Tuesday 28 July 2020

I need some video game statistics.?

Bernie Cerra: http://www.theesa.com/facts/pdfs/ESA_EF_2008.pdf

Chastity Doderer: Average age is 35 surprsing.Average price New would be 60-70 US dollars.Most bought game in 2007 id imagine halo 3.and a extra fact if you want suprising 40 percent of gamers are girls. i didnt believe it either...Show more

Devon Kalberer: I can tell you that the most popular console is the PS2. If you're talking about the current generation, it would be the Wii. The Wii's sales may not be as high as the 360's sales, but two things to consider: 1. The 360 got a 1 year lead on the Wii. 2. The Wii is suffering from shortage problems, so the Wii's sales numbers could be a lot higher if the Wii were available for purchase.The most popular handheld would be Nintendo's Gameboy and Gameboy color. I combined the two because they're basically the same except one has color. For this generation of handhelds, it would be the DS/DS Lite.The average price of a video game is about 59.99 ! for this generation of games. Wii games are 49.99 but since 360 and PS3 games are 59.99, the price swings toward the 59.99 price tag.Most bought video game in 2007 would be Wii Sports since it was bundled with every Wii sold. If you exclude Wii Sports, it would be Wii Play because it came with a Wii-mote, and for a long time, the only way to get the Wii-mote was to get Wii Play.Most played genre would probably be MMORPG. Otherwise, my guess would be RPGs for around the world, and FPS for the United States.The video game industry made 9.5 billion in the US in 2007.That's all I know....Show more

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