Saturday 27 June 2020

Diesel or petrol more harmful to the environment? why?

Jacques Teri: diesel

Clifford Gombos: diesel spews more carbons out of the tailpipe...but gets better depending on what figures ur looking at they could go either way or be equal...** btw to throw a monkey wrench into ur reasoning there has yet to be ANY proof that the environment has been harmed by either in its intended use........meaning other than oil spills and idiots pouring fuel and oil onto the ground there is NO scientific proof that either actually harms the environment...there are studies that say they may...but no definitive proof........Show more

Jorge Gerrero: diesel uses nearly half the amount than gasoline. so my answer is diesel but why it has been supressed in the usa i dont know

Susan Rambo: Diesel is far cleaner than gasoline. Bottom line, diesel burns hotter and more thoroughly, which reduces emissions. Between the catalytic converters and DPFs (diesel particulate filters) on modern diesel powered cars, the exhaust comi! ng out of the tailpipe actually has less pollution (in ppm) than the air being sucked into the air filter on a typical big city highway.

Serita Hefferon: diesel is worse for the environment but more economical on a drivers finances as does more miles to the gallon than petrol

Hyman Coren: Most diesel cars now burn much cleaner than even a hybrid petrol engine. A VW BluTech diesel can get up to 80mpg whereas the best Hybrid petrol cars top out at 50mpg. Diesel provides more power for the amount of fuel being used compared to petrol. You use much less diesel to accomplish the same work that petrol can accomplish. In that manner diesel is much better for the environment. People have been soured by big trucks which pour out black sut - technology has improved so far that diesel cars produce little to no sut anymore. So a diesel which burns less fuel to do the same amount of work as a petrol is also emitting less CO2 than a petrol. Petrol produces carbon monoxide whi! ch is a poison to living things, but diesel produces hardly an! y carbon monoxide. Diesels also produce much less hydrocarbon emissions than petrol engines as well....Show more

Renay Billiar: lots of good input on this question. Like one poster said, with the exhast scrubbing technology of modern diesels,emmissions are way down. Should you see a diesel powered vehical spewing coal out of it's exhaust,which is getting rare here in the us but still seen, thats unburned fuel. Thats the whole point to emission controls,not pumping unburned fuel into the atmosphere.The side bennefit is better power and fuel economy. AKA more work done for the dollar. Should you see a diesel vehical looking like an old coal powered locomotive it's because, the owner is not maintaining the engine. What that owner thinks he/she is saving on maintenance, they are spending three times that amount on fuel thats doing absolutly no work for them and blowing directly into the air. Funny we'd rush to fix a fuel leak if it was dripping on the ground. same thing. ! Not maintaining the engine means the driver has to make the engine work harder to haul his load. How does the engine work harder? Add more fuel,that won't be burned efficiently. That's where the huge clouds of black smoke come from....Show more

Sherri Drakos: Interesting I could really care less Ill drive my gas truck either way never a hybrid or electric I hate them someday Ill get a big ol diesal

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