Thursday 23 July 2020

Why is gambling illegal?

Lauri Ohl: gambling is illegal you have to do it in a Casino

Caroyln Ebach: What makes gambling legal or illegal is whether or not the establishment thats allowing the gambling has a license to do so or not. without the license its deemed "illegal" and when you do have your license it is deemed "legal". the reason you need a license is because establishments that holds gambling have to uner go audits quite frequently and are usually taxed very heavily. Its kinda like how you cant be a doctor unless you have a PHD. Does that make sense? lol....Show more

Miguel Koczela: Why do people assume things that just aren't true?Additional Details: Why do people just add to the amount of things that aren't true in their "Additional Details" by just telling us MORE things that aren't true.There are MANY ways to legally gamble outside a casino. Lottery tickets, horse racing, dog racing, private poker games (yes, these are legal in most circumstances).Again - you are simp! ly assuming things that just aren't true. No, you can't set up roulette wheels and start your own private casino, but there are many other ways legally gamble....Show more

Pam Rampadarat: 1

Darrel Stele: I'm going to give you the technical answer. I think you will understand.When people work, there is something to show for it at the end of the work. Fixing your car, building a house, stocking shelves at the grocery store, these all accomplish something. So when you get money for doing them, it's a fair trade. But when you gamble, you are accomplishing nothing. No work is done, nothing is accomplished that's useful. All that happens is every gambler throws their bets into a big pot, the pot is stirred, and the money gets spread back around to the players, and not evenly. While everybody hopes they will get more back than they put in, it's logically impossible for that to happen for everybody. Somebody has to lose, so somebody else can win. And that doesn't even ! count the house's cut.But if you had worked honestly for money! , you would be guaranteed to win, and there would be something to show for it at the end of your work. The world would be a little richer. That's why gambling is shunned by most decent people.Now, on to the question of "legal" gambling. The States, in their greed for tax revenue, have decided to permit SOME gambling, as long as they control it, and they can tax it. So the reason gambling outside a casino is illegal, is that the State can't TAX it, so they make it criminal to play in anything other than THEIR casinos. It's just as immoral, and just as useless in a legal casino, but there, the State can tax it....Show more


Woodrow Neyman: It's not illegal. They just don't call it gambling. The Stock Market is gambling.

Loise Mausser: it is? how can a country say gambling is illegal yet condone it in places like las vegas. that'd be one big hypocrit of people making it illegal but yet still allowing i! t to legally exist. i don't think it is illegal though if you are over 21. under 21? then it would be illegal. who told you that?

Dick Maisenbacher: It is wrong and it ruins lives- Question answered.

Arlen Lopiccalo: It's not illegal.

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