could move back and stay with family or rent a place near your family. (BAH would! cover your rent) Your daughter might not get to see her father as much, that is a tough one. Maybe you wouldn't be stationed too far away from your hometown.Being a military wife is tough, but it is well worth it. You realize how much time you have taken for granted with your spouse when he is not there everyday and it makes you so much stronger and more bonded together. You learn to cherish all the time that you have together while most people take it for granted.Good luck with your and your husbands choices ahead.Good websites for military spouses

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

how do i find the outgoing and incoming mail servier for hotmail?

Delora Struzzi: I am not sure if there is a FREE way to do it but there is a program called onemail. Search for it. It is for PDAs to collect mail.

Monday, 11 May 2020

recording live concerts with a handheld device?

Star Gollnick: the smaller the better, especialy if there is moshing, trust me, i've fallen down while recording a concert, you don't want a big honking camra

Stephnie Patout: Handheld audio recording devices are designed with the purpose of recording speech, in order to create a record of what was said. They're not really designed to record music for future listening pleasure. You can buy better quality portable recording devices that use a shotgun microphone, but those aren't handheld -- you have to lug the lunchbox sized hardware with it.

Rosann Mccomb: Throwing Copper Live!

Shawn Lelis: If you are looking for something you can carry in your pocket without being seen, get a Olympus Digital WS 100 for good quality. You can record directly from the recorder or use the mic.. Available at Radio Shack for about $149. In other words if you are taping copyright material and don't want to get caught.. Because if you do, it's at least a $10,000.00 fine. Just! a warning. If you ask for permission and are not recording copywritten material, a little larger is the Zoom H4, available at for about 300 bucks. This comes with a program for your computer as well. I like the small digital for quality as well as price. You can record on it for about 11 hours and it uses one AAA battery so you can just pop another one in.....Show more

Eli Trapeni: There are now many great portable recorders out there. All of them have pretty good built in mics too: key to getting a good recording is going to be adjusting the level so that the recorder does not distort....Show more

Monty Sieloff: Recording AUDIO not video

Comment s’étirer avant la lutte

Comment s’étirer avant la lutte

En position debout, écartez les jambes et touchez votre orteil droit pendant 10 secondes. Répétez avec l’orteil gauche et enfin entre les jambes.

Adoptez une position sur trépied, posez-vous sur les orteils et balancez-vous sur la tête (sans les mains !).

Assieds-toi sur tes fesses et fais un étirement de papillon pendant 10 secondes.

Faire 5 rouleaux de plongée.

Effectuez un bridge, faites un trépied mais sur le dos.

Mets ton bras droit sur ta poitrine et étire-toi. Répétez l’exercice avec le bras gauche.

Faites 10 roues de charrette.

Faire 5 Rouleaux avant.

Faites une pause après tous ces exercices.

Effectuez 5 jets à l’envers.

Faites du jogging pendant 5 minutes d’affilée.

Croisez votre pied gauche sur votre pied droit et touchez vos orteils. Changez de pied et répétez l’opération pendant ! 10 secondes (debout).

Sunday, 10 May 2020

What is the range of a typical 5 watt handheld vhf radio?

Alise Rutgers: We have a vintage Sitex HH-300 handheld aboard our vessel at all times, as well as our base-mounted Uniden. The Sitex does extremely well using the "rubber-ducky" antenna to a distance of about 5 to 7 miles over open water talking to other sailboats and marinas. If you're communicating handheld-to-handheld, about three miles is the the range you can expect.I echo the opinions above, I wouldn't depend on a handheld as our sole means of radio communication.Hope this helps!...Show more

Saran Stealy: You can expect 10 miles on a perfect day with perfect conditions. You could be 10 miles out and 20 miles from the nearest radio!

Willa Holte: Depends on height of antenna. Standing in a small boat, probably, 5-10 miles. Only works, "line of sight", radio to radio.

Hans Sachetti: For the best answers, search on this site the top floor of a high rise, a couple miles.... from the canyon with building all around, maybe a! mile. VHF is "line if sight", buildings attenuate the signals.

Irma Poiter: Be very careful about the quality of the rubber ducky antenna that comes with the radio. Some of them are so poor that even over the open ocean, they may only reach two miles or so. With a good antenna, you should expect 5 miles or more. Even a simple home-brew j-pole external antenna strung up on a structure on your boat will dramatically expand the range to better than 10 miles especially if the land station also strings a similar antenna up in a tree.

Freddy Shutler: the technical answer is : a vhf marine radio transmits on what is called line of sight .... meaning as the earth curves the radio wave still transmits straight.... wattage is important to some degree but you can talk to someone on the moon with 5 watts of power..... i would say that a handheld using 5 watts is only good for about 2-5 miles at best.... at my base station i broadcast at 25 watts with an antenna that ! is 60 feet in the air and i can talk approx 30 miles out to se! a but about 15 miles inland ..........Show more

Rachal Osaki: i wouldnt trust a handheld any farther than your willing to swim. you can get a proper mounted setup for around the same price as a handheld.

Gertrude Darke: For all practical purposes, about 10 feet. Ever hear of Murphy? How about O'Toole's Corollary? (Murphy is an optimist!)If you want to communicate off-shore, then get a REAL radio with a REAL antenna, one that might save your live one day, not a toy.Regards,Dan...Show more

Dalila Yoon: This Site Might Help You.RE:What is the range of a typical 5 watt handheld vhf radio?I'm wondering how far off shore I can go in my boat and still be able to talk to someone on land using a 5 watt handheld vhf radio. All the ones I'm looking to buy have no indication of this. Thanks for any input.......Show more

August Hubbard: I use GME Electrophone mostly. I also have Icom and my sailing clubs use uniden as well. They are all equally good - invest in! the waterproof pouches, we regularly get 6 or 7 hours straight. We recharge after every use, and maintain charge at least every six weeks in the off season. The batteries are original and at least four years old with this treatment.. I have not used the other two.

Cómo conectar dos portátiles a través de una LAN

Cómo conectar dos portátiles a través de una LAN

La conexión de dos ordenadores portátiles a través de una LAN (Local Area Network) es una excelente manera de transferir datos entre dos ordenadores o de jugar a juegos multijugador con una conexión fiable y consistente. Puede transferir datos entre dos portátiles a través de una LAN utilizando un cable o de forma inalámbrica.

Haga clic en «Aceptar» para aplicar la configuración. Ahora debería poder compartir archivos entre dos ordenadores a través del cable LAN conectado. Es posible que deba reiniciar cada equipo para que los cambios surtan efecto.

Haga clic en Siguiente en la primera pantalla de la ventana que aparece. La primera pantalla le dirá lo que hace un Grupo Hogar.

En la nueva ventana, haga clic en la opción «Utilizar la siguiente dirección IP». Esto le permitirá introducir manualmente una dirección. Introduzca estos ! valores para cada PC:

En ambos ordenadores, navegue hasta su panel de control. Dependiendo de su versión de Windows, esto se encontrará en diferentes áreas.

En la ventana Grupo Hogar, haga clic en el botón «Crear un grupo en el hogar» en la parte inferior derecha de la ventana.

En el menú desplegable «Mostrar», seleccione «Configuraciones de puertos de red». Debería ver una lista de configuraciones de puertos, como «Internal Modem» y «Built-in Ethernet». Asegúrese de que la opción «Ethernet integrada» esté marcada. Haga clic en Aplicar para confirmar los cambios.

Conecte el cable a los puertos de red de ambos portátiles. Algunos macs más nuevos ya no tienen este puerto, así que es posible que necesites un adaptador para conectarte a un puerto USB.

Conecte cada extremo del cable a un puerto de red de cada portátil. El puerto de red es el puerto al que normalmente se conecta el cable Ethernet. El cable hará clic cuando s! e conecte correctamente al puerto de red.

En el otro ord! enador, abra la ventana del Finder. En el menú superior, debería ver una categoría Ir. Haga clic en Ir para seleccionar una opción del menú desplegable correspondiente. Debería ver una opción llamada «Conectarse al servidor». También puede pulsar ⌘K para acceder a la ventana «Connect to Server».

En el cuadro de búsqueda en la esquina superior derecha de la ventana, busque «Grupo Hogar». Haga clic en el encabezado Grupo Hogar que aparece después de completar la búsqueda.

Después de hacer clic en conectar, se le pedirá que introduzca un nombre de usuario y una contraseña. Estas credenciales serán las mismas que se usarán si estaba iniciando sesión en el equipo normalmente.

Obtenga un cable cruzado de red. Este es un tipo de cable Ethernet utilizado para conectar dos ordenadores entre sí. Si tiene un ordenador antiguo, debe utilizar un cable cruzado. Un cable ethernet regular no funcionará en ordenadores antiguos. No hay diferencia ! estética entre los dos cables. Pídale a su representante de la tienda que le busque un cable cruzado sólo para estar seguro.

Asegúrese de que ambos equipos estén conectados a la misma red y grupo de trabajo. En el panel de control de ambos ordenadores, busque «Sistema» en el cuadro de búsqueda situado en la parte superior derecha de la ventana. Haga clic en el encabezado Sistema. Debería ver información sobre su ordenador, como el fabricante, el modelo, etc.

En ambos equipos, vaya al panel de preferencias de red. Debería ver dos menús desplegables en la parte superior de la ventana, etiquetados como «Ubicación» y «Mostrar».

En ambos ordenadores, navegue hasta su panel de control. Dependiendo de su versión de Windows, esto se encontrará en diferentes áreas.

Escriba la contraseña de la siguiente pantalla. Esta será la contraseña que deberán introducir otros dispositivos para conectarse al Grupo Hogar. A continuación, haga clic ! en Finalizar.

Ingrese la dirección afp que anotó y que marca el! otro ordenador. Una lista de direcciones IP aparecerá en la lista debajo de «Servidores Favoritos». Busque la dirección IP del otro equipo, haga clic en ella y, a continuación, haga clic en Conectar.

En el segundo equipo, ahora debería poder ver el nuevo Grupo Hogar que aparece en la ventana Grupo Hogar. En lugar de crear un nuevo grupo, únase al grupo e introduzca la contraseña cuando se le solicite. Ahora podrá compartir archivos a través de la red.

Ahora debería tener acceso a los archivos del otro ordenador. Ahora puede transferir datos entre los dos equipos sin dispositivos externos.

Elija qué tipo de archivos desea compartir con otros equipos. Podrá elegir entre: Imágenes, Documentos, Música, Impresoras y Vídeos. Según sus necesidades, seleccione o desmarque los tipos de archivo. Haga clic en Siguiente.

Usuarios de Windows 7, Vista y XP: Abra «Ajustes de red» directamente desde su panel de control. Búsquelo en el cuadro de ! búsqueda en la esquina superior derecha de la ventana.

Obtenga un cable cruzado de red. Este es un tipo de cable ethernet usado para conectar dos dispositivos del mismo tipo. Si tienes un mac antiguo, debes usar un cable cruzado. Busque uno en línea o encuéntrelo en su tienda local de computadoras. No hay ninguna diferencia estética entre los cables ethernet regulares y los cables cruzados, así que asegúrese de que está obteniendo el cable correcto.

En «Esta conexión utiliza los siguientes elementos», busque y haga clic en «Protocolo de Internet (TCP/I4)». A continuación, haga clic en «Propiedades».

Haga clic con el botón derecho del ratón en la opción Conexión de área local de la ventana «Conexiones de red» y seleccione «Propiedades».

Usuarios de Windows 8: De nuevo, en el panel de control, busque y haga clic en «Centro de redes y recursos compartidos». Esta categoría contiene todas las opciones para modificar su conexión! de red.

En un equipo, abra el panel de preferencias de Uso compa! rtido. En la parte superior de la ventana, debería ver el nombre del equipo y una lista de servicios debajo.

Ahora se le pedirá que seleccione los volúmenes que desea montar. Todos los archivos en la otra computadora están en diferentes volúmenes. Si lo desea, puede seleccionar montar todos los volúmenes en el otro equipo. O bien, si sabe qué volumen contiene los archivos que desea, seleccione ese volumen.