Thursday 18 June 2020

Are there any television brands made in America?

Basil Blasingame: No -thanks to Sony. They put RCA out of business years ago and Zenith also went under and the name was sold to some company in Korea.Here is what Sony did:- In the 50's, RCA was the number one TV brand and Sears was the number one place to buy them.Sony went to RCA and said they would sell whole televisions with "RCA" on the front for cheaper than it took RCA to build them. RCA agreed and layed off it's manufacturing and engineering groups.Then Sony went to Sears and said they would sell Sears the same TV's cheaper, but put "Sears" on the front. Sears agreed.In both cases - Sony was selling televisions at a loss.Then they went to Zenith and said "You are not buying enough televisions so we have to double the price."After Zenith went out of the TV business, they went to Sears and raised the prices as well.So American businesses got beat because of greed and Sony sold TV's at a loss for a few years to put RCA out of business. Then raised prices.Last ye! ar when HD-DVD went out of business - Sony immediately raised prices on BluRay players and announced 'new features' to try and get early adopters of BluRay to re-purchase....Show more

Zulema Baccam: American Made Tv Brands

Tana Dumoulin: American Tv Manufacturers

Mitchel Demry: Yes! As of 2012, there are Televisions made in America, and by an American-owned company, no less! Check out Element Electronics, made in Detroit!

Inez Relihan: Yeah I think it is correct

Tijuana Tatsak: Don't believe that is correct

Oscar Wieland: Visio is made here

Boyce Gilhooly: For the best answers, search on this site, according to an article entitled “Made in the USA” in the March, 2008 edition of Popular Mechanics magazine, you can. It is the mid-priced Olevia brand of LCD TVs made by Syntax-Brillian, whose corporate headquarters are located in Tempe, AZ. According to the article, (which I could not find on ! the Popular Mechanics website), Syntax-Brillian is the first U! .S. TV manufacturer to compete against the Asian “giants” since Zenith was bought by a Korean company in 1995. Syntax- Brillian bought Vivitar in 2006, and still produces their cameras and camcorders. According to the article, the televisions are designed and engineered in City of Industry, CA, and then the components are made separately in Asia and shipped to the West Coast facility where the sets are assembled. Syntax-Brillian claims this allows put together the sets and deliver to U.S. customers faster than its Asian competition. (Note: I am not 100% sure what the FTC rules are regarding labelling products “Made in America”, nor did the article address whether they are labelled as such, but the title of the article was “Made in the USA”, so you can draw your own conclusions.) * Have a Good Day * ~ Don ~...Show more

Maynard Phoubandith: NO, there are no TVs currently being made (manufactured) in the USA, but there are some that are ASSEMBLED in the USA f! rom god-only-knows what kind of cheap Chinese parts - stay away from those.

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