Tuesday 16 June 2020

POLL: To love or be loved?

Tyrone Disanti: be loved, much better.

Sena Highman: The Shadow want to be loved and he was in the back when he was 16 and driving with no license

Emile Okafor: Be loved!

Bell Pasco: I want to be loved.....never been in the back of a police car.....open to dressup and roleplaying...lol!! :-)

Donella Vasta: To be loved. Harder to get hurt that way.Ohh.. Me and the uhh... Sheriff had somthing goin' on...

Lucille Saetteurn: er... be loved?i got caught, some one snitched...Show more

Booker Moros: to be loved.I'm always loving other people and trying to do for others which is no problem for me but it seems like when someone is selfless, others become selfish.I teepeed my ex boyfriend's backyard! (lol jk...good idea though...lol)

Germaine Tieken: I guess we all want to be loved however, in order to receive love, you must give love first. Oh - and I've never (PRAISE GOD!) been in the back of a police car..

Donnell Mollo: Both!! =! )Poll: Almost made it there, but my friends and I started crying to avoid this. =P

Carter Edstrom: hmm; both at the same time (:&& i was in the back of a police car cause my friends dad was a policeman && he gave us a ride. xD.

Natalya Sydney: To be lovedWas on my way to police Station to bail my grandad out he,s a hindres and eighteen yrs old now and cant see too well ,got arrested for drink driving

Jess Grizzel: I think I would rather be loved.

Gale Hartt: BothPublic NekkednessSteveC

Wilmer Skidmore: to love....you'll b loved in return!poll:i was not!answer mine..http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=200806......Show more

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