Friday 17 July 2020

Which fast food establishments food makes your intestines sad?

Tommy Durrenberger: Nigahiga asked the same exact question, lemme know if u find out(and yes i do think u stole the idea btw =P )

Mark Hovanes: All Fast Food has a tendency to do that to me..... It's good home cooking for me or a restaurant..... LOL......

Abby Herwood: All of them especially White Castle, YUCK!!!!!!!!!

Cherlyn Tefera: I'mma half-ginge haha. My hair's auburn.

Maynard Reevers: Krystals ewwwww

Brittney Inabnit:

Sharri Scalley: Dirty blonde..almost strawberry blonde hair..yes I'm half ginger aswell

Madge Voice: all of it=

Mayola Sylva: A bigass tasty double cheeseburger it's was so delicious and juicy and I made a 45 minute trip just to try them out and it was well worth it

Shaun Rapkowicz: i really don't like McDonalds....their food smells funky--it smells like they've been cooking up squirrels.. in my whole lifetime, i've only been to McDonalds twice.

Valentine Michaud: Pizza

Demetrius Coa! ster: my parents never let me go to a fast food restaraut so i don't know

Ester Bryand: All of them, have to organic.

Teodoro Lamond: Sometimes McDonald's food upsets my tummy. Especially their greasy, heavy breakfast foods.

Catheryn Small: A dark-ish brown and the bottem is purple

Galen Gowers: Burger king.i hate that place

Troy Monsivais: Fried chicken from Wal*Mart Deli.....I have issues afterwards.

Madge Voice: Golden blonde

Aubrey Tirri: Spaghetti

Adelle Weight: Cheese Pizza

Leora Klingelhoets: McDonald's, Krystal's, and Taco Bell's just to name a few.

Roosevelt Pendill: Taco hell sometimes gives me a bad heartburn...

Randal Deyarmond: Big Fat Al's Famous BBQ Establishments.

Marielle Hedeiros: KFC: I might as well mush that stuff up and throw it in the toilet.

Darrel Stele: Baked beans from the crock pot, chicken, roasted potatoes, sauerkraut and fresh bread.Just finishing up in the kitchen.! Then Joy of Dishes...

Dorine Nurre: Lay's Limon Chips m! mmm my faaaavorite!

Raymon Fiene: Dark Auburn

Clementina Collelo: Taco's gabage! with Mc'd a close 2nd! :O(

Evelin Turlich: Burger

Gus Leiby: light brown

Coleman Petropoulos: Ginger.

Esteban Lyson: We don't know her name i mean we know her mom's name soooooooooooooooooooooo WHY!!!

Evelin Turlich: Dark brown

Sharee Doak: dark brown

Weldon Totaro: Sadie's Truck Stop

Jerald Florence: KFC, Taco Bell, McDonalds, Wendys, Arbys, Rallys

Emile Okafor: Taco bell...just the thought makes me want to go blow chunks

Manual Burtis: McDonald's!Even since I watched Super Size Me, I refuse to ever eat there again.

Shaun Rapkowicz: Pringles

Maynard Phoubandith: KFC is a ticking time bomb to me.

Rheba Cockman: Grapes

Derrick Kloke: Taco Bell. They should be charged with false advertisement because I always run for the bathroom, not the border.

Rhett Kaines: Somewhere between dar! k brown and black

Benny Stehno: Chocolate

Dorethea Beaston: Mcdonalds is pretty much it.

Patrick Bitsui: taco johns :(

Dorine Nurre: roadkill cafe

Luke Kosch: My hair is dyed a crimson red, but it's naturally an ash brown.

Cherlyn Tefera: Taco Bell everytime. I love it too, but it doesn't love me! :(!

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