Monday 4 May 2020

Herpes, or something else, or nothing?  

Herpes, or something else, or nothing?  

answers 0:20 year old female 11 days ago i had unprotected oral sex with another female, performed and recieved. I am now concerned about herpes. She had no sores and claims her and her husband both never have. I have never had any since then either. She was however infected with clyamydia says her paper work dated about 3 weeks before our encounter and also claims she was not treated for it. Well i was having some worries so i went to the hospital and they tested me for chlmydia and gonorhea and old me my chances of herpes are low but i have had some symptoms. But my symptoms are more towards clymydia, urgency to pee, a little vaginal burning and discomfort, pelvic pain, and abnormal discharge and a raised tempature, at the highest it was 99. But at the hospital it was 98.2 so i don't know if my thermomater is wrong. The only herpes symptoms i have had a! re joint pain and muscle pain, but that is not uncommon during this time of the month for me (a week before i begin my period) And the activites i have been in could explain some of the muscle pain. The doctor also said there was a bit of bacteria in my urine. I have yet to get my chlymydia results back. My basic question is does this sound like chlymydia, or herpes, or neither. Is it possible to have the uti without any outer sores of herpes? And how likely is it to pass these diseases on with minimal oral sex?...Show moreanswers 1:3answers 2:The only way to know for sure is to be tested for herpes. I would recommend having a full STD panel just since you can't be sure if you have contracted an STD. Next time use protection (dental dam or condom) even for oral unless you know and trust that the person does not have an STD. Best of luck and feel better soon!answers 3:2answers 4:1

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