Sunday 3 May 2020

POLL: Cell phone or no cell phone?

Deangelo Marchak: Cell phone to communicate with my family members.

Houston Venezia: i cant walk without even to the toilet

Nikki Sypult: cell phone.very happy with it.:D

Alexis Reyer: the two and each and each month as quickly as I get my abode telephone bill, I ask myself why. i think of three people have the variety. i think of i've got made and gained (entire of the two at the same time, suggestions you) 4 calls on it interior the final 6 months. yet nevertheless...I shop it. Why? i don't be attentive to...could desire to be some deep seated lack of self assurance, lol, some as yet undiagnosed, unnatural emotional attachment to landline telephones? Yeah...phonaphobic separation illness or some thing...hmmm...contemplate whether it might qualify me as heavily disturbed adequate to ditch gainful employment and collect a examine or some thing? Lol...nah, possibly no longer, so i assume i'm going to in ordinary terms shop paying an extremely ineffective ! bill each and each month till???...Show more

Reginald Maxi: cell phone, it's weird i feel naked without

Gale Hartt: cell phone

Carli Watterson: cell fone

Chet Nozick: cell phone

Wilfred Santacruce: i could live without one but i would say cell phone. can i tell you a story about it? ok well i was going to my friends house and she had a baseball game and the next day i couldn't find it and i freak out because i thought that i could of lost it there but lol yesturday i found out that it was at her house. phew! im glad lol we were just talking about that.

Mikel Bethay: Cell phone is good, only for emergencies. If you drive AND text your friends, you probably WON'Tlive. Be careful.

Lou Rought: If you would have asked this a few months ago, I would definitely said cellphone because it was attached to my hand and I was texting 24/7. Now I would say no cellphone. After getting dumped I wanted to throw it out the window. I don't ! really care about people reaching me anymore.

Claire Bil! legas: It depends on my mood...i like having my phone on me to talk to my friends...but i love having an air of mystery when i leave it at home, or turn it off for a day or so...great for the mind!

Rebbecca Sorkin: I have one, but get very few calls or texts.

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