Monday 15 June 2020

Polls on yahoo answers?

Ha Wolski: Yes you can. Just ask a poll and see which answers you receive. Or set it out like this:E.G.Do you like school?A. Of courseB. No way :(C. Kind of. There you go, problem solved. ;)...Show more

Chanda Wittwer: You can make polls for mostly any catergory.

Providencia Jalbert: yes you can make a poll. just type one up now. :)

Derrick Cacioppo: If you mean one where people can actually interact and choose a selection by clicking on it, no, you can't. No function like that on YA.If you mean to simply ask a poll-like question, you can, with restrictions: It MUST be posted in the Polls & Surveys section under Entertainment & Music and it MUST be a 'legitimate' poll. Of course, nobody actually abides by these rules, but they must be stated anyway.Finally, there are a LOT of sites out there that can help you generate a poll to post on your own site, or post on their site: more

Rachell Mee! se: you can do it on this site.

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