Tuesday 23 June 2020

Touchy Subject: Global Warming.?

Shon Almquist: NO but I do believe that the environment is constantly changing either there are people or not. We were not there to stop the first asteroid that wipe out the dinosaurs. You GW people would have tax us to do it too. When there was a lack of rain that created the deserts, if you people were there you would have taxed us to prevent it too....Show more

Hope Lundmark: globa wa? Anybody who believes in Global warming is an Islamofascist

Romeo Tinnea: NOPE.......Besides if it was a scientific problem then there could be no excuses made for any country to not participate.Socioeconomics is driving this....Sunspots and a possible new ice age (updated)Thomas LifsonThere is some serious evidence accumulating that we may be on the brink of not just global cooling, but an ice age. Sunspots are historically correlated with temperature on earth. During the Dalton Minimum, beginning in 1790, the number of sunspots was low, as the earth’s climate turned col! d for a few decades. At http://www.spaceweather.com/ you can see live images of the sun taken from the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory in space. Right now there is but one tiny sunspot.Phil Chapman, geophysicist and astronautical engineer who lives in San Francisco, writes in The Australian about the frightening prospect that this year’s ferocious winter and decline in average temperature is the herald of serious cooling:Are 32,000 Scientists Enough to Question Global Warming ‘Consensus?’Marc SheppardThe National Press Club in Washington will today release the names of as many as 32,000 American Scientists who reject not only Kyoto-style greenhouse gas limits, but the very premise of manmade global warming itself.On Saturday, Lawrence Solomon wrote a great piece in the National Post (h/t Benny Peiser) which begged the question: “How many scientists does it take to establish that a consensus does not exist on global warming?”...Show more

Ewa Homrich: ! yes, becasue why else would the glaciers be melting?DUH!

Sharron Salin: i'd say yes because it is mostly proven and the greenhouse affect. Also why is everyone talkiing about it?

Irvin Guiles: yes, because it is hot right now

Kaylee Schmittou: GW is a major scam/fraud manipulated by the governments to provoke panic & fear attacks in societies to control them; a money-making machine for some entities and persons.My 2 cents.

Lahoma Beadell: Climate change is happening and the debate is over as to whether or not humans are contributing to the rapid acceleration of global temperatures. Annual emissions of carbon dioxide have increased nearly 80% between 1970 and 2004 and experts predict a faster rate of global warming in the next 100 years than experienced in the last 10,000 years.The arguments against doing something about GW this week sound a lot like the arguments brought forth AGAINST occupying Iraq - spending exhorbitant sums of money, mortgaging our children's future, etc. It's payback time by the elitw, r! adio talk show spawned, so called "conservatives", eh?The difference this time is that the "liberals" are proposing to actually pay for doing something (what a concept) rather than accruing a spit in the bucket debt (compared to what we've spent the last 7 years) and actually do something positive for future generations - while stimulating a sustainable economic sector in clean, renewable energy.The nerve of those liberals to tax us to do good! Get a clue! They should accrue massive, inconceivable debt and embroil us in an endless, violent, deadly debacle instead! THAT MAKES WAY MORE SENSE!...Show more

Tommy Durrenberger: No, I think there are several flaws in the theory. (Notice that it's isn't even a law.. Just a theory.. Anyone can come up with a theory..) There, actually is no proof that significant man-made global warming is taking place. The computer models used in U.N. studies say the first area to heat under the "greenhouse gas effect" should be the lower a! tmosphere - known as the troposphere. Highly accurate, carefully checke! d satellite data have shown absolutely no such tropospheric warming. There has been surface warming of about half a degree Celsius, but this is far below the customary natural swings in surface temperatures. Because scientists haven't bean able to prove that Global Warming, actually exists, they now call is "Global Climate Change." Kind of absurd.....Show more

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