Friday 10 July 2020

Why are infomercials so thouroughly entertaining?

Booker Moros: Sometimes its funny how ridiculously over acted it is. "OH MY GOD! I'VE NEVER SEEN A PRODUCT BETTER THAN THIS IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. YOU NEED TO BUY THIS COMPLETELY UNECESSARY ITEM NOW, FOR ONLY 10 EASY PAYMENTS OF $19.95."I sadly watched an entire hour of the Magic Bullet informercial once and was completely amused. "Faster than you can say 'Bobs your uncle", you have chopped tomatoes". Hah...Show more

Luke Kosch: Cus the people act like the products they are selling are like thee most amazing things ever. FLOAM!! "U can floam ur bike, ur dog, ur sandals..the possibilities are endless!!" DONT PAINT IT, FLOAM IT!!

Darwin Ecton: I think it's the fact that I usually watch them at 4AM when I think pretty much anything is entertaining lol

Malcom Bourek: I think the first answer nailed it...why am I still awake?

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