Wednesday 17 June 2020

Location of Past House Property Line Surveys?

David Boehler: A copy may be in the position of the surveyor, and of course whoever paid for it has a copy.If you are not paying for a survey you are not entitled to the information.

Kizzy Hett: When you purchased the house you SHOULD have gotten a title insurance policy which will show a description of the property and easements. Check that or contact your escrow who handled the closing.

Ollie Desalvo: There is no central repository of all surveys. But your deed documents should include both a legal description and a plat or parcel map. If you are looking for physical lot corner markings, they are typically either a metal pipe driven into the ground or (sometimes) a concrete "monument."

Providencia Serpe: Jason: There are a variety of possible ways... I will try to list a few for you1) Start with your deed. Does it refer to a recorded map like a tract map or record of survey. If so go to your county recorder and get a copy. That may answer your ! question. 2) No such luck, how about a trip to the County SURVEYOR and ask him if he has accepted for filing any Corner Records at your property or at any of the neighbors. (Remember a survey of THEIR property is also a partial survey of yours. Still no luck? Ok next to the ;3) City building department armed with the addressess for your property and all of the neighbors that are contiguous. Ask if there are any building permit surveys or Lot lline adjustments or any sort of similiar survey on record. There should be something since few houses are built without a survey. The only question will be if the surveys are retraceable.4) Struck out or nothing useful? Its getting down to the wire. Time to go knock on doors and ask your neighbors if they have had a survey done for any reason (and if so, will they share it).No luck.. ? Then I am afraid there are only two choices left. a) Get a survey done. Here in California that will run you between $500 and $2,000 or! so depending upon the complexity of your legal description. ! or;b) Drop the matter..balls in your court, my friend.....Show more

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