Tuesday 19 May 2020

I think Chuck and I are baby sitting my great grand daughter shouln't we get a note from them?  

I think Chuck and I are baby sitting my great grand daughter shouln't we get a note from them?  

answers 0:So that we can get her to a hospital if she has a flare up? She swells up terribly, it can also cause swelling even in her esophagus. My grand daughter and her hubby really do need some relaxtion time for a few hours and we are willing to help. She is a good baby and very funny, but when the flare ups occur, she has to go to a hospital immediatly. Would a permission note from them be notorized or what to give us legal perission?answers 1:I would not recommend any if you are serious. I have been greatly disappointed with the caliber of question and the immaturity of most being asked; as well as the hostility and vindictiveness that I have seen on the site.answers 2:I would suggest that you give up using YA entirely and get star! ted on Facebook. The atmosphere is much more friendly and the participants range from funny to silly to serious. It's also a good way to get in touch with people you haven't heard from in years. I like playing some of the games on there too.answers 3:Absolutely. There are some forms, perhaps you can find something online. You would need their notarized authorization for you to act in their stead when they cannot be reached. This should include medical decisions required by the treating facility. You need only do it once, then be sure it is in your purse whenever she is in your care.answers 4:Here in the US you can pick up a paper authorizing medical treatment for providers, and the parents or guardian can sign it.answers 5:I was deleted for saying trolls are responsible and should be reported. I guess the trolls are the new PC group. I notice most of the answers on seniors are from people that are not seniors. I wish I could find another site this one makes me crabby.an! swers 6:When I keep my grandson my daughter leaves his insuran! ce card and all of his DRs info and medical history. She leaves me a note for emergencies and I'm on the doctors listanswers 7:I go most often to R

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