Saturday 16 May 2020

Will it hurt my financial aid?

Carter Dewater: No it doesn't. Financial aid is about income not grades. As long as they find it necessary to pay for you, they will contribute.

Billie Bratchett: Well, financial aid from the government is typically figured on a yearly basis, not a term-by-term basis. You have a certain number of credits you need per year, not per term. So if one term you have fewer credits than you need, you can usually make up for it during the other terms in the year for which you are receiving aid. If you're at the minimum amount of credits, I wouldn't recommend dropping the course just because you don't need it (don't you believe in education aside from the required courses?) because you never know what will happen in the future that could affect your credits.Also, if you drop the course and get an F for the class your term GPA will be low (even if like you said your cumulative GPA isn't horribly affected), which could put you on academic warning or probation. If you are on a! cademic warning or probation too long, your financial aid is cut. Although you probably wouldn't lose financial aid so long as your cumulative GPA stays up, even if you had a bad term or term. Again, you just don't know what will happen in the future and it's best to keep yourself in a good position now just in case.In short - my advice is to stay with the class (especially since you're already taking the minimum credits and I presume that means your course load isn't unbearable). It looks better on your transcript (grad school? jobs?) and it never hurts to have a cushion in your gpa and credit requirements in case something happens - you really never know!Good luck!...Show more

Clemente Schoeck: Start with you FA advisor. Most schools will want you to take at least 9 credit hours to recieve partial FA. You should also finish your class. If you dotn ned it fine but if you get a good grade in the class it will only benefit your GPA because when it is time ot get a job ! you can say you graduated with more hours then the min. It mak! es you look like an go getter. Also you question depends on whether you are a MA or BA student, Lets assume your working on your BA. If you drop the class after the 50% mark you are goign to pay for that class anyway. If you drop before that it is around 25%, ull be charged. Why dont you just take an absence for medical purposes. This will just suspend things but will not drop you from school and will not mess up your FA. ...Show more

Faviola Dewire: You cannot register as independent. Are you 24, a ward of the state, or in graduate school? If so, than you can. If not than you have to register as dependent. But you can talk to your financial aid office about your personal situation and tell them that you fully support yourself to see what they can do/

Leisa Brodnex: If your financial aid is from the government, in the form of grant and loans, then no it won't hurt it. If your financial aid is in the form of a scholarship, there might be some clause that one F ! will mean losing your scholarship. Even if your cumulative GPA remains above the required GPA there might be some consequences because of the semester's GPA. An F will look bad on your transcript no matter how high your GPA remains.

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