Linwood Mccory: Nearest available Government Marriage registrar Or Church /
Truman Biby: nearest court house
Linwood Mccory: Nearest available Government Marriage registrar Or Church /
Truman Biby: nearest court house
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Erin Arron: Civil marriages ARE "normal" marriages. It is marriage from a legal perspective. Religious marriage on the other hand, has no bearing whatsoever in law, and does not entitle people/couples to the legal benefits associated with marriage. That would be civil marriage.A lot of people don't seem to be aware of the distinction between religious marriage and civil marriage....Show more
Erin Arron: nice answer pippyI miss pippy longstocking
Jorge Detlefs: The whole matter of gay marriage is solely about its civil aspects. "Civil" marriage merely means a legal marriage -- the rights and responsibilities of the union. No religious aspects are involved.Look, even if a straight couple have the most religious of marriage ceremonies -- you know, one of those long ceremonies that involves Biblical readings, a Catholic high mass, or whatever -- their marriage is NOT valid in the eyes of the law unless they get a marriage license. Without a nice bureaucratic ce! rtification, there is no legally binding union....Show more
Hunter Osterberger: As long as the rights are the same, I don't care what they call it
Alexis Reyer: Well in Britain a civil partnership is basically the same as a straight marriage, just the wording is different.
Barton Slisz: i seriously don't care as long as i hav the right to marry, y should i
Rocio Karvis: I assume by "normal" marriage you mean a religious one?A civil marriage is a purely legal one, conducted by a registrar or other authorised official, and would take place in a secular building licensed for the purpose (though i know in the USA a legal marriage can take place anywhere as long as it is conducted by an authorised official). I'm speaking as British - here, for a civil marriage, you have to apply at the local civic offices and the wedding will take place there. Many town halls and civic centres have marriage rooms set aside for the purpose, though since about 15 years ag! o it has been possible to do it in any other non-religious pub! lic building registered for the purpose. All that has been legal here since 1837 and is as valid for legal purposes as a religious marriage.Not surprisingly, the church is not keen on homosexual marriage and I don't know any country where it is legal where a church wedding is possible, at least in the major denominations - all ours have issued guidelines saying that they will not even do services of blessing for it.Here in the UK, homosexual marriage is called civil partnership (the difference in name was to keep objectors happy, though it differs from marriage in name only). It is expressly forbidden for a civil partnership ceremony to take place in a religious building, and in fact a ceremony is not required - all that is needed after the usual formality of giving 15 days' notice is for the couple and 2 witnesses to all sign the civil partnership register. But in practice there will be a ceremony and it will be entirely composed by the couple themselves and the registr! ar - the registrar will introduce the ceremony, the couple will exchange vows, there may be music played and poetry readings - whatever appropriate they like, and then follows the signing of the register. The only difference there from a heterosexual civil marriage is that in the case of a heterosexual marriage, there are vows laid down in the Marriage Act that must be said.I had the great pleasure of attending one back in March as one of the two best men. It took place in the council chamber of my friend's local civic offices, which was a really nice setting for it - just the same as they do for a heterosexual civil marriage as that building doesn't have a separate marriage room.Gay marriage or civil union of some kind is legal in most of western Europe - the Netherlands was the first country in the world to introduce it. There are only a few states in the USA where it is possible....Show more
answers 0:I had a dentist look at 2 of my teeth to see if he can do the extraction.He did 2 x-rays and told me he could do one, and the other one I have to see the oral surgeon.I was sure that he did not touch at my other teeth, but I saw he charged me for D1040 / Limited Oral Evaluation on the insurance bill.Can he charged me for the D0140 if he only look at the 2 problem teeth?answers 1:A limited exam only addresses a specific problem, which in your case, was your front two teeth. A comprehensive exam looks at all your teeth including your soft tissue, medical history, etc.answers 2:Periodic Oral Evaluation Definitionanswers 3:Thank you all for your answers.I think I confused with the periodic oral exam because now the insurance wonât pay for the D0120 Periodic Oral Evaluation which I did 2 weeks later with another dentist.The! insurance explanation is âMaximum number of services previously allowedâ....answers 4:This is just another insurance company ploy to group things together to get out of paying for services. A periodic oral examination is usually used for 6 month checkups and rightly should not be used for a visit involving a problem you are having not related to a routine recall visit. Over the years insurance companies have been bundling several procedures into one to avoid payment.answers 5:Thats why its call a LIMITED oral examintion, I work for a dentist honey, he charged what he needed to charge. Its call a limited evaluation because it wasnt a full check up. A full check up would have said 'Oral Evaluation' without the LIMITED part.answers 6:i'm no longer thoroughly specific. yet i understand whilst my husband and that i've got been given our know-how tooth taken out, they billed the coverage past to time, and made us pay in boost what the coverage did no longer disguise. i think! of for the assessment we had to pay our co-pay/or their ordin! ary flow to. i could flow and have the sixty 8 funds waiting. i'm specific in case you call their place of work they are going to clarify it to you. i could, greater desirable secure than sorry! desire that enables, i realize it somewhat is no longer precisely what you needed, yet i desire it enables ð Praying for a rapid restoration! :)...answers 7:Examining two teeth is a Limited Oral Evaluation.answers 8:i dropped off my partial dentures to replace a broken tooth in a plastic baggie. Never saw a dentist.Picked them up next morning from a technician in the same plastic baggie (the tooth replaced). Never saw a dentist. Yet they billed my insurance the LIMITED oral examination fee. Two times in 8 months. And they were the dentists who made the partials dentures. Is that legal? I never signed in and I was in and out in 2-5 minutes. Never even sat down....
Frederic Engellant: It means people outside of your actual family In addition to friends of your parents or siblings it could mean a personal friend of yours who is also a friend of other family members, or of your family as a whole.
Dick Maisenbacher: Family Friend Meaning
Von Houskeeper: I'm curious too
Delphine Cajka: Never gave too much thought about that
Sherri Drakos: Hurrah, that's what I was exploring for! Thanks op of this question.
Clemmie Burkleo: friends of your family. like the neighbors or something
Emerita Sciandra: People outside of your family that your parents are friends with.
Désigner un chef dâéquipe. Le chef dâéquipe prendra les décisions finales concernant les définitions ou les arguments en cas de désaccord au sein du groupe. Il ou elle suivra également le temps pour sâassurer que la préparation se déroule efficacement.
Créez le cas de votre équipe (20 minutes). Commencez par une feuille blanche et créez votre étui ensemble. Les idées issues du remue-méninges de chaque membre de lâéquipe seront, nous lâespérons, incluses. Décrivez tous les éléments de lâaffaire, y compris les points moteurs pour chaque orateur.
Analyser le sujet ou la résolution (cinq minutes). Faites un remue-méninges individuel sur lâélaboration de lâargumentation de votre équipe.
Préparer les discours individuellement (15 minutes). Les premier et deuxième orat! eurs devraient commencer à préparer des discours engageants. Dans la mesure du possible, ces déclarations devraient être étayées par des recherches.
Ajoutez la touche finale (10 minutes). Réunissez-vous en équipe et demandez à chaque conférencier de résumer son discours. Nâoubliez pas dâévoquer toutes les faiblesses potentielles de vos arguments et de discuter de la façon dont elles seront abordées.
Faites un remue-méninges individuel (10 minutes). Demandez à chaque membre de lâéquipe de décrire rapidement lâensemble du cas. De cette façon, chacun met ses idées en pratique et personne ne domine le processus de réflexion initial.
Ãcrivez vos discours (10 minutes). Utilisez votre travail de groupe pour rédiger individuellement votre discours. Nâoubliez pas dâinclure des parties spécifiques à votre rôle dâorateur. Il peut sâagir de présentations, de définitions et dâarguments de défense.
Discutez du sujet (! 15 minutes). Discutez en équipe de votre remue-méninges. Par! venir à une entente sur la façon dont vous interpréterez le sujet, sur la façon dont vous défendrez votre cause générale et sur les types de recherche que vous incluriez.
Discutez de vos discours (10 minutes). En groupe, discutez de vos points et de toute nouvelle idée qui a émergé au cours du processus dâécriture. Précisez comment les nouvelles idées sâinscriront dans les arguments du premier ou du deuxième intervenant.
Effectuer les révisions finales (15 minutes). Utilisez les dernières minutes pour faire le point sur lâexposé de votre cause et les principaux arguments.
Désigner un chef dâéquipe. Le chef dâéquipe prendra les décisions finales concernant les définitions ou les arguments en cas de désaccord au sein du groupe. Il ou elle suivra également le temps pour sâassurer que la préparation se déroule efficacement.
Partagez vos cas (10 minutes). Chaque membre de lâéquipe partage maintenant son plan de la ! première étape. Les autres membres de lâéquipe doivent écouter attentivement et noter ce qui est dit.
answers 0:Should I stay in college and get a degree? Or should I take a job offer my cousin pulled strings to get me at the steel mills in Gary with a starting pay of around $90000 a year. The catch is you could work Christmas and stuff and do 12-16 hour days a few times a week. He is only 25 and is making $115000 working there. I'd be fine with crappy work as long as the pay is good. My degree would get me a.job that pays about 120k so its not even that much more but it's less hours.and not manual labor. I would also save like 60k worth of school costs if I took the.job. advice? Thanks...Show moreanswers 1:I agree with Tyler!answers 2:The fact that you are even considering working in a steel mill ( hope you don't mind the extreme heat) suggests you are not college material. Enjoy life at the Mill with the other uneducated knuckleheads. Don't get injured otherwise you'll end up workin! g at McDonalds earning $6.00. Your house will go into foreclosure and your car will be repossessed and you'll have no education. No worries, education is obviously not a priorityanswers 3:Do what you want. You can always go back to school if this plan falls through. That's the only con...answers 4:Stay in college. I'm telling, not many people get to go to college. Take this opportunity to your advantage. Get your bachelor or master degree. Graduating from college always looks good from your resume.answers 5:Is has full benefits. Healthcare etc. And its a very secure job because the person who's fires uncle and he told me it'll be a lifelong job guaranteed. So its got everything. plus who else makes 100k right out of high school? I know none of my classmates Do. Most that went straight into work make at most $35k so I'd be technically the most successful hs graduate from my class. Hell by the tome most of my class are seniors I could in a 250k hous! e with a 40k truck while they are.driving 2k junkers....answer! s 6:I would stay in college. You have failed to take into consideration two things:Benefits: You will get much better healthcare benefits for working a job you have went to college for, even if the salary isn't that much more.Stability: Jobs in which you have gone to college for tend to be more stable. You're less likely to be fired, and if you are you can find another similar job more easily. If you take the job your cousin is offering, what do you think happens if they find someone more qualified for the job or if they can't afford to employ you anymore? If you lose the job, you're out on your a** and have to find another job....
Jacques Teri: diesel
Clifford Gombos: diesel spews more carbons out of the tailpipe...but gets better depending on what figures ur looking at they could go either way or be equal...** btw to throw a monkey wrench into ur reasoning there has yet to be ANY proof that the environment has been harmed by either in its intended use........meaning other than oil spills and idiots pouring fuel and oil onto the ground there is NO scientific proof that either actually harms the environment...there are studies that say they may...but no definitive proof........Show more
Jorge Gerrero: diesel uses nearly half the amount than gasoline. so my answer is diesel but why it has been supressed in the usa i dont know
Susan Rambo: Diesel is far cleaner than gasoline. Bottom line, diesel burns hotter and more thoroughly, which reduces emissions. Between the catalytic converters and DPFs (diesel particulate filters) on modern diesel powered cars, the exhaust comi! ng out of the tailpipe actually has less pollution (in ppm) than the air being sucked into the air filter on a typical big city highway.
Serita Hefferon: diesel is worse for the environment but more economical on a drivers finances as does more miles to the gallon than petrol
Hyman Coren: Most diesel cars now burn much cleaner than even a hybrid petrol engine. A VW BluTech diesel can get up to 80mpg whereas the best Hybrid petrol cars top out at 50mpg. Diesel provides more power for the amount of fuel being used compared to petrol. You use much less diesel to accomplish the same work that petrol can accomplish. In that manner diesel is much better for the environment. People have been soured by big trucks which pour out black sut - technology has improved so far that diesel cars produce little to no sut anymore. So a diesel which burns less fuel to do the same amount of work as a petrol is also emitting less CO2 than a petrol. Petrol produces carbon monoxide whi! ch is a poison to living things, but diesel produces hardly an! y carbon monoxide. Diesels also produce much less hydrocarbon emissions than petrol engines as well....Show more
Renay Billiar: lots of good input on this question. Like one poster said, with the exhast scrubbing technology of modern diesels,emmissions are way down. Should you see a diesel powered vehical spewing coal out of it's exhaust,which is getting rare here in the us but still seen, thats unburned fuel. Thats the whole point to emission controls,not pumping unburned fuel into the atmosphere.The side bennefit is better power and fuel economy. AKA more work done for the dollar. Should you see a diesel vehical looking like an old coal powered locomotive it's because, the owner is not maintaining the engine. What that owner thinks he/she is saving on maintenance, they are spending three times that amount on fuel thats doing absolutly no work for them and blowing directly into the air. Funny we'd rush to fix a fuel leak if it was dripping on the ground. same thing. ! Not maintaining the engine means the driver has to make the engine work harder to haul his load. How does the engine work harder? Add more fuel,that won't be burned efficiently. That's where the huge clouds of black smoke come from....Show more
Sherri Drakos: Interesting I could really care less Ill drive my gas truck either way never a hybrid or electric I hate them someday Ill get a big ol diesal
Shaunta Paap: Herbal Tea Vs Green Tea
Coleman Coscia: Herbal tea and Green tea are two types of tea that show differences between them when it comes to their preparation, taste, medicinal uses and the like. Herbal tea is usually not made from the leaves of the tea bush but it is plant infusion. On the other hand, green tea comes from the same and the real tree called Camellia sinensis. This is the main difference between the two types. Herbal tree is nothing but a combination of boiling water and dried fruits, flowers or herbs. The history of herbal tea can be traced back to several centuries. It is believed that people from Egypt and China enjoyed herbal tea even several centuries ago. In fact the herbal tea prepared in China is known by the name lion cha. It is important to know that the leaves are processed differently in the preparation of green tea. The tea leaves are generally steamed and it results in oxidation. On the other hand, fermentation is the process ! used in the preparation of the other kinds of tea. It is believed that the oxidation caused by steaming is lesser when compared to other types of processing including fermentation. The green tea is quite popular in countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Japan, India and Thailand apart from the other regions of Middle East Asia. The preparation of herbal tea on the other hand, differs considerably. It is made with dried fruits, flowers, leaves and seeds generally by pouring boiling water over the plants and allowing them to steep for a certain period of time. Finally the tisane can be sweetened after straining. This is the procedure followed in the preparation of herbal tea. It is believed that herbal tea is bestowed with medicinal properties and hence, is used for medicinal and curing purposes. There are varieties of herbal tea. Some of them include Anise tea, which is made from the seeds or leaves, Boldo tea drunk in South America used in the treatment of stomach upsets,! Catnip tea used as a sedative, Dill tea consumed to get relie! f from stomach upsets, Echinacea tea used in the cessation of cold and flu and the like. On the other hand, green tea is brewed with water that is not really boiling as in the case of the preparation of herbal tea. Like herbal tea, green tea is also bestowed with innumerable medicinal uses. It is believed that green tea is useful in combating cancer and AIDS. It can also control the increasing levels of bad or LDL cholesterol. It contains a number of antioxidants and caffeine too. At the same time it is heartening to note that green tea has lesser caffeine when compared to coffee. That is why it is recommended as a good substitute for coffee. Some sort of attention is required in the preparation of herbal tea. This is due to the fact that some of the herbs used in the preparation of herbal tea contain elements that may cause allergy and can be toxic in content....Show more
Lionel Tanen: For good tea of any kind try On this website you get to creat! e your own tea! So you can choose green tea as your base and then add whatever beneficial herbs to it you like!
Gregg Hagge: Is Green Tea Herbal Tea
Luana Carothers: This Site Might Help You.RE:What is a difference between Green tea and Herb tea?I'm having a Liver Hepatitis C virus. My friend said Green Herb tea is good for Hepatitis C virus. Once i went to shopping center to buy Herb tea. But there is many kind of teas leveled with Herb. There is also Green tea (Jasmine tea). Before i was choosing teas by its tastes, but now i need......Show more
Hugo Pittari: Green tea is made of leaves from the tea plant: Camellia sinensis and will contain caffeine like other teas. Green Jasmine tea is green tea with jasmine flowers added.Herbal tea will be made of leaves, flowers, fruits, roots or bark of any one of hundreds of different plants or may be a mixture of several plants. Hep C can be medically treated by doctors. Herbal teas are not going to eliminate ! the virus and many herbs are toxic to the liver so you should be very c! areful in choosing them.If I were you, I would continue to choose tea based on taste, not by any thought that it will treat Hep C.See the link below for information about Hep C and a list of herbs that are toxic to the liver and should be avoided....Show more
Delmer Pectol: couldn't get right ans yet.somebody please define?
Karey Dunken: green tea contains the same amount of caffeine as regular tea and herbal teas are caffeine free. if you buy herbal teas dont get them from the supermarket as they contain none of the goodness. get the tea from a health shop or herbal tea specialist.
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Asseyez-vous pour une déposition. Lâautre parent voudra peut-être vous faire témoigner dans le cadre de la découverte. Cela peut être une expérience stressante, surtout si la communication a échoué avec lâautre parent et que vous prévoyez que son avocat sera hostile. On vous posera également des questions potentiellement embarrassantes au sujet de vos finances, de votre emploi, de votre environnement familial et de vos antécédents criminels. Lâavocat rassemblera des preuves pour le procès.
Habillez-vous convenablement. Puisque vous demandez au juge de vous accorder la garde co! mplète, vous devriez avoir lâair aussi professionnel et uni que possible.
Faites notarier les formulaires remplis. Une fois que vous aurez rempli les formulaires appropriés, vous devrez les signer devant un notaire.
Fournir à lâévaluateur les dossiers de la communauté et de lâécole. Lâévaluateur peut vouloir des dossiers scolaires, tels que des infractions disciplinaires, ou un registre des activités communautaires auxquelles lâenfant participe. Vous devrez signer une décharge pour que lâévaluateur puisse y accéder.
Consultez un avocat. Un avocat peut être une caisse de résonance stable pendant une période de confusion et de turbulence. Même si vous nâavez pas les moyens de payer un avocat, vous devriez au moins rencontrer un avocat qui offre une consultation gratuite. La détermination de la garde est compliquée et importante. Un avocat compétent est dâune valeur inestimable et nécessaire pour établir des arguments solid! es en faveur de la garde à vue.
Planifiez votre audienc! e. Communiquez avec le greffier du tribunal et demandez-lui de fixer la date de votre audience ; donnez une estimation du temps dont vous prévoyez avoir besoin. Le greffier peut fixer une première conférence au cours de laquelle le juge posera des questions pour sâassurer que toutes les questions sont prêtes pour le procès.
Assignez vos témoins. Pour vous assurer que vos témoins se présentent au tribunal, vous devez leur délivrer une assignation à comparaître. Vous pouvez obtenir lâassignation auprès du greffier du tribunal.
Faire une déclaration liminaire. Vous ou votre avocat devrez donner au juge une feuille de route de ce que la preuve montrera. La déclaration préliminaire doit être brève, mais elle doit résumer les éléments de preuve à lâappui de votre demande de garde complète.
Attendez la réponse. Lâautre parent dispose dâun maximum de 28 jours à compter de la date de signification pour déposer une réponse écrite! à la requête. Vous devriez recevoir une copie de la réponse. Si ce nâest pas le cas, appelez le greffier et demandez-lui sâil lâa reçu.
Contre-interrogez les témoins de lâautre côté. Le contre-interrogatoire a pour but soit de discréditer le témoin, soit de minimiser son témoignage en démontrant quâil est partial ou quâil nâa pas les connaissances suffisantes pour témoigner sur lâaffaire.
Prenez des notes. Si possible, essayez de prendre des notes pendant lâévaluation. Le fait de noter les types de questions de suivi qui sont posées peut donner un aperçu des préoccupations de lâévaluateur au sujet de votre aptitude en tant que parent.
Rendez-vous pour lâévaluation de la garde dâun Ami de la Cour. Avant que le tribunal puisse décider de la garde, les deux parties doivent rencontrer une personne qui évalue leur aptitude à assumer leurs responsabilités parentales. Lâévaluateur ne décide pas de la garde. LâÃ! ©valuateur recueille plutôt des éléments de preuve pour aider le jug! e à déterminer ce qui sera dans lâintérêt supérieur de lâenfant.
Trouvez le tribunal approprié. Si vous demandez quâune ordonnance antérieure soit modifiée, vous retournerez très probablement devant le tribunal qui a rendu lâordonnance. Si vous demandez une ordonnance de garde initiale, le tribunal compétent est la Division de la famille de la Cour de circuit du comté où vit votre enfant. Si vous demandez une ordonnance de divorce et de garde, elle doit être rendue par la Division de la famille de la Cour de circuit du comté où vous ou votre conjoint vivez.
Servir lâautre parent. Joignez lâoriginal de lâassignation à la copie des documents de lâautre parent. Lâautre parent doit recevoir ces documents dans les 91 jours suivant la date de dépôt. Vous pouvez les servir de diverses façons :
Comprenez ce que vous devez prouver au tribunal. Le tribunal tiendra compte de divers facteurs pour déterminer sâil vous accorde la ! garde exclusive. Ce que le tribunal examinera différera légèrement selon que vous tentez de modifier une ordonnance de garde existante ou dâétablir une ordonnance de garde initiale.
Faites lâobjet dâune inspection de la maison. Si lâautre parent conteste la qualité de votre maison, lâévaluateur devra peut-être visiter votre maison pour lâinspecter.
Arrivez rapidement. Donnez-vous assez de temps pour vous rendre au tribunal. Si vous ne connaissez pas bien le palais de justice ou la situation du stationnement, accordez-vous une heure supplémentaire.
Terminez lâentrevue. Le programme vous demandera des renseignements sur vous, lâautre parent, lâenfant ou les enfants, votre lieu de résidence et le type dâentente de garde que vous demandez au tribunal de fournir.
Envisagez la médiation. Si vous voulez éviter dâaller au tribunal, vous pouvez demander une médiation. Alternativement, le juge peut lâordonner. Lors de la mé! diation, les deux parties rencontrent une tierce partie neutre et trava! illent ensemble pour en arriver à un résultat acceptable pour les deux parties. La médiation peut apporter une clôture émotionnelle et une guérison.
Présenter un plaidoyer final. Vous ou votre avocat résumerez votre cause en établissant un lien explicite entre la preuve et lâintérêt supérieur de lâenfant, conformément à la loi du Michigan.
Mener une enquête. Après le dépôt dâune poursuite, les parties peuvent sâengager dans un processus appelé  » communication préalable « , dans le cadre duquel chaque partie demande des renseignements à lâautre partie. Dans le cadre de la communication préalable, vous pouvez signifier les demandes de production de documents en la possession ou sous le contrôle de lâautre partie. Vous pouvez également demander à lâautre parent de répondre aux questions écrites.
Trouvez les formulaires. Les formulaires dont vous avez besoin sont en ligne. Accédez à la boîte à outils approprié! e et au programme interactif de préparation de documents (gratuit) sur le site Web de lâaide juridique du Michigan, qui est approuvé par lâappareil judiciaire du Michigan.
Classez les formulaires. Déposez lâoriginal des documents auprès du greffier. Conservez plusieurs copies pour vos dossiers ainsi que pour les poster à lâautre parent. Vous devez payer des frais de dépôt de 150 $. Demandez au greffier dâestampiller vos copies avec la date de dépôt.
Appelez des témoins. En tant que requérant (la personne qui demande la garde complète), vous présenterez dâabord des témoins. Lâintimé (lâautre parent) aura alors lâoccasion de contre-interroger le témoin.
Ãlaborer une stratégie dâessai. Si la médiation échoue â" ou si lâune des parties refuse de participer â" alors vous devriez vous préparer pour le procès. Vous devez réfléchir à ce que lâautre parent va argumenter ainsi quâà la meilleure façon de présent! er votre cause. Pour connaître la stratégie de lâautre parent, pren! ez une copie de la réponse déposée et lisez-la. Dans la réponse, lâautre parent indiquera pourquoi vous ne devriez pas avoir la garde complète.
Dressez la liste des témoins et des pièces à conviction. Au tribunal, vous aurez besoin de preuves pour prouver vos affirmations. Une simple affirmation selon laquelle « jâai changé ma vie » nâest pas convaincante.
Faire les divulgations requises. Dans le cadre du processus de communication préalable, vous serez tenu de divulguer volontairement divers types de renseignements : affidavits financiers, liste des témoins que vous avez lâintention de convoquer à lâaudience, pièces à conviction que vous avez lâintention dâutiliser.
Tomeka Hameen: I'm assuming that when you say green living tips it is for all sorts of different topics: health, fitness, education etc. Also considering that you are have a bun in the oven (congrats by the way) I suggest checking out living green with baby. They have all sorts of good advice on healthy recipes, exercise and apparently all things related to living green :) You can also check out healthy child healthy world website
Augustus Sarria: You can install a green roof, that could help your family to save money..
p>Ce wikiComment vous enseigne comment déposer puis supprimer une épingle Google Maps lorsque vous utilisez un ordinateur.
Recherchez un endroit à épingler. Tapez une adresse ou un nom dâemplacement dans la barre de recherche pour ouvrir une liste de suggestions, puis cliquez sur celle qui correspond à ce que vous recherchez.
Cliquez sur X à côté de la zone de recherche. Câest en haut de la colonne de gauche. Ceci supprime lâemplacement que vous avez recherché, ce qui supprime également lâicône du punaiseur.
Ouvrez Google Maps sur votre ordinateur. Ouvrez nâimporte quel navigateur Web, tel que Safari ou Firefox, et naviguez vers
Cliquez sur lâemplacement que vous voulez épingler. Une icône de punaise rouge apparaîtra à cet endroit.
Clay Lipira: Hmm. Well, it is caused by global warming. How does it affect global warming back? Well, icecaps are white and they reflect solar energy back into space. If they melt, then presumably they will absorb more energy, increasing the temperature.
p>Vous venez de faire le tutoriel RS avec Sir Vant et êtes arrivé sur le continent de RuneScape, mais vous ne savez pas comment gagner de lâargent. Câest difficile pour vous dây arriver. Si vous êtes une nouvelle personne sur RuneScape ou si vous avez créé un autre compte, mais que vous souhaitez acquérir des compétences secondaires sur un personnage de niveau 3, cet article est fait pour vous.
Faites la quête des mystères de la rune. Vous pouvez maintenant extraire lâessence de rune et fabriquer des runes. Chaque fois que vous apportez une charge à lâautel aérien, vous gagnez un niveau jusquâà environ 15, ce qui signifie le temps de la rune de feu ! Vous pouvez aussi façonner les esprits, mais attention, lâautel est à 4 places de la nature sauvage.
Obtenez lâadhésion et allez au nord de Rellaka à la zone enneigée avec les outils appropriés pour attra! per les kebbits. Suivez les kebbits polaires et vendez leurs fourrures pour environ 1,8k chacun. Chassez-les jusquâau niveau 33.
Si vous êtes un joueur libre, et que vous êtes juste là pour lâargent, restez avec Air Runes et vendez-les pour 15-20gp, en particulier aux mages PKing dans la nature sauvage. Si vous nâêtes pas seulement là pour lâargent, créez les runes dont vous avez besoin et entraînez-vous avec eux pour atteindre votre niveau magique. Le Runecrafting rend la magie beaucoup moins chère. Si vous voulez gagner plus dâargent sans entraîner vos statistiques, allez dans le monde 16 et demandez lâaide dâune personne qui dit 8x 9x ou 10x puis fabriquez vos runes. Cela ne fonctionne que sur le monde 16 et vous devez être au temple de lâair.
Prends 3 millions et va en E.G.
Ensuite, allez chasser la salamandre orange dans le désert jusquâau niveau 65. Vous aurez besoin de 5-6 morceaux de corde pour ça. Câest là que lâ! argent entre en jeu.
Achetez 500 peaux de dragon et alle! z à la tannerie.
Procurez-vous quelques pièges à boîtes et retournez à Feldip Hills pour attraper des chinchompas rouges, qui se vendent environ 850 gp chacun. Ils sâempilent, vous nâaurez donc pas besoin dâaccumuler chaque voyage.
Ensuite, allez chasser les kebbits à queue barbue à Feldip Hills jusquâau niveau 47.
Si vous êtes un membre, plus tard, vous pouvez façonner la nature, le chaos, et dâautres, et vous pouvez extraire lâessence pure.
Alors allez à G.E. et vendez-les.
Shon Almquist: NO but I do believe that the environment is constantly changing either there are people or not. We were not there to stop the first asteroid that wipe out the dinosaurs. You GW people would have tax us to do it too. When there was a lack of rain that created the deserts, if you people were there you would have taxed us to prevent it too....Show more
Hope Lundmark: globa wa? Anybody who believes in Global warming is an Islamofascist
Romeo Tinnea: NOPE.......Besides if it was a scientific problem then there could be no excuses made for any country to not participate.Socioeconomics is driving this....Sunspots and a possible new ice age (updated)Thomas LifsonThere is some serious evidence accumulating that we may be on the brink of not just global cooling, but an ice age. Sunspots are historically correlated with temperature on earth. During the Dalton Minimum, beginning in 1790, the number of sunspots was low, as the earthâs climate turned col! d for a few decades. At you can see live images of the sun taken from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in space. Right now there is but one tiny sunspot.Phil Chapman, geophysicist and astronautical engineer who lives in San Francisco, writes in The Australian about the frightening prospect that this yearâs ferocious winter and decline in average temperature is the herald of serious cooling:Are 32,000 Scientists Enough to Question Global Warming âConsensus?âMarc SheppardThe National Press Club in Washington will today release the names of as many as 32,000 American Scientists who reject not only Kyoto-style greenhouse gas limits, but the very premise of manmade global warming itself.On Saturday, Lawrence Solomon wrote a great piece in the National Post (h/t Benny Peiser) which begged the question: âHow many scientists does it take to establish that a consensus does not exist on global warming?â...Show more
Ewa Homrich: ! yes, becasue why else would the glaciers be melting?DUH!
Sharron Salin: i'd say yes because it is mostly proven and the greenhouse affect. Also why is everyone talkiing about it?
Irvin Guiles: yes, because it is hot right now
Kaylee Schmittou: GW is a major scam/fraud manipulated by the governments to provoke panic & fear attacks in societies to control them; a money-making machine for some entities and persons.My 2 cents.
Lahoma Beadell: Climate change is happening and the debate is over as to whether or not humans are contributing to the rapid acceleration of global temperatures. Annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 80% between 1970 and 2004 and experts predict a faster rate of global warming in the next 100 years than experienced in the last 10,000 years.The arguments against doing something about GW this week sound a lot like the arguments brought forth AGAINST occupying Iraq - spending exhorbitant sums of money, mortgaging our children's future, etc. It's payback time by the elitw, r! adio talk show spawned, so called "conservatives", eh?The difference this time is that the "liberals" are proposing to actually pay for doing something (what a concept) rather than accruing a spit in the bucket debt (compared to what we've spent the last 7 years) and actually do something positive for future generations - while stimulating a sustainable economic sector in clean, renewable energy.The nerve of those liberals to tax us to do good! Get a clue! They should accrue massive, inconceivable debt and embroil us in an endless, violent, deadly debacle instead! THAT MAKES WAY MORE SENSE!...Show more
Tommy Durrenberger: No, I think there are several flaws in the theory. (Notice that it's isn't even a law.. Just a theory.. Anyone can come up with a theory..) There, actually is no proof that significant man-made global warming is taking place. The computer models used in U.N. studies say the first area to heat under the "greenhouse gas effect" should be the lower a! tmosphere - known as the troposphere. Highly accurate, carefully checke! d satellite data have shown absolutely no such tropospheric warming. There has been surface warming of about half a degree Celsius, but this is far below the customary natural swings in surface temperatures. Because scientists haven't bean able to prove that Global Warming, actually exists, they now call is "Global Climate Change." Kind of absurd.....Show more
answers 0:what are main duties of dental assistant?answers 1:Every office is different on the amount of duties they expect of an assistant, but the main job is assisting the Doctor during dental procedures. That includes suctioning, passing the instruments, mixing the medicaments. Cleaning and sterilizing the room and the instruments, x-rays, impressions. If you love interacting with people its a great career!answers 2:U can take x-rays, process x-rays, do charting, make impressions/molds of teeth, lots of sterilization of instruments, lots of cleaning/sanitation duties, cleaning the chair and trays after a patient leaves, receptionist duties, limited consultation to patients, chair side assistance like comforting a nervous patient, and holding the suction tip to suck up the blood or saliva. Thats about ! it. If u are a registered dental assistant, u are more advanced and knowledgeable. If u are not a registered assistant, some offices are willing to train u to take on the more tougher tasks like taking x-rays....
Lady Laflin: Sorry if this is a bit long, but I've tried to explain in detail. By the way, they are very light cars; cars are normally around 1000kg! However, we'll ignore this.________________________________________________Say the first car is going in the positive direction.Its initial momentum = mv = 111x9.00 = 999 kgm/s.The second car is going in the opposite (negative) direction; so take v = -5.00m/s.Its initial momentum = mv = 111x(-5.00) = -555 kgm/s.So the total initial momentum = 999 + (-555) = 444 kgm/sThe collision is perectly inelastic, which means the cars stick together. They have a combined mass of 2x111 = 222kg.Say the combined cars have a velocity V after the collision; then the combined cars have momentum = mv = 222V, and this is the final momentum.From conservation of momentum:Initial momentum = final momentum444 = 222VV = 2.00 m/s(Note, the choice of which direction is positive is unimportant. If we had chosen the reverse directions, V would simply! have come out to be -2.00m/s.)________________________________________The 1st car's initial kinetic energy was:½mv² = ½(111)(9.00)² = 4495.5JThe 2nd car's initial kinetic energy was:½mv² = ½(111)(-5.00)² = 1387.5JSo initially, the total kinetic energy = 4495.5 + 1387.5 = 5883JAfter the collision, the combined cars' kinetic energy is:½mv² = ½(222)(2.00)² = 444J.So the kinetic energy has dropped from 5883J to 444J. This is a *change* of 444 - 5883 = -5439J (negative as the kinetic energy has decreased.(The kinetic energy is dissipated â" i.e. changed to heat.)The value should be rounded to 3 significant figures to match the data supplied in the question. Also, the question asks how much kinetic energy is dissipated â" not what the change is.The correct answer is 5440J. The answer should not be negative and it should not have been rounded to the nearest 50, so -5450J is incorrect....Show more
Heidi Creselious: you need the new flex system.
Warren Kotter: Not likely, not on straight ethanol (which usually means E85 or 85% ethanol).The fuel system needs to be modified for higher flow. Rubber seals need to be compatible. Cars built to use E85 are labeled as such. There are some, but not many.
Pam Rampadarat: not unless it was designed to do so
Star Gollnick: No, you need a lot more of it to even make the engine run. That's the easy part. To get any real gains in power you got to raise the compression ratio way up. It burns faster so you can raise your RPM way up which means stiffer valve springs and a different cam. I think your getting the idea, just not practical.
Nikki Sypult: only if your vehicle is equipped to run it.FFVs (Flexible Fuel Vehicles), factory ready to use E-85, are widely available. Approximately 2 million FFVs have already been sold in the United States, even though many buyers are completely unaware that they use! E85 fuel (85% Ethanol). This is according to the National Ethanol Vehicle Coalition. Check your owner's manual, visit with your dealer, or see this list of current model year FFVs to determine if you drive a vehicle that can fuel with E85. Here is a list of car models currently available as flexible fuel vehicles....Show more
Frances Macky: E-85 gasoline is cheaper because less people can use it in there flex fueled cars. Beside that cars that run gasoline can use up to 15% ETHANOL but I have to caution you any water in your tank with the rust will also move to your precious injectors. Stick with what brought you here. Good old gasoline 10% ethanol and be happy were not paying what Peru is per gallon over $7.00. Mostly buying the politicians nice houses and good cars. USA rules at $2.79 a gallon of premium....Show more
Donte Liversedge: Indy cars do, but they are designed to do so...
Jude Colbenson: No!!Ford has been putting Flex-Fuel Vehicles on the roa! d since 1995.Chrysler since 1998& G.M. since 2000For all we kn! ow you may already be driving one of the MILLIONS & MILLIONS of vehicles that are on the road, that ARE E85 capable. Many people aren't aware of which vehicles are.To find out if your vehicle can use E85 go to : http://e85fuel.comI have been studying ethanol & alternative fuels since 1995.In fact my 'nickname' here is my own contraction of ethanol. Eth'ol...Show more
Mayola Sylva: NO!! Ethanol is highly corrosive, and unless your fuel supply plumbing is modified to accept it, it will destroy it.
Ronny Dorge: Some vehicles can. There are race cars that are designed to run on it. Production cars cannot. The closest you can get to pure ethanol is E-85. For the ninnies here who think E-85 is straight ethanol, read a book or something. E-85 is 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline. There are reasons cars cannot run on ethanol if they are built for gasoline. One is that ethanol will damage rubber parts like hoses and seals if they are not designed for it.! Another is that ethanol burns differently than gasoline, and your car's ignition system and computers are not calibrated to process it. Yet another is that water mixes with ethanol, and it can corrode the critical parts of your fuel system, like injectors. Flex fuel vehicles are designed in such a way that the computers that control the engine can compensate for the differences between E-85 and straight gasoline, so basically you can put either fuel into the tank and the engine will ajust to it. Ethanol in the form of E-85 is not as efficient as straight gasoline, so even if it is cheaper, your mileage will suffer....Show more
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Brock Anwar: Location : Korea FNC Academy(Ho Seong Building, dongja-dong mapo-gu, Seoul )Audition Time: 4/24(å)14:00Participants: Overseas applicantsHow to resister:*Please inform which course you want to enroll( One week course or Audition course)....Show more
Guy Bonamico: Sorry to burst your bubble, but they hardly look at online auditions unless they specifically started it for an event. I would know since I spammed SM a while ago (although not really...). I would ask really simple questions and they'd just never respond, and one of my uncles, who's in the business in Korea, said that they hardly looked at the online auditions since there were too many and it's hard to judge through a video.Anyway, I'm not positive if these companies have online auditions, but it's worth checking out: Cube Entertainment, Pledis Entertainment, DSP Media, and there are tons more if you just dig. Check out the companies that some other groups are a part o! f....Show more
Ardelia Liptow: I agree with the person who has the question mark as his/her name. I've spoken to people who work with SM entertainment, and they said that they only accept people who have asian blood inside them or who look asian. I mean, it's korean entertainment, KOREAN! They'd probably tell you that you're better off in your own countries entertainment since you'll fit in there. I mean, wouldn't it be weird if SNSD were full of koreans and then had 1 member who was fully caucasian? Anyway, You can give it a try but they rarely accept people who are non-asian. :-)...Show more
Patricia Dornbos: i dont mean to offend, but your question is a bit vague. i will assume that you are reffering to production (ie filming) in film. first of all, you must consider local taxes. by which i mean city and state. i live in CA and nothing makes me more upset than to see production running to canada and the southwest (to name a few, also england is a big one). this is becuase the democrats (i am one so i say this with soem sincirety) dont understand that raising corporate taxes just drives business away. Globalisation has had a dramatic effect. it made it possible for corporations to leave when taxes increase. the reason: since global shipping has increased exponentially, the long run average cost has decreased as quantity shipped has increased. if you are an econ person then the best way to put it is that the economies of scale of transportation have dramatically increased. so, it is now cheap to just pick up and leave and work else where. hope that wasnt to mu! ch...Show more
Basil Blasingame: No -thanks to Sony. They put RCA out of business years ago and Zenith also went under and the name was sold to some company in Korea.Here is what Sony did:- In the 50's, RCA was the number one TV brand and Sears was the number one place to buy them.Sony went to RCA and said they would sell whole televisions with "RCA" on the front for cheaper than it took RCA to build them. RCA agreed and layed off it's manufacturing and engineering groups.Then Sony went to Sears and said they would sell Sears the same TV's cheaper, but put "Sears" on the front. Sears agreed.In both cases - Sony was selling televisions at a loss.Then they went to Zenith and said "You are not buying enough televisions so we have to double the price."After Zenith went out of the TV business, they went to Sears and raised the prices as well.So American businesses got beat because of greed and Sony sold TV's at a loss for a few years to put RCA out of business. Then raised prices.Last ye! ar when HD-DVD went out of business - Sony immediately raised prices on BluRay players and announced 'new features' to try and get early adopters of BluRay to re-purchase....Show more
Zulema Baccam: American Made Tv Brands
Tana Dumoulin: American Tv Manufacturers
Mitchel Demry: Yes! As of 2012, there are Televisions made in America, and by an American-owned company, no less! Check out Element Electronics, made in Detroit!
Inez Relihan: Yeah I think it is correct
Tijuana Tatsak: Don't believe that is correct
Oscar Wieland: Visio is made here
Boyce Gilhooly: For the best answers, search on this site, according to an article entitled âMade in the USAâ in the March, 2008 edition of Popular Mechanics magazine, you can. It is the mid-priced Olevia brand of LCD TVs made by Syntax-Brillian, whose corporate headquarters are located in Tempe, AZ. According to the article, (which I could not find on ! the Popular Mechanics website), Syntax-Brillian is the first U! .S. TV manufacturer to compete against the Asian âgiantsâ since Zenith was bought by a Korean company in 1995. Syntax- Brillian bought Vivitar in 2006, and still produces their cameras and camcorders. According to the article, the televisions are designed and engineered in City of Industry, CA, and then the components are made separately in Asia and shipped to the West Coast facility where the sets are assembled. Syntax-Brillian claims this allows put together the sets and deliver to U.S. customers faster than its Asian competition. (Note: I am not 100% sure what the FTC rules are regarding labelling products âMade in Americaâ, nor did the article address whether they are labelled as such, but the title of the article was âMade in the USAâ, so you can draw your own conclusions.) * Have a Good Day * ~ Don ~...Show more
Maynard Phoubandith: NO, there are no TVs currently being made (manufactured) in the USA, but there are some that are ASSEMBLED in the USA f! rom god-only-knows what kind of cheap Chinese parts - stay away from those.
Aidez votre enfant à améliorer son vocabulaire. Ãvitez de parler à votre enfant en termes simplistes. Utilisez des mots complexes et aidez-le à chercher les mots dans le dictionnaire. Faites un pas de plus et demandez à votre enfant dâessayer dâutiliser le nouveau mot dans une phrase.
Prévoir une bibliothèque de lecture à domicile. Encouragez votre enfant à ajouter à sa collection de livres. Vous pouvez trouver des livres à prix dâaubaine aux ventes dâétiquettes et aux ventes de livres de bibliothèque. Des études ont montré que les enfants qui ont une petite bibliothèque à la maison obtiennent de meilleurs résultats en mathématiques et en lecture que ceux qui nâont pas accès quotidiennement à des livres.
Aidez votre enfant à affiner son écriture.! Demandez-lui dâécrire des listes dâépicerie ; demandez-lui de rédiger des notes de remerciement et encouragez-le à écrire dans un journal ou un journal intime.
Comprenez pourquoi votre participation à lâéducation de votre enfant est essentielle. Les élèves dont le rendement est inférieur au niveau scolaire sont désavantagés, non seulement au cours de lâannée scolaire suivante, mais tout au long de leur parcours scolaire. Les élèves qui ne peuvent pas trouver lâinformation dont ils ont besoin, comprendre le sens des mots ou utiliser dâautres compétences dâapprentissage essentielles sont beaucoup plus susceptibles dâabandonner lâécole.
Encourager lâactivité physique. Les enfants qui sont physiquement actifs obtiennent de meilleurs résultats scolaires. Lâactivité physique ne fait pas que maintenir le corps de votre enfant en bonne santé, elle améliore aussi son esprit.
Parlez à lâenseignant de votre enfant. Rens! eignez-vous sur le programme dâétudes pour lâannée scola! ire et demandez à lâenseignant de votre enfant de vous donner une liste des jalons que les élèves doivent franchir tout au long de lâannée scolaire.
Aidez votre enfant à faire la transition de chaque année dâétudes à la suivante. Il est important que vous réalisiez que commencer une nouvelle année scolaire est une étape importante dans la vie dâun enfant. Votre enfant, bien quâil soit excité à lâidée de commencer chaque année scolaire dans une classe différente avec un enseignant différent, peut ressentir de la peur et de lâanxiété. Apaisez ses craintes et ses inquiétudes avant le début de lâécole, pour quâil se sente confiant et heureux dès le premier jour dâécole dans sa nouvelle classe.
Faites de la télévision une occasion dâaider votre enfant à acquérir des habiletés cognitives. Regardez des émissions de télévision avec votre enfant. Coupez le son des publicités et posez à votre enfant des questions sur! ce quâil vient de regarder. Interrogez-le sur les personnages et lâintrigue. Cela lâaidera à développer ses capacités cognitives et lâaidera lorsquâil devra rédiger des comptes rendus de lecture. Il peut sâappuyer sur cette habileté à résumer une intrigue et à devenir un penseur critique. Regarder ensemble des spectacles qui peuvent enseigner des leçons morales et éthiques, ainsi que des leçons académiques. Gardez un globe terrestre à proximité et intégrez la géographie dans vos émissions de télévision quotidiennes. Si votre enfant regarde une émission qui se déroule au Nigeria, demandez-lui de trouver le Nigeria sur la planète. Sâil regarde une émission sur la migration des oiseaux, demandez-lui de tracer les voies migratoires sur le globe.
Initiez votre enfant aux arts. Demandez à votre enfant de prendre des leçons de musique ou de danse. Chaque activité à laquelle votre enfant participe est une occasion dâapprentissage, e! t chaque activité quâil maîtrise ou devient compétent augmentera s! a confiance en lui.
Faites participer votre enfant à des activités dans la nature. Les milieux naturels sont parfaits pour diminuer le stress, ce qui favorise la capacité dâapprentissage de votre enfant. Faites des promenades ou des randonnées régulières avec votre enfant et aidez-le à découvrir le monde naturel qui lâentoure.
Laissez votre enfant vous aider dans les tâches ménagères. Les tâches ménagères peuvent aider votre enfant à acquérir de précieuses compétences. Les jeunes enfants peuvent mieux comprendre les notions de mathématiques, de temps et dâargent en effectuant des tâches simples à la maison. Demandez à votre enfant de vous aider à cuisiner et à utiliser les mesures. Donnez-lui une modeste allocation et renseignez-le sur lâargent. Achetez une compteuse de pièces de monnaie et aidez-le à distinguer les dénominations monétaires. Jouez au « magasin » et apprenez-lui à compter la monnaie à rebours après un ac! hat.
Utilisez les éloges comme outil de motivation. Il est important de féliciter votre enfant pour ses capacités, mais il est tout aussi important de le féliciter pour avoir essayé, même sâil nây parvient pas. Les enfants qui sont félicités pour leur effort de travail sont plus susceptibles de se concentrer sur leurs études.
Permettez à vos enfants dâavoir des temps dâarrêt après lâécole. Ils feront mieux leurs devoirs et auront une meilleure attitude à leur égard sâils ont été autorisés à se défouler dâabord. Personne ne veut sâasseoir et faire plus de travail scolaire après sâêtre assis dans une salle de classe toute la journée.
Renseignez-vous sur les stades de développement de votre enfant avant quâil nâentre dans chaque année dâétudes. Les enfants apprennent différemment, ou leur capacité dâapprendre est affectée par leur développement physique et émotionnel. Câest tout à fait naturel quâu! n élève de CE2 soit nerveux et ait des difficultés à se concentrer.! Savoir cela vous aidera à trouver des moyens dâaider votre enfant à sâinstaller assez longtemps pour faire ses devoirs.
Visitez souvent lâécole de votre enfant. Se porter volontaire pour travailler à lâécole à un titre ou à un autre. Des études ont démontré que la présence physique dâun parent dans la classe de son enfant est un meilleur indicateur du développement littéraire de lâenfant que le niveau de revenu de la famille. Votre présence physique est un moyen puissant de dire à votre enfant que vous vous souciez suffisamment de lui pour être impliqué. Ce message renforce lâestime de soi et la confiance de votre enfant, ainsi que son désir dâexceller sur le plan scolaire.
Claude Gloden: Radio Paradise,, Got Radio, RadioIO, etc.
Achetez ou assemblez votre tenue. Utilisez Walmart, Kmart et les magasins dâoccasion à votre avantage, mais nâoubliez pas votre propre garde-robe. Recherchez des vêtements en maille, des jupes paysannes (qui peuvent être coupées plus courtes si nécessaire) et des justaucorps. Si vous savez comment utiliser la teinture de tissu, vous pouvez aussi acheter une barrette de dentelle et la teindre en noir. En un clin dâÅ"il, la robe noire de base qui accompagne la plupart des costumes de sorcière et de vampire servira de base.
Obtenez une perruque noire ou teignez vos propres cheveux en noir. Ajoutez des stries colorées de votre couleur dâaccent. Vous pouvez simplement utiliser des extensions de couleur ou des clips. Si vous choisissez de teindre vos cheveux, planifiez cette étape avec soin, car! la teinture noire semi-permanente sur les cheveux blonds peut devenir verte si elle nâest pas dâabord teinte en brun. De plus, vos mèches colorées peuvent ne pas bien apparaître sur les cheveux teints, il peut donc être judicieux dâobtenir des mèches de couleur à clipser.
Prends tes ailes de fée. Choisissez-les dans une couleur neutre ou dans votre couleur dâaccent. Ils peuvent être faits maison ou achetés en magasin, gazeux ou plumeux. Même si le reste de votre tenue échoue, vous pouvez toujours être une fée tant que vous avez les ailes !
Ajoutez des collants ou des leggings noirs ou votre couleur dâaccent si vous portez une jupe ou une robe courte. Cela améliorera lâapparence de vos jambes et vous aidera à rester au chaud par une nuit froide.
Trouvez une paire de chaussures ou de bottes noires. Les bottes noires de nâimporte quel style sont toujours une bonne tenue gothique, mais assurez-vous quâelles vous vont assez bien ! pour que vous puissiez vous promener confortablement. Si vous ! ne trouvez pas de bottes, peignez de vieilles baskets en noir (si elles ne sont pas déjà noires) et ajoutez des lacets dans votre couleur dâaccent. Vous pouvez scintiller et décorer les chaussures aussi bien, si vous voulez.
Dessinez votre idée. Tout dâabord, illustrez votre robe de base ou votre combinaison culotte/chemise. Ce costume fonctionne bien avec une base noire, mais une fois que vous avez pris le coup de main, vous pouvez modifier et éditer votre combinaison de couleurs pour lâadapter aux idéaux « gothiques ».
Accentuez vos lèvres ou vos yeux, et mettez du maquillage de couleur spectaculaire sur ce trait seulement. Portez de lâeye-liner liquide ou appliquez abondamment du crayon noir et une forte dose dâombre à paupières de votre couleur dâaccent. Si vous accentuez vos lèvres, mettez du rouge à lèvres noir ou de couleur accentuée. Ne pas appliquer le maquillage frappant sur les lèvres et les yeux, car il peut facilement s! embler clownesque. Vous pourriez également vouloir blanchir le reste de votre visage, car les goths ont tendance à paraître plus pâles que la plupart.
Utilisez de la colle à tissu ou de la peinture à tissu de la couleur dâaccent de votre choix, et décorez les vêtements avec. Ne vous embêtez pas avec des designs soignés et conservateurs : devenez fou et faites-le en grand. Nâhésitez pas à utiliser des paillettes, des paillettes et des perles de couleur. Cette étape nâest pas nécessaire, mais peut vraiment pimenter une tenue si vous nâavez pas trouvé dâaccessoires, ou des accessoires dans les bonnes couleurs.
Portez des bijoux audacieux qui nâentrent pas en compétition avec votre maquillage. Les chaînes et les anneaux surdimensionnés sont bons. Tout ce qui a lâair occulte, comme les dragons ou les pentacles, est amusant à ajouter à un costume de fée gothique. Nâoubliez pas les ornements de cheveux, surtout si vous nâavez pas ! mis des mèches colorées dans vos cheveux.
Choisissez vos couleu! rs dâaccent. Ces couleurs peuvent être utilisées sur vos ailes, votre maquillage, vos ceintures, vos bijoux ou tout autre article qui, selon vous, unifiera le look. Quelques idées de couleurs le sont :
David Boehler: A copy may be in the position of the surveyor, and of course whoever paid for it has a copy.If you are not paying for a survey you are not entitled to the information.
Kizzy Hett: When you purchased the house you SHOULD have gotten a title insurance policy which will show a description of the property and easements. Check that or contact your escrow who handled the closing.
Ollie Desalvo: There is no central repository of all surveys. But your deed documents should include both a legal description and a plat or parcel map. If you are looking for physical lot corner markings, they are typically either a metal pipe driven into the ground or (sometimes) a concrete "monument."
Providencia Serpe: Jason: There are a variety of possible ways... I will try to list a few for you1) Start with your deed. Does it refer to a recorded map like a tract map or record of survey. If so go to your county recorder and get a copy. That may answer your ! question. 2) No such luck, how about a trip to the County SURVEYOR and ask him if he has accepted for filing any Corner Records at your property or at any of the neighbors. (Remember a survey of THEIR property is also a partial survey of yours. Still no luck? Ok next to the ;3) City building department armed with the addressess for your property and all of the neighbors that are contiguous. Ask if there are any building permit surveys or Lot lline adjustments or any sort of similiar survey on record. There should be something since few houses are built without a survey. The only question will be if the surveys are retraceable.4) Struck out or nothing useful? Its getting down to the wire. Time to go knock on doors and ask your neighbors if they have had a survey done for any reason (and if so, will they share it).No luck.. ? Then I am afraid there are only two choices left. a) Get a survey done. Here in California that will run you between $500 and $2,000 or! so depending upon the complexity of your legal description. ! or;b) Drop the matter..balls in your court, my friend.....Show more
Tyrone Disanti: be loved, much better.
Sena Highman: The Shadow want to be loved and he was in the back when he was 16 and driving with no license
Emile Okafor: Be loved!
Bell Pasco: I want to be loved.....never been in the back of a police to dressup and!! :-)
Donella Vasta: To be loved. Harder to get hurt that way.Ohh.. Me and the uhh... Sheriff had somthing goin' on...
Lucille Saetteurn: er... be loved?i got caught, some one snitched...Show more
Booker Moros: to be loved.I'm always loving other people and trying to do for others which is no problem for me but it seems like when someone is selfless, others become selfish.I teepeed my ex boyfriend's backyard! (lol jk...good idea
Germaine Tieken: I guess we all want to be loved however, in order to receive love, you must give love first. Oh - and I've never (PRAISE GOD!) been in the back of a police car..
Donnell Mollo: Both!! =! )Poll: Almost made it there, but my friends and I started crying to avoid this. =P
Carter Edstrom: hmm; both at the same time (:&& i was in the back of a police car cause my friends dad was a policeman && he gave us a ride. xD.
Natalya Sydney: To be lovedWas on my way to police Station to bail my grandad out he,s a hindres and eighteen yrs old now and cant see too well ,got arrested for drink driving
Jess Grizzel: I think I would rather be loved.
Gale Hartt: BothPublic NekkednessSteveC
Wilmer Skidmore: to'll b loved in return!poll:i was not!answer mine.. more
Ha Wolski: Yes you can. Just ask a poll and see which answers you receive. Or set it out like this:E.G.Do you like school?A. Of courseB. No way :(C. Kind of. There you go, problem solved. ;)...Show more
Chanda Wittwer: You can make polls for mostly any catergory.
Providencia Jalbert: yes you can make a poll. just type one up now. :)
Derrick Cacioppo: If you mean one where people can actually interact and choose a selection by clicking on it, no, you can't. No function like that on YA.If you mean to simply ask a poll-like question, you can, with restrictions: It MUST be posted in the Polls & Surveys section under Entertainment & Music and it MUST be a 'legitimate' poll. Of course, nobody actually abides by these rules, but they must be stated anyway.Finally, there are a LOT of sites out there that can help you generate a poll to post on your own site, or post on their site: more
Rachell Mee! se: you can do it on this site.
La plupart des sénats sont chargés de débattre et de voter de nouvelles lois pour leur pays, et représentent généralement une région spécifique et ses citoyens. Le poste de sénateur est particulièrement apprécié aux Ãtats-Unis, mais ces instructions comprennent des instructions générales pour entrer dans nâimporte quel sénat législatif, en particulier celui formé par les élections populaires.
Participez aux campagnes politiques. Une fois que vous avez un peu dâéducation et dâexpérience en politique locale, essayez de trouver un emploi en travaillant sur la campagne électorale de quelquâun. Assurez-vous de vous renseigner dâabord sur les campagnes pour des postes non nationaux, par exemple pour lâassemblée législative de lâÃtat ou le maire de la ville.
Ãtre sélectionné par lâassemblée législative de lâÃ! tat (ce qui nâest plus possible aux Ãtats-Unis). à lâorigine, toutes les assemblées législatives des Ãtats américains sélectionnaient des personnes pour devenir sénateurs nationaux. Les Ãtats ont commencé à réformer ces lois au XIXe siècle et, en 1913, le dix-septième amendement à la Constitution a déclaré que chaque siège au Sénat était déterminé par le vote populaire.
Aller à lâuniversité. Ce nâest pas une exigence technique, mais il est extrêmement difficile dâêtre élu sans un baccalauréat ou plus. En 2014, un seul sénateur américain sur 100 nâavait pas terminé ses études secondaires.
Recevoir une nomination pour combler un siège vacant au Sénat. Lorsquâun sénateur décède ou quitte son poste au milieu dâun mandat, le poste vacant quâil quitte doit être comblé.
Parlez au plus grand nombre de personnes possible. Lorsque vous envisagez de vous présenter vous-même aux élections, vous aurez besoin d! u soutien dâun large éventail de personnes. Commencez par v! os amis, votre famille et vos collègues de travail, mais parlez aussi aux électeurs et aux organismes locaux.
Poursuivre une carrière. De nombreux futurs sénateurs acquièrent de précieuses relations et du respect en poursuivant dâabord une carrière en droit, en affaires, dans le secteur sans but lucratif ou dans lâarmée. Vous nâavez pas besoin de suivre les voies traditionnelles, mais essayez de trouver du travail qui aide les gens dâune manière ou dâune autre.
Impliquez-vous dans la politique locale. Si vous êtes dâaccord avec le travail dâun parti politique en particulier, renseignez-vous auprès de la section locale sur le bénévolat ou les possibilités dâemploi. Si vous préférez rester indépendant, familiarisez-vous avec le processus politique en faisant du bénévolat dans un bureau de vote ou en vous joignant au gouvernement étudiant de votre école.
Commencez par vous présenter à une élection moins importante. Avoi! r de lâexpérience dans un autre bureau politique, ou plusieurs dâentre eux, est un excellent moyen de se faire remarquer, dâacquérir de lâexpérience et dâétablir des liens. Essayez de vous présenter aux élections municipales ou municipales, au conseil dâadministration dâun district scolaire ou à un autre poste qui correspond à vos intérêts. Préparez-vous à la législature de lâÃtat et à dâautres postes de niveau intermédiaire jusquâà ce que vous soyez prêt pour une campagne sénatoriale.
Collecter des fonds. Obtenez les coordonnées de vos partisans afin de pouvoir demander des dons. Vous aurez besoin dâargent pour faire passer votre message.
Apprenez ce que fait un sénateur. Renseignez-vous sur ce quâun sénateur doit faire avant de décider si vous voulez le devenir. Ce travail exige de la patience et de lâintérêt pour la politique et le droit.
Suivez lâactualité. Essayez de suivre autant dâinformations ! que possible, en particulier sur les événements politiques. Rassemble! z vos nouvelles dans divers journaux, stations de télévision ou sites Web, même ceux avec lesquels vous nâêtes pas dâaccord, et réfléchissez de façon critique à lâopinion de chaque personne.
Entrez au Sénat. Aux Ãtats-Unis, en Australie et dans bien dâautres pays, entrer au Sénat signifie gagner une autre campagne électorale. Dans dâautres pays, comme lâIrlande ou le Canada, vous devez être nommé ou élu par un autre politicien ou un groupe dâentre eux. Quoi quâil en soit, les étapes précédentes sont le moyen le plus efficace dâacquérir la visibilité et lâexpérience dont vous avez besoin pour vous retrouver au Sénat de votre pays.
Répondre aux exigences. Tout sénat a certaines exigences pour ses membres, mais vous pouvez souvent devenir éligible même si vous ne lâêtes pas maintenant. Aux Ãtats-Unis et en Australie, les sénateurs sont élus au suffrage universel, tandis que dans les autres pays anglophones, les sÃ! ©nateurs sont principalement nommés par dâautres politiciens. Voici les exigences pour le Sénat des Ãtats-Unis :
Obtenir une nomination permanente (impossible aux Ãtats-Unis). Dans certains pays, les sénateurs siègent pendant de nombreuses années, et les postes vacants occasionnels sont pourvus par nomination dâun autre politicien.
Formulez vos opinions politiques. Vous avez probablement déjà des opinions sur certaines questions, mais essayez dâenquêter sur les détails. Déterminez ceux qui vous tiennent le plus à cÅ"ur et ce que vous pensez quâil faut faire exactement à leur sujet.
answers 0:I feel really discouraged and feel like giving up, in looking for a dental assisting job. I graduated from a dental assisting program 2 yrs ago, and have my radiation license, passed my dental assisting exam, and am in the process of taking my EFDA exam. I'm lacking experience, i did interning when i was in school 2 yrs ago, but havent done anything since then. So I'm not experienced, as what they want. All the listings say 1 yr or more of experience, how am i ever suppose to get a dental assisting job, if they dont want anyone with less experience? its really frustrating:(...Show moreanswers 1:Hello again Sarah....... I agree with Mamapie2 in not focusing on salary or benefits, but asking more about what you will be required to do. I also strongly suggest asking if you can do a working interview...! .where you come in for a half day or a day and work just to see how it is there. If you are hired you will be working closely with everyone there and it is important that you feel comfortable with the others there. The working interview will be a real eye-opener for you and will help you determine if it will be a pleasant working environment. Just relax and you will do fine. Always remember you are a skilled professional and are worthy of being treated as such....answers 2:Just apply! A job listing is like a wish list ... it's qualifications that the "ideal" candidate would have but they are usually willing to be flexible on some things. I'd say that you are a pretty good candidate since you have passed your exam and have your radiation license. That may be more important to some employers versus another candidate who has 2 years experience but was trained on-the-job (no formal training).Why not contact the place where you did your internship and see if you can volunteer on! ce a week? Even if you have to start out doing office work or ! cleaning instruments, it is a good way to gain networking opportunities and get your foot in the door :)...answers 3:That's how it works. Later down the line when you have years of experience, you will say well of course I should be offered the job over someone with less experience than me. If your licensed you can volunteer at a public health clinic to get more experience. They get help, and you get experience/reference. Just do it for a couple of hours each day so that you can still work a regular job as well. I know someone who did this and as a dental professional, I would be very impressed with someone who volunteered their time just to gain more experience. It seems you don't have many options-two years is much too long to be find a job when you have such a marketable in demand skill set. Hope this helped...answers 4:Hi! This is just a suggestion. If most of them are looking for someone with a year or more experience, how about doing another round of internship or OJT! 's maybe with no pay for about a year. If you can. However, keep your fingers crossed, there might be some who are willing to take you in with little experience. Don't feel too frustrated. The employment line just really sucks nowadays. Good luck! Alyssa...
Cordia Fivecoat:
Buster Exline:
Virgil Loatman: mr. woodcock.
Randolph Lozoya: i capture the castlewater for elephantsfinding neverlandthe dreamers
Boris Hadsall: I would get out of the area where the person who is flirting is!
Kizzy Hett: yes in love with the fine looking ones why
Joni Ziak: Favorite Movie: TwisterNon-Favorite Movie: Eight legged freaks
Jose Bouliouris: fave movie-a cry for help: the tracey thurman story. that gave me chills.i also like twilight: breaking dawn pt. 1most hated ones are prolly comedy and horror. i hate girls screaming and i hate men actingstupid.
Travis Sherrock: favorite:commandohate:spider man 2
William Vickerman: What character do you see me playing in a film?like, have you ever read any books, and think if they made a film, i'd be good as the character? (looks wise) how you imagined? or, like a re-make of a film? thankyou. :-)! w, my hair isnt orange anymore.i just dyed it and it went wrong :s
Clementina Collelo: i know you only asked for one but i have soo manybut i love The day after tomorrowThe kidZoomSky-HighBlack sheepTommy BoyJackie Chan MoviesMr. Bean's Holidaywhat i hate?TWILIGHT!!! >...Show more
Hal Rouse: I could see you in a remake of "Helen Keller," the one where Patty Duke played the lead role. Or in Natalie Wood's role in "Miracle on 34th Street." I think your hair is pretty that color, by the way.
Luther Plagmann: favoriteThe PallisershatedThe gods must be crazy
Esteban Faggett: yea thats my school mascot silly :P
Joellen Zorrilla: You can view this without cost applying:
Davina Shindler: V For VendettaI can't stand that Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox movie ..Confessions of A Teenage Drama Queen
Tatiana Evanosky: favourite: hellboyworst: high school musical
Dale Mccoun: Find it funny and flattering at the same time.!
Frances Macky: 'Favorite = The rock.'Hate= buried
Roosevelt Pendill: that depends, are you a cougar? cause if you are i hope im your prey lol
Arleen Bussing: It depends on how severe the flirting was. If someone is just checking my man out, then I take it as a compliment. If they were getting a little touchy feely, then that would be a huge problem. If my husband responded then he would be now and forevermore sleeping on the couch. If it was one sided then I would step in and act really bad probally.It was someone that I had told before that I felt uncomfortable with their flirting with my husband, then I would probally get really mean.
Bennie Lantgen: I have a few favorites: the hangover, the driver, saturday night fever! I really don't dislike any movie in particular
Erica Bottaro: girl interruptedany saw movies
Rayford Speziale: I LOVE The Titanic and I also like InceptionI hate Cloverfield
Ira Porietis: Yes. I try not to trespass on their I'm not supper.
Anibal Katayam! a: No nothing. I just ignore them and he does too.
Flor Lizardi: Fave - The Lost BoysI hate most gangster and war movies
Tory Clapper: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.Worst movie: Anything with Will Ferrel
Inez Relihan: V For Vendetta and My Fair Lady.I can't stand Mamma Mia, it was terrible.
Tosha Tawney: yes, beautiful creatures, i rarely see them in the wild since they're so elusive.
Luis Farlow: "Aguirre, the Wrath of God" is my fave. Not sure if I have one that I actually HATE the most, but "Apache Blood" is the WORST movie that I have ever seen, without a doubt. Still, hate is a strong word and I'm not sure if it actually applies...
Ester Bryand: favourite movie- groundhog dayMost hated movie- Avatar, it was the worst blue movie i've ever seen and i've seen a lot of those movies
Shena Etulain: Favourite - A Clockwork OrangeMost hated - All of them street dance movies.
Blythe Noreiga: Aladdin
Ninfa Aronica: F! avourite: SomewhereWorst: Twilight
Maurice Breuning: nah Hippos a! re my thing :]
Ayesha Genova: TakenIt's great, touching and really exiting!The worst movie must be twilight, I really think they're all stupid
Veta Slicker: Not especially, actually.
Myesha Zerbe: Not really, but I have a thing for jaguars. They are more intruiging.
Cletus Makler: Mine's a 6 cylinder! :]
Alvaro Oare: Shrek is a stinkin amazing movie, as is Elf.
Clement Viscarro: Evil Dead II is my favourite horror movie of all time !! ...
Melissa Lavallie: i like them
Ermelinda Stalnaker: There are 3 of them,1. The Quiet Man2. The Great Escape3. She Wore A Yellow Ribbon are my favorite of all time!
Alane Antes: i like the chick flicks and commodity i hate war gangsta and action movies.
Imogene Neiswander: Yes.Frankin High School Class of '09GO COUGARS!
Marita Stadick: The Dark Knight is my favorite movie and the movie I hate the most is pr! obably The Last Airbender tied with Sherlock Holmes (an old movie not the new one).
Los Outliers son puntos de datos que están fuera del rango normal de datos. Son números mucho más altos o mucho más bajos que el resto de sus datos. Con el fin de sacar conclusiones significativas de los datos experimentales, usted debe examinar sus datos en busca de valores atÃpicos y decidir si desea eliminarlos o no.
Rechaza el valor atÃpico. Elimine este número de sus datos. De ahora en adelante, haga sus cálculos sin este número.
Determine si tiene un valor atÃpico más allá de su lÃmite inferior. El proceso es similar a encontrar valores atÃpicos más allá del lÃmite superior, pero la fórmula es un poco diferente.
Determine si tiene un valor atÃpico más allá de su lÃmite superior. Los valores atÃpicos son cualquier número que sea mayor que Q3 1.5(IQR) o menor que Q1-1.5(IQR). Comience con su lÃmite superior.
Encuentra e! l primer cuartil, o Q1. Para encontrar Q1, determine el número medio en la primera mitad de sus datos. La mediana es el número que cae en el medio de los datos.
Defiende tu decisión. Rechazar los valores atÃpicos hace que sus datos sean «impuros». Sólo debe rechazar puntos de datos si tiene un motivo muy bueno. Si necesita escribir un informe de sus datos, esté preparado para explicar por qué rechazó los valores atÃpicos utilizando las fórmulas Q3 1.5(IQR) y Q1-1.5(IQR).
Decida si desea eliminar o no sus valores atÃpicos. Basa tu decisión en si incluir el número en tu conjunto de datos te da información útil o no.
Determine la causa de sus valores atÃpicos. Si el error humano causó un número muy alto o muy bajo (como lo hizo en el ejemplo del girasol), este punto de datos no es muy útil para usted. Pregúntese si este número es realmente una parte del conjunto de datos que desea estudiar.
Encuentra el tercer cuartil, o Q3. Para ! encontrar Q3, determine el número medio en la segunda mitad d! e sus datos.
Réstale Q1 a Q3. Este número es el rango intercuartil (IQR).
Haz algunos cálculos rápidos. Esto le ayudará a determinar si los valores atÃpicos están causando problemas con sus datos.
Encuentre el punto medio de sus datos. Para el ejemplo del girasol, el punto medio está entre 33 y 34.
Escriba sus datos en orden. Esto le ayudará a encontrar la mediana o el punto medio más tarde.
Observe sus datos. Busque números que sean mucho más altos o mucho más bajos que la mayorÃa de sus puntos de datos.
Barton Slisz: optimal instructions are inundated with unsolicited manuscripts and don't welcome them oftentimes, different than they are specifically inquiring for submissions. the in basic terms proper recommendations are to be sure your person web page as a vehicle on your paintings, industry it and want you come back in the process fulfillment that way or take the reported path under: Pop down on your community library and ask for a as much as date reproduction of the Writers' education instruction manual. there is likewise one suggested simply by fact the Writers and Artists yearbook. those are released each and each 365 days and are literally directories of each publishing physique contained interior the united kingdom. additionally they grant suggestion on brokers, competitions, advertising and advertising and each and each little factor you ought to understand, yet greater suitable importantly permit you recognize which ones magazines and newspapers (on line and of! fline) are accepting submissions, the thank you to mindset them, who to mindset and how plenty they have a bent to pay....Show more
Rana Rudell: Visit . It gives addresses and submission requirements for hundreds of magazines that publish short fiction.
Davina David: One company that you would probably be able to check about submitting short stories to, would be:
Allumez le four à la marque de gaz 4/180 degrés Celsius/350 degrés Fahrenheit.
Mélanger pendant cinq minutes jusquâà ce que le mélange soit lisse, mousseux et brun.
Mettre lâoeuf, le sucre, le beurre, la cannelle et la muscade dans un mélangeur.
Remplir chaque caisse à moitié avec le mélange mélangé.
Prenez votre plateau à cupcakes, et placez un étui dans chaque trou.
Ajouter la farine, le lait et le miel.
Mélanger jusquâà consistance lisse et brun clair.
Placer le plateau dans le dessus, Ã lâaide de gants de cuisine.
Cuire jusquâà ce quâils soient dorés. Cela devrait prendre jusquâà 25 minutes, mais probablement seulement 15.
Paul Maymi: a detachable magazine hence detachable means you can simply press a button on the side of the rifle and the magazine falls out and you just slide a new loaded mag in rifles that take a detachable mag are AR15 and AK47 type rifles. a fixed magazine is what you would find in most old military bolt action rifles which means you pullback the bolt on the rifle and pull out 5 rounds in a stripper clip out in on top of the magazine and push the bullets down into the mag take off the empty stripper clip and push the bolt forward and loads the first round. that takes some practice the type of rifles with fixed mags are most which you would think of as "sniper" rifles.this is a rifle that uses a detachable mag a AR15
Vince Delarge: Fixed as cannot be a common bolt action rifle. Detachable is just what the word means. AR-15's have detachable mags for quick reloading.
Spencer Heidtbrink: For the best a! nswers, search on this site think the model you're referring to is linked below. From the looks of it, the magazine is kept in by a bullet button. This is to conform with California Penal Code 30515, our "assault weapon" law. Pretty much if your semi-automatic centerfire rifle has a pistol grip, then you cannot have a detachable magazine. What a bullet button does is to prevent the removal of the magazine without the use of tools. With a bullet button on, in order to remove the magazine you just need to stick something inside the button hole, and then the magazine falls out like a normal magazine. It can also then have another magazine inserted like a a normal rifle. Incidentally, the California DoJ has never stated (and has refused to state) whether a bullet button will comply with CA PC 30515. So it's sort of a legal grey area. So the magazine is somewhat detachable, just with a bit more hassle. You could not legally remove the bullet button wit! hout changing some other aspect of the rifle. You could render! it single-shot so it is no longer semi-automatic. You could remove the pistol grip and replace it with the ugly "Monsterman Grip". You could get the M&P 22-15 version which is not a centerfire rifle. Or you could get some other rifle that complies with California law. There are a lot of good ones out there. Ruger Mini-14s are okay rifles, if just a bit pricey and slightly inaccurate. Saiga rifles are much more reliable than AR-15s, probably just as accurate as a factory SW M&P-15, and less expensive. Kel-Tec SU-16s are much more reliable than AR-15s, as accurate or better than a factory SW M&P-15, and less expensive. All these rifles can use detachable magazines without going through any loops. For a self-defense weapon, I'd definitely get any of these over an AR-15. Who wants to fumble a reload just because you wanted a "tactical" look? For plinking/range shooting then putting up with a bullet button is okay. Definitely a no-no for competition though where seconds in relo! ads count. Finally if you had gotten that M1A EBR, you'd also need to get a bullet button on that. So you didn't "dodge the bullet" so to speak....Show more
Lorine Helwick: fixed magazine is something perminantly attached to the rifle. to load it you would slide in individual rounds with the action open, or in some cases you'd have the rounds on a metal strip all lined up, and then simply push them all into the magazine.To unload some fixed magazine guns have a hinge floorplate. You open that and the rounds just fall out. Otherwise you have to work the action once per round and each will pop out.Detachable magazine means the whole magazine comes out. You handload the magazine, and the put the whole magazine in. This is benificial in that you can have 2 or 3 or 10 spare magazines loaded up, and simply drop the old one and put in a fresh one and you are ready to go.Even if you don't have a bunch of spares, you can unload the gun by removing the magazine and putting! it in your pocket (and then removing any round that may be in the cham! ber) then reload the gun by simply putting the magazine back....Show more
Donnell Nocella: This Site Might Help You.RE:Fixed and Detachable magazines for Rifles?What's the difference between the two types of magazines???
Jeannetta Gaffigan: It would be unthinkable these days to produce a military assault rifle without detachable magazines for rapid reloading. In sporting arms, the detachable magazine is just something else to lose, and you'll generally do best with a fixed box magazine with a droppable floorplate to allow you to dump your cartridges when you finish hunting. Fixed magazines with a fixed floorplate though are something of a pain to unload, since you have to cycle each round out individually....Show more
Luke Gacusan: Check out the guys on youbube search bullet button.Yes the fixed mag comes out....
Katheryn Skrobacki: Fixed and detachable do exactly what there names imply. Detachable are magazines that can be removed as it is normal op! eration and fixed can't be removed unless you take apart the gun and are loaded while in the gun either one round at a time or via stripper clips.