Wednesday 15 July 2020

Is bread vegan?????????If......?

Coleman Coscia: Many breads today are Not Vegan. The sugar is one issue, but the L-Cysteine, Datem that are often used are Not vegan. Mono and Diglycerides can be Vegan Or animal based. You would have to contact each manufacturer.I know " The Baker" organic breads are Vegan except the ones that use honey. Panera also sells 2 Vegan breads , The Country and the Sourdough..they will slice it for you. Ezekiel Breads are almost all Vegan with a few exceptions.. always check breads for Honey as well as above ingredients.Vegan Forever...Show more

Christiane Cattano: 1

Curtis Josef: No, bugs get themselves crushed into the bread when it is being made.

Marcelina Schossow: you can get potato bread. that is vegan. it's also quite yummy(:

Stanton Villao: Not the standard type, it has milk.There are vegan alternatives though, which I use religiously. :]

Luis Mellon: lol i don't know why sugar isnt vegan.but if this "white sugar" stuff is in your BREAD, th! en i suppose the bread isnt vegan.Try organic whole grain bread :) its yummy, and 100% surely vegan....Show more

Conrad Puleio: Bread is often, but not always vegan. White sugar often has bone char or other animal ingredients in it, and it is very difficult to find out if the sugar is vegan or not. Always read ingredient lists - there is plenty of vegan bread out there. The most "un-vegan" bread would have to be Cuban bread. They actually add lard(manteca) to Cuban bread, so if you ever travel to Cuba or are at a Cuban restaurant, be careful....Show more

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