Wednesday 27 May 2020

Has anyone ever studied abroad in...?

Marcia Cheathan: Your query states ITALY and you are speakme abut austrailia. Both are utterly distinct cultures, continents, and studies for you. I might reccommend going to italy. You can journey far and wide, see fantastic structure, one of the crucial oldest and richest tradition at any place on the earth, all at the same time having a first-rate time. Austrailia is extraordinary too, however my vote might be italy! Great meals, first-rate wine, first-rate females, first-rate historical past... what extra might you ask for!!!...Show more

Mel Crapo: I studied abroad in China and it was absolutely fascinating. I highly recommend it! I was able to visit Beijing and see the Forbidden city and I made a trip to the Great Wall as well - beware though! It is steep! So wear good walking shoes if you go there. And I stayed in Hangzhou. Hangzhou is home to one of the C9 colleges, Zheijiang University, which is basically like one of the Ivy league schools of China. And Hang! zhou is beautiful. It's only about two hours by train South of Shanghai, and it is one of the tea capitals of China. It is also home to West Lake. It has a population of about 6 million and it is one of the more sophisticated cosmopolitan cities in China with a lot less pollution than cities like Beijing and Shanghai. It is just really beautiful. Marco Polo said it was heaven on earth in his travels there. I took classes at the law school of Zheijiang through a law school study abroad so I wasn't the typical undergrad study abroad student. The Chinese students in my classes were so friendly and nice and wanted to make friends. It was great! And they love to show you around (when they're not studying. lol. They study a lot!) I wouldn't go to Russia - too cold and Russians aren't as warm and friendly as the Chinese. Japan and Taiwan would also be cool but mainland China just has so much to see and so much history. Good luck in deciding. Zai Jian! (That's Mandarin for "good by! e").I just watched the new Karate Kid movie last weekend and i! t totally brought memories back from living in China. If you want a little dose of Chinese life, watch the movie. And it was really good!...Show more

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