Wednesday 13 May 2020

My husband wants to join the army...there are no jobs around here. What are the pros  

My husband wants to join the army...there are no jobs around here. What are the pros  

answers 0:My husband would like to go to the concerns are taking my oldest daughter somewhere that she can't see her father(my husband is not her father) and being alone in some different state all by myself. Please if you have experience with this give me some advice. Thank you! Are there any good websites for talking to other Army wives??answers 1:Here are a couple of websites with some resources and info that might help. and The military can ba a though life but there are also a lot of benefits that come with it.answers 2:Many of us in this section have served or are serving in the Army and other branches. Naturally we will be biased. Hopefully we will all be biased in a positive manner! . We chose to serve our country for many reasons and all of them are good. That shouldn't be in dispute. But the main point is that we chose to join and many have made careers out of it. That speaks a lot to the type of life you have in the Army. I have served 24 years and have earned three degrees while serving. I have traveled around the world and brought my children with me almost every step of the way. They benefited greatly by seeing so much of the world. Your daughter being separated from her biological father could be difficult for her, but there are benefits to consider. Your husband can not only learn new skills and acquire many benefits while he is in service, but you also can use certain military benefits to improve yourself and possibly make yourself more attractive to future employers....answers 3:The Good outweighs the Bad. The Pro's to joining the Army is: Healthcare, Dental, Steady Paycheck that does increase every year most of the time, Army Retirement whic! h is one of the best in the US, Free College and the GI Bill (! College Money) is now transferable to Children like your daughter.The Cons are: Yes he may deploy. Yes you may not see him for 2 weeks because of some Army BS Training. That's about the only cons I have.. LolI have been an Army Wife for only 3 years but I love this life and I love knowing our bills are paid every month and that we have a beautiful home and food on the table. My Mother is a Nurse, which is supposedly one of the safest jobs to have in the Civilian world, she is top of the line, awards and all, masters degree and even she is scared for her job right now. So you just have to weigh your options. If he does the Army and hates it after his first "term" then he can get out and try to do something else... I'll post some sites for you....answers 4:Guaranteed pay check, and benefits, housing for your family, and free utilities if it's base housing. Yes, you may move to be with him, and have to move your daughter away from her dad. But, you don't have to. He will get ! BEQ money for his family, to help you with rent and utilities wherever you are. He will most likely be sent overseas right away, which could be a good thing for you and your daughter, because you can go with him to most places, and experience a different culture. If he is sent to Iraq or Afghanistan you can not go, but he will make a good deal more money. Of course that puts him in the war, and war is war. You would have to make friends or be alone. Side effects of not going with him. Women in the Army are pretty free with whom they sleep with married or not. Know this from first hand experience unfortunately. Which is why I'm going through a divorce. My soon to be ex is in the Army. Also foreign women are always looking to hook up with American GI's so they have a chance to come to the US, so it's fairly easy for him to meet women. Military life can be tough especially for kids if you move around a lot. But, it can also be good, because you experience different walks of li! fe. The Army recruiter should be able to give you some ideas on how to ! contact other Army wives. If he is going he might consider the Air Force, since the likely hood of staying state side at one base for entire carrier is pretty good. I was a Marine, and went to Korea, Japan, and California. My Dad was a Marine to start, then went in the Air Force and retired after 30 years at one base in Missouri. Never was away from home more then a couple of weeks a year....answers 5:experts and Cons of being interior the army from a Six 3 hundred and sixty 5 days army Vet. Now serving interior the army... experts: Seeing the worldwide, assembly new human beings, serving your country, army paying off college expenses, sea accountability pay. As an officer you will get a stateroom kinda like a mini lodge room you share with another officer. you get extra powerful uniforms then enlisted and extra powerful treatment additionally. Cons: particular in each activity that has to do with the protection stress or protection stress affiliated jobs you have a threat ! of death yet, i seem at it this way. i might extremely die understanding that i became into doing a great provider to my country then die of unintentional dying, drug overdose or etc.... particular in line with what field you % to grow to be you may get caught out to sea for an fantastically long term away out of your female chum make beneficial she totally is able to dealing with the stresses of on an regular basis existence devoid of you there for ethical help. additionally like somebody mentioned until now me communicate on your recruiters approximately this convey your g/f mothers and fathers, ie... everyone else. examine your settlement from cover to cover. have confidence me you will thank your self interior the long-term and finally get each thing you're "assured" in writing. SPC McDonald, Aaron-John P u . s . a . military "Proud To Serve" Lab Techs paved the way All Day!!!...answers 6:You should be discussing this with your daughter's father and your daughter depend! ing on her age. You won't ever be alone, unless you want to be. The Arm! y family is very supportive and really works hard to make new families feel welcome. It goes beyond being in a different state though, you could end up in a different country. Take your time and discuss all of the possibilities then decide what's best for everyone involved. I spent 4 years in the Army 20 years ago. All of my time after basic training was spent in Europe....answers 7:PROS-steady paycheckhousing (or BAH if not on base)military insurancelife insurancepride for ones countrychance to see the US/worldCONS-having your husband gone for long periods of timenot seeing family as muchI am a Marine wife and I am very proud of my husband and everything that he has accomplished. He is my hero and I have so much respect for him. We have never had another life besides the military. (We got married at 18)When your husband deploys, if you didn't want to stay in a different state by yourself, you could move back and stay with family or rent a place near your family. (BAH would! cover your rent) Your daughter might not get to see her father as much, that is a tough one. Maybe you wouldn't be stationed too far away from your hometown.Being a military wife is tough, but it is well worth it. You realize how much time you have taken for granted with your spouse when he is not there everyday and it makes you so much stronger and more bonded together. You learn to cherish all the time that you have together while most people take it for granted.Good luck with your and your husbands choices ahead.Good websites for military spouses

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