Saturday 27 June 2020

Should i stay in college?  

Should i stay in college?  

answers 0:Should I stay in college and get a degree? Or should I take a job offer my cousin pulled strings to get me at the steel mills in Gary with a starting pay of around $90000 a year. The catch is you could work Christmas and stuff and do 12-16 hour days a few times a week. He is only 25 and is making $115000 working there. I'd be fine with crappy work as long as the pay is good. My degree would get me a.job that pays about 120k so its not even that much more but it's less hours.and not manual labor. I would also save like 60k worth of school costs if I took the.job. advice? Thanks...Show moreanswers 1:I agree with Tyler!answers 2:The fact that you are even considering working in a steel mill ( hope you don't mind the extreme heat) suggests you are not college material. Enjoy life at the Mill with the other uneducated knuckleheads. Don't get injured otherwise you'll end up workin! g at McDonalds earning $6.00. Your house will go into foreclosure and your car will be repossessed and you'll have no education. No worries, education is obviously not a priorityanswers 3:Do what you want. You can always go back to school if this plan falls through. That's the only con...answers 4:Stay in college. I'm telling, not many people get to go to college. Take this opportunity to your advantage. Get your bachelor or master degree. Graduating from college always looks good from your resume.answers 5:Is has full benefits. Healthcare etc. And its a very secure job because the person who's fires uncle and he told me it'll be a lifelong job guaranteed. So its got everything. plus who else makes 100k right out of high school? I know none of my classmates Do. Most that went straight into work make at most $35k so I'd be technically the most successful hs graduate from my class. Hell by the tome most of my class are seniors I could in a 250k hous! e with a 40k truck while they are.driving 2k junkers....answer! s 6:I would stay in college. You have failed to take into consideration two things:Benefits: You will get much better healthcare benefits for working a job you have went to college for, even if the salary isn't that much more.Stability: Jobs in which you have gone to college for tend to be more stable. You're less likely to be fired, and if you are you can find another similar job more easily. If you take the job your cousin is offering, what do you think happens if they find someone more qualified for the job or if they can't afford to employ you anymore? If you lose the job, you're out on your a** and have to find another job....

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