Monday 18 May 2020

How does America think it can compete with China with leaders who have high school educations?

Scot Sepulbeda: The majority of Americans value a good education, but there is also a tendency towards complacency not found in hungrier countries.

Andra Oger: If you waste your money on learning nonmarketable skills then no one will hire you. It isn't that hard to figure out.

Elaina Adolfson: No way. The federal minimum salary is a few thing like $7.50 consistent with hour, and that quantity will in basic terms slightly sustain existence, devoid of authentic high quality. i assume that if some form of slavery have been carried out, you could desire to rigidity your slaves to stay in extremely substandard circumstances, yet they nonetheless could consume, and, as your assets, their healthcare could grow to be your responsibilty (ill or ineffective slaves stitch no footwear). you may homestead them and textile them besides, which i could assume could additionally be substandard, yet could fee some thing, none the less. we could no longer ignore that if we make! circumstances too undesirable, our slaves will rebellion or run away, so some high quality of existence, although minor, could be afforded. i could think of that paying somebody minnimum salary could actualy be decrease priced than conserving that very same guy or woman as a slave. it is whats referred to as "financial servitude", and that i'm helpful the chinese language are properly conscious of it....Show more

Ricardo Rozelle: We do have the best country in the world and will continue to have the best, and it will be better when Obama and the dimwitted Democrats are voted out of office.A Harvard education in law does not educate one to have common sense does it? Its very evident that Obama does NOT have any common sense, when more than HALF of the population are against his socialistic agenda...Show more

Debora Rinderer: Not where I come from. Education, intelligence, success was highly valued amongst the youth and adults of our area. Most Americans who ! are assets have those values. Most people who are worth some! thing to this society value education. By the way, what political leader you are complaining about only have a HS diploma?By the way, good thing you are off the military board. We were tired of you complaining like a little girl there, now you can complain like a little girl here. Whoa, looks like you just dropped the race card with your edit on your avatar. Way to go, you just discredited your argument.EDIT: Are you kidding me? Most Americans want a leader who is well educated and experienced. Provide a source for your rant!...Show more

Ollie Hamiel: This makes no sense at all, what leader do we have with only a high school diploma?

Dominic Sciancalepore: President Obama went to Columbia and Harvard. I believe he respects education.

Stanton Valdivia: I live in Japan, you have no idea how seriously they take education.It's an obsession.

Elfreda Grossen: I live in a low-income area? Wow, I wonder why you would think something like that...looks! at avatar.

Leisa Brodnex: I didn't mean LITERALLY had high school educations. It seems like Americans want leaders who don't seem like they ever got college educations.

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