Sunday 7 June 2020

Why do women complain that Stay-At-Home Moms are unpaid labor?  

Why do women complain that Stay-At-Home Moms are unpaid labor?  

answers 0:Seems like compensation is in the form of room and board, a monthly stipend (tax-free, mind you) and the opportunity to attend occasional social gatherings and cultural events, full medical and dental and possibly a couple weeks paid vacation.answers 1:It is unpaid labor, the fact that you have disdain for it shows that you must have been around unsavoury complainy bitchy women. Ergo a son of a *****.If you had a mother who worked hard and sacrificed her life for you and did everything in your power to make you happy then you would definitely call it unpaid labor.answers 2:It is unpaid, but that's a choice they make.answers 3:Sounds like a cushy giganswers 4:Entrepreneurs sometimes go without pay for years when they start businesses.A baby is an investment you don't take lightly.

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