Monday 8 June 2020

I have 2 horoscopes? anyone else like that?

Ezekiel Kadner: No hun you only have one horoscope. You can't be two sun signs you can only have one. Get your chart done at and then you'll know if you sun is in Libra or Scorpio then you'll know which one to read for now on. The sun sign dates aren't set in stone, the sun travels in and out of signs when it wants to not exactly at midnight every year! So that's why you're getting conflicting Sun sign information....Show more

Donnie Bolio: Yes I'm a cusp born to 11:11

Miguel Densley: mines december 23

Russ Kiernan: I do!I'm born on Sept 26, but I show both traits of Virgo and LibraBut must due to the moon in Virgo :)

Derrick Cacioppo: Isn't one enough??

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