Friday 26 June 2020

What is a difference between Green tea and Herb tea?

Shaunta Paap: Herbal Tea Vs Green Tea

Coleman Coscia: Herbal tea and Green tea are two types of tea that show differences between them when it comes to their preparation, taste, medicinal uses and the like. Herbal tea is usually not made from the leaves of the tea bush but it is plant infusion. On the other hand, green tea comes from the same and the real tree called Camellia sinensis. This is the main difference between the two types. Herbal tree is nothing but a combination of boiling water and dried fruits, flowers or herbs. The history of herbal tea can be traced back to several centuries. It is believed that people from Egypt and China enjoyed herbal tea even several centuries ago. In fact the herbal tea prepared in China is known by the name lion cha. It is important to know that the leaves are processed differently in the preparation of green tea. The tea leaves are generally steamed and it results in oxidation. On the other hand, fermentation is the process ! used in the preparation of the other kinds of tea. It is believed that the oxidation caused by steaming is lesser when compared to other types of processing including fermentation. The green tea is quite popular in countries like Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, Japan, India and Thailand apart from the other regions of Middle East Asia. The preparation of herbal tea on the other hand, differs considerably. It is made with dried fruits, flowers, leaves and seeds generally by pouring boiling water over the plants and allowing them to steep for a certain period of time. Finally the tisane can be sweetened after straining. This is the procedure followed in the preparation of herbal tea. It is believed that herbal tea is bestowed with medicinal properties and hence, is used for medicinal and curing purposes. There are varieties of herbal tea. Some of them include Anise tea, which is made from the seeds or leaves, Boldo tea drunk in South America used in the treatment of stomach upsets,! Catnip tea used as a sedative, Dill tea consumed to get relie! f from stomach upsets, Echinacea tea used in the cessation of cold and flu and the like. On the other hand, green tea is brewed with water that is not really boiling as in the case of the preparation of herbal tea. Like herbal tea, green tea is also bestowed with innumerable medicinal uses. It is believed that green tea is useful in combating cancer and AIDS. It can also control the increasing levels of bad or LDL cholesterol. It contains a number of antioxidants and caffeine too. At the same time it is heartening to note that green tea has lesser caffeine when compared to coffee. That is why it is recommended as a good substitute for coffee. Some sort of attention is required in the preparation of herbal tea. This is due to the fact that some of the herbs used in the preparation of herbal tea contain elements that may cause allergy and can be toxic in content....Show more

Lionel Tanen: For good tea of any kind try On this website you get to creat! e your own tea! So you can choose green tea as your base and then add whatever beneficial herbs to it you like!

Gregg Hagge: Is Green Tea Herbal Tea

Luana Carothers: This Site Might Help You.RE:What is a difference between Green tea and Herb tea?I'm having a Liver Hepatitis C virus. My friend said Green Herb tea is good for Hepatitis C virus. Once i went to shopping center to buy Herb tea. But there is many kind of teas leveled with Herb. There is also Green tea (Jasmine tea). Before i was choosing teas by its tastes, but now i need......Show more

Hugo Pittari: Green tea is made of leaves from the tea plant: Camellia sinensis and will contain caffeine like other teas. Green Jasmine tea is green tea with jasmine flowers added.Herbal tea will be made of leaves, flowers, fruits, roots or bark of any one of hundreds of different plants or may be a mixture of several plants. Hep C can be medically treated by doctors. Herbal teas are not going to eliminate ! the virus and many herbs are toxic to the liver so you should be very c! areful in choosing them.If I were you, I would continue to choose tea based on taste, not by any thought that it will treat Hep C.See the link below for information about Hep C and a list of herbs that are toxic to the liver and should be avoided....Show more

Delmer Pectol: couldn't get right ans yet.somebody please define?

Karey Dunken: green tea contains the same amount of caffeine as regular tea and herbal teas are caffeine free. if you buy herbal teas dont get them from the supermarket as they contain none of the goodness. get the tea from a health shop or herbal tea specialist.

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