Thursday 2 July 2020

would you Rather be single or non-single?

Indira Wassell: Preferably in a relationship, but it has to be a good one; in the immortal words of Whitney Houston, I'd rather be alone than unhappy (yeah!).

Daren Ventrice: Non single, not cos I am not independent I am and totally self reliant, but I like loving and being in love.

Lanita Reichman: Single.

Raleigh Lufkin: Non-Single... LIke in a relationship?I'd rather be non-single... everyone wants that someone special.... but alas I'm single.

Alisa Kaleiwahea: Depends on the mood I'm in. I want people around me all the time. I want to enjoy being with them and feel comfortable at the same time. I want both. No option.

Nilda Bafia: non-single of course! ~~~> im a sucka for ♥L*O*V*E♥

Coleman Deliberato: Uhm. I'm not reliant on another person. Don't get me wrong I would love to love someone, but I'm just not desperate to find it.

Bruno Galasso: It depends on my mood.Like sometimes I don't give a care and want to be single! and go party like there is no tomorrow and other times I want to sit down and cuddle next to a fire place.So I would say single when I am just feeling in one of those I don't give a care moods.But non-single when I'm in one of those look at how cute they are I wanna go with them moods. I'm normally in mood 2 though....Show more

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