Jimmie Doerfler: being safe on a motorcycle is about predicting what's going to happen 12 seconds before you get there (enough time to stop even on a freeway). If you see an aggressive driver up there and your coming up on him / her try and put as much space between you and them, and pass quickly. any bike worth it's weight in... well rocks can walk away from the fastest car, so getting out or around a bad situation isn't much of a problem. Riders hug the edges of the lanes for visibility, and accident avoidance, and there's less debris in the center of the road compared to the edges.I've only been riding for about a year, and I've been merged into once, it wasn't a big deal, I just had to go over the center stripe for a second till I was around the retard! I sure let him have it though. Personally I'm much more concerned about the minivan with the children in the back seat and the woman on the phone driving that the agressive tundra, at least he's paying attention!The cl! ass helped me tons! you need to take that before getting a bike.oh, and if this is your first bike and the fjr1300ae has a 1300cc engine I would certainly recommend starting with something much smaller. (that's like going straight into formula one racing having never driven a car before!) on a bike you have to drive for you, and everyone around you!...Show more
Gilberto Cratin: Don't know if it will fit either but call a dealer and the will be able to tell you. As far as will the "ride" be worse......The ride may be a little better. Especially over bumps, road snakes and pot holes. However, as mentioned previously, the cornering will be "worse." Worse meaning slower to corner.
Ileen Oshell: I'm not sure if it will fit or not but if the bike was designed with a 180 then installing a 200 is only going to slow down the turning. If you're only concerned with how it looks then knock yourself out, but why ride one of he best sportbikes made then? You may as well get a! harley.
Magda Vandergriend: Is this possible on my 2002! suzuki gxsr 750? If so, do I have to get a wider wheel? Will the ride, with the 200 tire, become worst versus the ride with the 180?
Lupe Sancen: I don't know about the fit for on your bike, but the wider the back tire is the you have to work the bike in the turns, I ride a powerful bike with a 240 it rides smooth but I really have to work the corners at extreme angles grinding the pegs in some turns, I don't recommend going bigger unless you are really at home with what you have now.
Otto Lingafelt: The most common cause of mc accidents is cars turning left .I feel safer on my big cruiser than in my mini truck. I've out run or out maneuvered murderous assholes in cars. See if your state permits you to carry a concealed weapon. Usualy, all you have to do is unconceal it and the antagonist is ready to quit.
Ollie Desalvo: Part of it is, it seems no one can judge their cars/trucks anymore. I don't know how many times I've seen a car either with it's w! heels on the dividing line or on the outside line because they just can't tell where the side of their cars are.But also, people have a me first attitude these days, plus just a general lack of awareness of anything around them. You have to make up for it by being hyper-aware and avoid as much as possible trouble areas and situations. I personally disagree with the lane splitter post before..lane splitting is a great way to die. I see quite a few people panic and swerve or go nuts looking around when they hear a sport bike get that close (probably overgeneralizing, but you don't see a lot of cruisers/tourers lane splitting) and that little section of lane may wind up narrower than it was due to the fact (plus I have heard people say things like "I would love to be able to just swerve or open my door and clobber that guy coming dangerously and recklessly close to my car.").Bottom line is, drive way ahead of yourself, figure no one is laware of you and drive accordingly a! nd defensively, and by all means, do your best to avoid ever being tail! gated...remember, you stop in 1/2 to 1/3rd the distance of that big vehicle behind you, thus you would become road pizza way too easily....Show more
Catheryn Small: This also applies to cars coming towards you. I see a lot of riders hugging the center line like they own it. Is this a common cause of accidents?
Derrick Cacioppo: Get as far away from the nut-jobs as you can. I have been known to use the shoulder and to ride between cars to put distance between my vulnerable a** and some idiot that wants to mess with me. Doesn't happen very often, but once in a while they just seem to open the doors at the funny farm and out they come. Yes, "lane-splitting" is illegal in Kansas, but when the nice officer pulls me over, I'll make my report about the goof who was trying to make me into a grease spot, take my ticket, (it's only money) and go on my way. I NEVER challenge these cage drivers. They have all the advantages and none of the responsibilities, it seems...K ;o)! ...Show more
Johnnie Pummill: it does happen,no matter what you ride or drive,ride defensively & dont drop your guard,its the old cars you have to wory about, the newer ones will move away from you if they see you are not moving away from them but towards them when they try force you off the road dont want to get scratches on their cars,there are chicanes trafic calming near me they try force through even when a car is coming the other way they swerv when i have right of way & keep controle of the road not pull right to side do that & more will try to get through but allways leave your self a safty margin to get out of way if you need to...Show more
Tommy Durrenberger: there isn't much you can do besides try to stay alert at all times keep a constant look ahead of you of 12 seconds as that is the distance ahead of you,you need to be aware of I've had more cars and trucks change lanes in front of me and into the lane I am traveling in the worst are the d! rivers that tail gate all you can do is either pull over to the side an! d let the a#$hole by or find an opening to get away from them we have enough to worry about with the potholes, oil spots, water bottles as well as water and everything else they drop on the road we aren't looking to become a hood ornament on a chevy...Show more
Lino Cawthorne: do you think a tzr 125 is good for a go kart engine is it water cooled and how fast is it
Sherri Drakos: Get a helmet cam. Thats what I did.
Vickie Clampett: You will be sorely disappointed. No speed, no power, always in need of a charge.Don't waste your money.
Bibi Tyron: Being a motorcyclist the answer is the same a Driver.Be aware of wreckless cars around u and do ur best to avoid them. If u happen to catch their License plate or car discription, pull over and call the police and state that there is a wreckless driver on So and So street /hwyI live in Boston and the biggest problem i have is that alot or motorist Ride up my rear. Mainly because they see me on a sport bik! e and assume that Im gonna go fast....Show more
Gene Debell: You'll need the rim extended and may even need a different swing arm depending on the tire. Fat tires are mostly for looks or for drag racing. It provides more contact with the ground for better launch off the start line. for regular street riding it is worse performance. You cannot lean into a turn the way you need to on a fatter tire. I ride a 190 and turning sucks. My 8" swing arm doesn't help either but still.
Ervin Overbee: i'm used to driving a bike, yet i'm able to force a motor vehicle to boot. i imagine a bike is less demanding to study and administration because the controls are spread out (i changed into utilizing a motor vehicle some weeks in the past and hill starts were a nightmare as I had to ease the take carry of as a lot as biting element, then elevate my foot of the brake and onto the accelera! tor and it really is a procedures not common than it really is on a bik! e), you at the prompt are not off centre on a bike and also you do not ought to pressure about reversing. motorcycles are a procedures extra risky although. try to be concentrating each and each and every of the time, you should keep an eye fixed on all different highway clients and think ofyou've got to anticipate their moves. maximum different highway clients do not see you, so as that they regularly pull out in the front of you. i do not care that some human beings argue that when you're experienced a bike isn't any extra risky than a motor vehicle, because you may't in any respect anticipate what some different person will do. also, motorcycles have a preventing distance a lot less that of vehicles, so in case you slam on the brakes you'll miss the vehicle in the front by utilizing a large margin, although the vehicle behind would force into you as they could't provide up in time. I easily have ridden in snow (it turned right into a stunning snow hurricane that no one p! redicted) and it changed into treacherous. some thing that would reason a bike to skid makes it truly risky to vacation. If one wheel skids then you will bypass down. In a motor vehicle, if all wheels skid, a minimum of you're in a metallic cage. also gusts of wind can blow you obviously. the purely danger-free practices a bike supplies is what you're wearing. Hitting tarmac or concrete at in simple terms 30 miles in line with hour (motorcycles can bypass a lot swifter than this) is sufficient to break bones and tear epidermis off. Even wearing each and each and every of the protection equipment does not assure you'll walk faraway from an coincidence without harm. i imagine that motorbikes are a procedures extra relaxing than vehicles, yet they look a lot extra risky and nowhere close to as versatile. I vacation all year round, yet i'm so tempted to get a motor vehicle through wintry climate....Show more
Lewis Ranft: belting engine,good for around a 100mph if geared c! orrectly.... engine parts are cheap as chips for them
Damaris Wei! ler: i was wanting to buy a electric razor pocket bike or scooter are they good
Donella Vasta: Rubberneck 24-7, and play keep away. Sometimes you gotta be the better person and let the guy through.
Hunter Osterberger: well, i usually just flip em off and pass em right back
Cletus Crotts: Keep your head on a swivel. Also predict what someone is going to do... Take a motorcycle safty classIn todays road rage craziness, its not worth get all inflammed about someone cutting you off. You run the risk of escualating the situation.Passive Aggressive goes far these days. I use to keep coin and washers in my jacket, when someone pisses me off I would causually get ahead of them again and chuck it at thier windshields. But I don't ride anymore... To many stupid people on the road......Show more
Chris Wilczewski: Compared to the present tire, the 200 would be approximately .4 inch wider on each side. If you presently have 3/4 inch of clearance between the swi! ng arm at widest portion of the tire on BOTH sides, you could probably make it work. Don't forget to check for chain clearance also. Then, go to the company website of the tire maker and find the width of that particular line of tire. The actual width can be different than the stated tire size. If you have a Dunlop, you're in good shape because they have an excellent site. Then find the actual width of the desired tire. I'd want probably 1/4 inch of clearance on both sides of the bigger tire.
Adan Alipio: nawh man, buy the frame and put a 'busa engine in it
Daren Ventrice: It is really rare to have someone actually try to force you off the road, even in metro areas. USUALLY, they just don't know you are there. Experienced riders learn to avoid situations where you CAN be cut off.Don't worry about it. You can outrun most cars if you have a decent size bike....Show more