Thursday 21 May 2020

What age did your child start preschool?

Rona Ising: In my area they have to be 4 I believe. I wish not because I would LIKE them to go to pre school together. Im 6 months pregnant and my daughter is 10 months

Luis Farlow: Most schools recommend age 3 to start preschool. That way they are usually potty trained and are able to learn the basic skills needed for kindergarten. Preschool is a great way to pave the road for kindergarten and it gives the kids something to look forward to.

Raul Lushbaugh: My son just started and he's 4. He kept telling me he was ready to go. he did well the first couple of days but this morning got upset b/c i was leaving. He stayed at home with me b4 he went. He's never been to daycare.

Jacques Teri: Hi!My kids started preschool at two and a half and then the school nursery at three. I think you know they're ready when they are becoming bored with the things you do at home and start to become a bit destructive with frustration. Its also great for their social skills! to meet other kids though I must admit, I only put my kids in for two mornings a week to start with as it is a big change for them, and then gradually increased it. You will probably find once he does start preschool, he will be quite tired to begin with until he gets used to the different routine. Three out of my four children settled no problem at preschool but the fourth (not the last) was unsettled right the way through until he went to the school nursery. Can't say I know why but he just wasn't terribly impressed with it full stop!!Hope this helps....Show more

Felicitas Phildor: I forgot to add one more thing...How did you know your child was ready to go to preschool?

Tobie Oshea: I think 2 is too young personally. Mine started at 3 and a half and was barely ready...4 days a week is also too long....a few mornings is plenty. Mine took about 8 months to get used to she is 5 and loves school. I didnt know she was ready really...I just thought it ! was "time" but looking back I could have kept her at home long! er and she would have been fine.

Abel Adger: They don't let them start preschool around my area until they are 3. The daycare I use currently does a preschool program, so when he hits 3, he will be using the preschool program plus daycare.

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