Tuesday 14 July 2020

Are Cheetos Vegetarian?

Rheba Cockman: yes

Sunshine Holets: I believe Cheetos are okay and most Doritos varieties. There is however one variety of Doritos that has beef flavoring in it. I believe it's a black bag. You have to get used to reading labels and determining what the "bad" ingredients are. So with beef, it's obvious but there are tons of ingredients that are derived from animals that you probably are not aware of. Here is a detailed list:http://www.caringconsumer.com/resources_ingredient......Show more

Marty Tichnell: Yes they are .. because they only have milk , cheese...and milk is ((not a meat product)) its DAIRY .. If your a vegetarian that does eat dairy products then cheetos are for you .. buy a cheeto bag and look at the ingredients and Doritos are too

Percy Seiger: Yes, cheetos are vegetarian. *YES!!* It contains cheese, which, unless you live under a rock, know comes from milk MADE by a cow, not part of it, Have fun with your Cheetos! P.S. All the rest are ve! getarian, too :)

Marcelle Vanlith: Cheetos are actually vegetarian safe except for the Flamin' Hot variety, which have pork enzymes in their cheese. There are 9 flavors of Doritos that are okay.http://www.fritolay.com/your-health/seasoned-produ...

Scot Sepulbeda: I found this answer on a website. I'll put the link to the website below:"Regular Cheetos are vegetarian (I'm assuming it's obvious to EVERYone that they're not vegan?). Hot (spicy) Cheetos are not vegetarian. They contain sodium caseinate, which is activated by rennet."

Lorelei Lilburn: here's how it works..vegetarians don't eat animal or animal product... ok...processed foods have chemicals that are derived from animal product...thus.... NO vegetarians do not EAT these things.learn about processed foods... that also includes packaged meats and dairy....Show more

Jose Calaycay: Cheetos Products

Hans Sachetti: No, cheetos are NOT vegetarian, and neither are many other flavored s! nacks. Cheese contains rennet, sometimes labeled as "enzymes"! . Those "enzymes" are derived from the 4th stomach of slaughtered baby veal calves, so would not be vegetarian. Cheetos also contain other animal derived ingredients. Any cheese or "enzyme", unless it is specifically labeled as vegetarian, comes from animal sources. Doritos own website tells of the animal ingredients in most of their chips. If you read a label and cannot readily identify an ingredient, its safe to assume that a dead animal was involved in the process somewhere along the line. Food colorings used in a lot of snacks are also animal, or more often, insect derived. Artificial flavors almost always are from animals too....Show more

Dick Baumgarten: Yes, Cheetos are everyone! I called the company!!! They are safe to eat!

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