Thursday, 30 April 2020

panasonic camcorder help?

Gladys Worthing: Transferring - rather, importing - DV from the camcorder to your computer using USB won't work. You need a firewire cable to connect the camcorder's DV port to the computer's firewire port. If your computer does not have a firewire port, hopefully it has an expansion slot so you can add one.When the connections are made, nothing will "automatically" happen. You need to launch your video editor and import or capture the vide... the camcorder needs to be in "Play" or "VCR" mode. With a Panasonic, you may also need to be plugged into AC power.USB is used only for transferring still pictures from a memory card or for web-streaming.A USB/firewire converter/adapter will not work....Show more

Hal Palowoda: Switch the camcorder on and put it into Play (VCR) mode, then connect the USB cable, then plug it into the computer. This hot-plugging should alert the pc to the connection and you should be able to get your pictures off. Don't expect to copy the video t! ape clips across though because USB isn't the best way to do that with MiniDV. Best to use firewire, if your computer has it.

Comment faire pousser un cristal rond

Comment faire pousser un cristal rond

p>Les cristaux se développent sous toutes sortes de formes. Bien que les cristaux bulbeux soient présents dans la nature, les cristaux cultivés à la maison ont tendance à être de forme pointue et irrégulière. Encouragez vos cristaux à croître en cercle en les faisant croître le long ou à l’intérieur d’une structure ronde. Ces expériences impliquent l’ébullition de l’eau, de sorte que les enfants ne devraient pas les essayer sans la supervision d’un adulte.

Construisez votre sphère de cristal. Prenez vos cure-pipes et tissez 2-3 dans une grande sphère lâche. Les cristaux vont pousser autour des cure-pipes, alors laissez beaucoup d’espace entre les cure-pipes. Essayez de tisser des dômes géodésiques de base, ou simplement de plier et de croiser les cure-pipes jusqu’à obtenir ! une sphère brute. Pour visualiser à quoi ressemblera votre sphère une fois terminée, imaginez que chaque cure-pipe va « épaissir » en faisant croître des cristaux.

Faire bouillir et teindre l’eau. Faites bouillir environ 8 tasses (1 900 ml) d’eau, assez pour remplir la moitié du récipient en verre â€" si vous utilisez un bécher, vous pouvez retirer votre sphère pour l’instant et faire bouillir l’eau sur le feu. Incorporer quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire.

Suspendez la sphère. Prenez votre crayon ou votre brochette et posez-la sur le dessus de votre contenant en verre. Coupez un morceau de ficelle et attachez-le à votre cure-pipe. Attachez l’autre extrémité au crayon ou à la brochette, de façon à ce que votre sphère pend près du fond du verre, sans toucher le fond ou les côtés.

Ajouter quelques gouttes de colorant alimentaire. Vous pouvez utiliser toutes les couleurs que vous voulez. Si vous choisissez de ne pas aj! outer de colorant alimentaire, vos cristaux deviendront blanch! âtres et transparents, comme de la glace.

Rassemblez votre matériel. Vous aurez besoin d’un gros oeuf blanc, d’une aiguille, d’un trombone, d’une paille, de ciseaux, de poudre d’alun, de colle blanche, d’un petit pinceau, d’un contenant en verre, de colorant alimentaire ou de colorant pour oeufs de Pâques, d’une cuillère, de gants en latex, d’un support à sécher ou de papier journal.

Incorporer le Borax. Pendant que l’eau est encore chaude, ajouter environ 9 cuillères à soupe (~243 g) de Borax et mélanger jusqu’à dissolution. Continuez à ajouter 1 cuillère à soupe (~27 g) de Borax à la fois jusqu’à ce que vous ajoutiez une cuillère à soupe de Borax qui ne se dissout pas complètement.

Ajouter ¾ tasse (~120 g) de poudre d’alun à la solution de colorant chaud. Remuer jusqu’à ce que la poudre soit complètement dissoute. Si la poudre n’est pas totalement dissoute, placer la solution au micro-ondes pendant quel! ques secondes. Sinon, l’alun pourrait ne pas se fixer à la géode.

Retirer la coquille au bout de 12 heures et laisser sécher. Mettez vos gants en latex et enlevez la géode très soigneusement. Si vous êtes satisfait des cristaux, séchez votre géode sur le support. Si ce n’est pas le cas, le remettre dans la solution pour un jour ou deux.

Rassemblez vos provisions. Vous aurez besoin de Borax en poudre, d’un paquet de nettoyants pour tuyaux flous, d’un contenant en verre résistant à la chaleur (comme un bécher), de colorant alimentaire au néon, d’un crayon ou d’une brochette, d’une cuillère à mesurer, de ciseaux et de fil. Vos cure-pipes doivent être soit blancs, soit de la couleur du cristal que vous souhaitez faire pousser.

Couper la coquille en deux. Utilisez une petite paire de ciseaux pour couper la coquille en deux moitiés bien rangées. Si vous avez de la difficulté à fendre la coquille d’Å"uf, tapotez-la légèrement ! sur le comptoir pour l’ouvrir. Enlever le jaune d’Å"uf restant de l! a coquille.

Faire bouillir l’eau et ajouter le sel d’Epsom. Faites bouillir l’eau ou utilisez de l’eau du robinet très chaude. Incorporer 1/2 tasse (~150 g) de sel d’Epsom à ⁄2 tasse (120 ml) d’eau chaude. Remuer jusqu’à ce que presque tout le sel se dissolve.

Faire une solution d’eau bouillante et de colorant alimentaire. Faites bouillir l’eau et laissez reposer pendant que vous prenez votre récipient en verre. Mélanger 2 tasses (470 ml) d’eau chaude avec 30 gouttes de colorant alimentaire ou un paquet entier de colorant aux Å"ufs dans le contenant. Portez des gants en latex pour protéger vos mains du colorant.

Collez la poudre d’alun à l’intérieur. Utilisez votre petit pinceau pour appliquer de la colle blanche à l’intérieur et sur les bords de chaque moitié de coquille d’Å"uf. Saupoudrer la colle humide de poudre d’alun jusqu’à ce que la surface intérieure de la coquille d’Å"uf soit entièrement recouvert! e.

Couvrez le bécher et laissez-le tranquille. Placez un chargeur, un morceau de carton ou un autre objet plat léger sur le gobelet et laissez le tout sur le comptoir toute la nuit. Si vous utilisez un bécher, vous pouvez le laisser sur le poêle pour qu’il refroidisse lentement.

Souffle l’oeuf. Prenez l’aiguille et percez un petit trou dans une extrémité de l’Å"uf. Dépliez le trombone et insérez-le dans l’Å"uf. Remuer pour mélanger les jaunes d’oeufs avec les blancs d’oeufs. Percez un trou à l’autre extrémité de l’Å"uf qui est assez grand pour contenir une paille. Placez l’Å"uf au-dessus de l’évier ou d’un bol et soufflez doucement dans la paille jusqu’à ce que l’Å"uf soit vide.

Refroidir le mélange, puis y tremper la coquille d’Å"uf. Laisser refroidir le mélange pendant environ une demi-heure. Tremper ensuite une coquille d’Å"uf sèche dans le mélange. Placez-le au fond du récipient de façon à ce que son! creux soit orienté vers le haut.

Célébrez ou réessayez. AprÃ! ¨s au moins 8 heures, soulevez votre cristal de la solution. Vous devriez avoir une sphère recouverte uniformément de cristaux translucides et grumeleux. Si vous aimez son aspect, vous pouvez le vaporiser avec une couche acrylique transparente, car les cristaux de borax peuvent se dissoudre s’ils sont manipulés ou humidifiés. Si vous ne l’aimez pas, il suffit de réchauffer la solution et d’essayer à nouveau.

Plongez la sphère et suspendez-la. Pendant que la solution de Borax est encore très chaude, l’ajouter au récipient en verre. Plongez votre sphère dans la solution plusieurs fois pour vous débarrasser des bulles d’air. Ensuite, suspendez la sphère en plaçant la brochette ou le crayon sur le récipient en verre.

Versez la solution dans la tasse et mettez-la au réfrigérateur. Utilisez à cet effet le gobelet rond et transparent. Conservez-le au réfrigérateur pendant plusieurs heures. Couvrez-le d’un couvercle ou d’une pellicule pl! astique si vous le souhaitez. Après quelques heures, vous devriez prendre une tasse de cristaux délicats et fibreux. Si vous le laissez, il peut durer des mois.

Trouvez les fournitures nécessaires. Vous aurez besoin de sel Epsom, de colorant alimentaire, d’un gobelet ou d’un autre contenant en verre résistant à la chaleur (comme un verre à mesurer) et d’une tasse ou d’un bol transparent et rond. Les cristaux se développeront même si votre tasse n’est pas ronde.

Wednesday, 29 April 2020

How do I add memory to my computer laptop notebook?

Gertrude Darke: As per your system configuration: You can upgrade the memory up to 4GB. DDR2, 2GB in each slot. The system has two RAM slots. Best of luck.....

Forest Duttinger: Equipment needed, a screwdriver and an electrostatic earthing band.Prices can only be googled when you check what type of RAM is installed currently. (ref. to Step 5)Here is how you do it.Step 1 : Remove the Laptop Battery.Step 2 : Electrostatically discharge yourself by touching a grounded metal. Ideally, you should use a electrostatic discharge band that wraps around your wrist and keeps you discharged at all times by the other end connected to a ground metal.Step 3 : Identify the panel that hold the RAM on the undersurface of your laptop. Its mostly a rectangular shaped panel. If your laptop is one of those with a single piece undersurface, you need to unscrew the whole thing.Step 4 : Unscrew the panel.Step 5 : Check the configuration of your RAM. Is there an empty slot present? Yes, you ! need to buy a single 2gb Ram Module . No ? You need to buy two 2 gb RAM modules and probably try to trade in the 1 + 1 gb modules installed. Your Ram module has all the rating and model number written on it. Google it for prices.Step 6 : When you have bought the Module and need to install it. Remove a module by pulling apart the silver levers at both ends of the RAM slot, the module pops up to a 45 degree angle, hold by sides and pull out. Step 7 : Insert in similar fashion, orient the Module's connector-end notch according to that in the slot, push in at 45 degrees. Once the gold connectors are completely in, push down at 90 degrees until u hear a Click sound.Step 8 : Repeat same for as many slots as you want. Screw back the panelsStep 9 : Insert Battery.Step 10 : enjoy the performance gain....Show more

Lynn Hollars: Computer+Memory= Computer With more memoryjust add memory to computer

Javier Holsonback: utkutyk

Solomon Belback: Please take no offense by ! this.. but judging by the questions you asked you don't have m! uch experience with computers, or at least computer hardware. I will point out a common mistake among computer newbies: Memory and Hard Drive space are two totally different things. If you are looking for memory, or ram, to speed up the processes of your computer, you might want to try eBay as you can find it much cheaper there than any store. If you are looking to upgrade the hard drive space on your laptop, that is a little more complicated as you don't have much room for a bigger hard drive. Memory (ram) is easy to upgrade, but i recommend taking your laptop to a specialist (Bestbuy, Staples, etc) to put a bigger hard drive in....Show more

Comment rattraper le retard sur le linge sale

Comment rattraper le retard sur le linge sale

Rassemblez tout le linge dans cette zone. Cela comprend le linge de lit et de bain, les torchons à vaisselle, les housses de protection, etc.

Trouvez une grande surface pour trier les vêtements. Enlevez les meubles du chemin, s’il le faut. Si vous pouvez prendre la relève d’un lit ou d’une table pour le triage, faites-le.

Faites-le maintenant ! Plus vite tu commences, plus vite tu finiras. La lessive n’est pas terminée tant que tu n’as pas rangé les vêtements propres. Si quelque chose ne vous va pas ou ne vous fait pas vous sentir bien de le porter, alors ne le ramenez pas à la maison. Ou même essayer une vente de garage !

Donner la priorité au tri en piles. Commencez par les sous-vêtements, les chaussettes et les vêtements de travail comme articles de première priorité. Viennent ensuite les articles pr! éférés que vous portez fréquemment. Si vous n’avez pas de linge de lit et de bain propre pour remplacer le linge sale, n’hésitez pas à les classer par ordre de priorité.

Placez toutes ces piles dans des sacs faciles à manipuler qui ne contiennent chacun que suffisamment de vêtements pour remplir une machine à laver. Vous devrez peut-être classer par ordre de priorité les  » sacs prioritaires « , selon le nombre de piles que vous avez.

Dé-prioriser les éléments suivants en piles : Des vêtements qui ne vont pas, des vêtements hors saison, des vêtements qui ont besoin d’être réparés, des vêtements que vous ne portez que lorsque rien d’autre n’est pratique.

Tuesday, 28 April 2020

3D interactive anatomy software for artistic purposes

Maria Bengston: Software Testing-

An Trebil: Create 3D Animations Easily -

Cómo sobrellevar las manchas irregulares en una relación

Cómo sobrellevar las manchas irregulares en una relación

Sepa que la similitud en valores, antecedentes y metas es un buen indicador de éxito.

No se involucre en discusiones «intensas». Un aspecto importante que ha surgido del Instituto Gottman es la importancia de negarse a participar en desacuerdos demasiado emocionales.

No suprima las emociones ni finja que no hay ningún problema. El no reconocer los problemas, las molestias, las irritaciones y los sentimientos negativos causa algunas de las tasas más altas de divorcio.

Establezca «reglas de combate». Acordar las reglas para manejar los desacuerdos y atenerse a ellas. La lista de reglas debe ser corta y amplia, más que demasiado específica, debe ser aportada por ambas partes por igual, y debe contener una ruta para su resolución. Algunas sugerencias e ideas para comenzar su ! propia lista podrían incluir:

Sepa que las parejas que terminan siendo exitosas, mientras están enamoradas, no son las parejas que se casan mientras todavía tienen «ojos estrellados».

Entienda que es imposible tener una relación saludable sin un desacuerdo de vez en cuando. Sin embargo, muchas de las investigaciones prometedoras que han surgido de la investigación de Gottman y otras instituciones están dando a nuestra sociedad una mejor idea de qué comportamiento conduce a matrimonios saludables.

Observe las reacciones a los eventos. Otro factor importante, en la investigación de Shelly Gable, muestra que las reacciones a los eventos en la vida de la pareja también son altamente predictivas del éxito.

Tenga en cuenta que la honestidad, la intimidad y el realismo son importantes, y los «romances torbellinos» rara vez lo logran.

Recuerde que «Inundar» a un hombre con emociones es un gran predictor del divorcio.

Mantén el hu! mor de YouTube. El humor puede ser una herramienta útil. Pued! e ser una poderosa influencia en la difusión de situaciones emocionalmente intensas, pero debe usarse con cuidado. No se involucre en el humor a expensas de los demás. Evite el sarcasmo u otros golpes dolorosos. Además, no utilice el humor para menospreciar lo que la otra persona está sintiendo. La risa libera endorfinas que ayudan a relajarse y despejan la mente. Hacer una broma que ambos puedan relacionar, ya sea que involucre o no el tema que se está discutiendo, puede hacer que el desacuerdo sea más tolerable.

Monday, 27 April 2020

What's the most powerful complete security suite program?

Ervin Laeger: I would choose either Mcafee Total protection 2009 or Norton 360 V3.0 they are the latest security softwares and are ment to be excellent AVG i wouldn't recommend norton 360 v3.0 also comes with a norton safe web feature and guards you against unsafe websites watch the video and see what you think of norton (link below) but just a tip if you buy version 2 off ebay it will work with version 3 instead of paying £54.99 for it lol well it worked for me :)Hope this helps you out Take care (watch the link below explains it all)Aceman...Show more

Willetta Munhall: there isn't any applicable product. Your applicable wager is to combine a number of diverse product to make one killer protection. first and applicable, your antivirus. for loose: Comodo internet protection is the applicable, whilst the AV ingredient in itself is weaker than the extremely some paid products, it nonetheless has the applicable virus detection interior the loose spectrum. It comes wit! h a very-fledged firewall, sandbox, and host intrusion prevention equipment offering professional protection for the piece of recommendations. whilst specific aspects of this methodology could nicely be complicated and once you first setting up it's going to ask hundreds of questions in simple terms to benefit how your computing device works, with the splendid volume of settings tinkering you may make the subject healthy your needs. Pair this with Malwarebytes Anti Malware and AVG Linkscanner. you're set! be conscious: there is likewise a paid version of Malwarebytes, which i relatively propose getting. For paid: Norton 360 6.0 is absolutely the applicable,. For $80 funds, it extremely is well worth it. As you get the applicable protection for the least slowdown on the marketplace right this moment. that is blazing quickly, extremely severe detection expenses, and is derived with a very fledged behavioral detection module, internet site blocker, and firewall. It has superb ! protection and would not sluggish your computing device down. ! Pair this with Comodo Firewall and HIPS. in simple terms turn the Comodo Firewall OFF (working Comodo Firewall and Norton Firewall mutually ability undesirable. SO turn COMODO FIREWALL OFF!!!!), bypass away in simple terms the host intrusion prevention equipment, HIPS, on. Then setting up the paid version of Malwarebytes AntiMalware, and you're set!! make optimistic that with which in spite of suite you %, you install Mozilla Firefox with Adblock Plus and WOT extensions. sturdy success, devjaiswal2001...Show more

pregnant with second baby while first one is 6 months old?  

pregnant with second baby while first one is 6 months old?  

answers 0:im 11 weeks pregnant. my first one was a high risk pregnancy and this one will be too. i was told i need to be watched closely to make sure this one is a little less complicated. this first one was born at 35 weeks. has anyone else gotten pregnant so quickly right after the first one? any complications? how was your pregnancy? i feel like im even more tired than the first one. im constantly exhausted and the morning sickness is horrible. did you gain just as much weight as the first? was it just as easy to take off? how was your second pregnancy so soon after the first?...Show moreanswers 1:This happened to me and i was on the nuva ring. My daughter is 6 months and im 13 weeks pregnant. I may be high risk because i had pre- eclampsia with my daughter but i don't know yet. And yes, i feel extremely tired and sick all the time.And actually im lo! sing weight because i can barely keep any food down. Its definitely hard.answers 2:mutually as I have not any thought while you're extra fertile after giving beginning or not, i had to pipe in which you will completely breastfeed and nonetheless ovulate and nonetheless get your era and nonetheless get pregnant. I had my first era 2 months placed up partum, mutually as completely breastfeeding, no bottles, no formula and my daughter ate each and every 2-4 hours around-the-clock. in fact, at my 6 week checkup, my physician examined me and started guffawing as she asked what approach of beginning administration i could be making use of as there became into no way i might desire to place self assurance in breastfeeding as a potential of beginning administration. apparently, I had not one of the vaginal alterations breastfeeding might reason (thinning of epidermis and absence of cervical fluid) that facilitates preclude being pregnant. So the possibilty does exist which you will! completely breastfeed and nonetheless get pregnant....answers! 3:Well my daughter was 9 months when i got pregnant with my second child... i didn't have any complications and actually a very very easy pregnancy surprisingly. Its tough though because you are wathcing after a little one and pregnancy makes you SOOOO tired in the beginning so i totally feel for you right now! I luckily lost all my weight from my first very easily but with my second i gained about 15 lbs more than i did with the first inthe end. It was tough then... it was tiring and i was crabby so my relationship with my first probably wasn't as good as it could of been. But to this day they are now 7 and 6 and i wouldn't change it for the world. They are the best of friends and though it was tough raising two little ones i think its SO incredibly worth it. I waited 4 years till i had my third though... and it still makes me sad she isn't close to their age but.. anyways. You will do just fine, and what really got me through it is knowing how they were so close in age ! together they are the best of friends and FREE entertainment for each other! lol. congrats!!!!...answers 4:I had my kids back to back- youngest was only 2 months old when i got pregnant with my most recent bundle... I have 4 kids- the oldest is 4years 4 months old. I thankfully did not have any complications but maybe a little preterm labor we could hold off, other than that- I know that they ask you take your vitamins and keep up on your dental care since child bearing literally eats your body and teeth(calcium), also you'll probably receive lots of blood tests throughout pregnancy to monitor you- and maybe a few extra ultrasounds to keep an eye on baby. as for weight gain/loss- just depends on your body and lifestyle- I always gained weight faster- but lost it just as quick after baby- Good luck!...

Sunday, 26 April 2020

Computer Security Degree question..?

Elvie Drumgoole: Some of the main areas of computer security are Computer Security Auditing, Security Engineering, Security officer and computer forensics. Depending upon the size of the organization you work for a lot of these positions can overlap. Most auditing positions are primarily focused on testing the security of a system by looking for vulnerabilities. Security engineering is normally focused on network infrastructure design to ensure that firewalls and other security devices are properly located and configured. A security officer provides normally provides security oversight basically ensuring that security rules and policy for an organization exist and are properly followed. Forensics is involved with examining a system for signs of illegal or malicious activity. There are also other jobs related to computer security such as system certifies who document a system and ensure that it has an authority to operate, secure communication specialists who deal ! with secure communications. Within each field there are other specialties which can include Application security, encryption and wireless security.Basically there are a lot of options....Show more

Cable tv, satellite tv or Uverse...what are the pros and cons?  

Cable tv, satellite tv or Uverse...what are the pros and cons?  

answers 0:We currently have cable television at our home and at our dental office. It is set up so that we don't have to have a "box" at each television, which is great because we have television screens attached to each dental chair and a "box" is just not feasible at all. But, the cable company is now requiring some sort of "box" at each television screen. We are not quite sure what to do. We have had satellite in the past, but it's been awhile. So, what are our best options to get the most channels, HD channels, and not have to have a "box" at each tv? or are we just screwed?Thanks so much for your help!!!...Show moreanswers 1:I would stay away from UVerse - they are new to the tv game, and there are rumors that they are looking to get out of it. In my opinion, Dish Network is best for businesses. Directv is too expensive and it takes like 2 w! eeks to get approved. Directv is mainly for sports bars.Cable you will have to pay city tax for which you don't with satellite. The internet is good so you might want to combo Dish Network with Cable internet to maximize savings....

Saturday, 25 April 2020

Graphic design?

Tyrone Disanti: ------- Stock photos. ------- More stock photos

Gennie Shauer: this may be of some helpdeviant art.comworth1000.comsome crazy stuff and some great designs

Cómo instalar Java en Linux

Cómo instalar Java en Linux

Este wikiCómo le enseña a instalar la última versión del Java Runtime Environment (JRE) en un ordenador con Linux.

Pulse ↵ Enter. Al hacerlo, Java se instalará en su ordenador en una carpeta titulada «jre1.8.0_[update]» donde «[update]» es el número de versión de la actualización (por ejemplo, 151).

Asegúrese de que no tiene Java ya instalado. Escriba la versión en Java y pulse ↵ Enter. Si aparece una línea que dice «El programa ‘java’ se encuentra en los siguientes paquetes», Java no está instalado en su ordenador.

Introduzca el comando de instalación. Escriba tar zxvf, pulse la barra espaciadora una vez y, a continuación, escriba el nombre completo del archivo. Esto variará dependiendo de la versión de Java y de cuándo la descargó.

Escriba el comando de instalación. Escriba sudo apt-get install defau! lt-jre en la línea de comandos, luego presione ↵ Enter. Esto instalará Java en su ordenador Ubuntu en el directorio predeterminado.

Anote el nombre del archivo. La última versión de Java es la versión 8, pero también necesita el número de versión de actualización, que se escribe en el nombre del archivo después de la sección «8u».

Introduzca el comando root. Escriba sudo su y pulse ↵ Enter. Esto le pedirá a la línea de comandos que solicite su contraseña de usuario.

Actualice la descarga. Escriba rpm -Uvh jre-8u73-linux-i586.rpm y presione ↵ Enter. Esto buscará actualizaciones para el paquete Java y, si es posible, las aplicará.

Anote el nombre del archivo. La última versión de Java es la versión 8, pero también necesita el número de versión de actualización, que se escribe en el nombre del archivo después de la sección «8u».

Abra la página de descarga de Java para Linux. Verá varias opciones enumeradas aquÃ! ­.

Asegúrese de tener un sistema actualizado. Escriba s! udo apt-get update

Friday, 24 April 2020

Any free program to open .db files?

Tomeka Hameen: here's a good open source program i use. it's a free alternative to microsoft office. it's called Open Office by Sun Microsystems. it has everything you need.

Rosalba Lingner: You need to know what program or software created the .db file, since that is not a standard format from program to program.

Tamatha Neubaum: You need to make sure you have saved the file as a DBX file. Then it will open in Access.

Cómo hacer crecer una pequeña empresa utilizando el marketing empresarial local

Cómo hacer crecer una pequeña empresa utilizando el marketing empresarial local

Las pequeñas empresas dependen de los consumidores locales o de una excelente comercialización para obtener rentabilidad. Sin embargo, a menudo se observa que las pequeñas empresas mantienen un bajo presupuesto para la comercialización. Una de las mejores maneras de asegurarse de que está maximizando su potencial de marketing es utilizar fuentes de marketing locales y desarrollar relaciones en su comunidad de negocios local. Hay muchas maneras de hacerlo, por lo que debe elegir las que mejor se adapten a su modelo de negocio. Con el fin de proporcionar sus esfuerzos de marketing, usted debe identificar la demografía de sus clientes. Este artículo le dirá cómo hacer crecer una pequeña empresa utilizando el marketing empresarial local.

Haga una tarjeta de en! vío masivo a sus direcciones locales que incluya un cupón. Esto a menudo se llama correo directo. Puede enviar una tarjeta promocionando nuevos productos, y es más probable que sea guardada en lugar de desechada si tiene un cupón.

Obtenga un listado en su guía telefónica local. Esto es importante especialmente si se atiende a un grupo demográfico de edad avanzada. Muchas personas todavía tienen un libro en su casa o en su coche al que hacen referencia. Un listado regular puede no costar mucho, y usted puede pagar para poner su listado en negrita o listarlo en las páginas amarillas de negocios.

Compre anuncios de radio. Cronométalos para que salgan cuando tengas una gran promoción. A los vendedores de anuncios de radio también se les permite regatear. Vea si puede obtener una tarifa de publicidad a granel o una promoción gratuita durante un programa de radio en horario de viajero.

Compra una valla publicitaria. Esto es a menudo un gran gasto. S! in embargo, si su principal grupo demográfico es el tráfico ! de pasajeros y usted puede ponerlo en su camino, puede valer la pena.

Aproveche las ventajas del marketing online gratuito. Regístrese para obtener una cuenta gratuita de Google places donde podrá incluir su dirección, número de teléfono, un enlace a su sitio web, una descripción de sus servicios e incluso una fotografía. Hay varios lugares fuera de Google donde la gente puede buscar los detalles de su negocio.

Considere los listados de búsqueda pagados. Pago por clic o como la industria se refiere a ello como listados de CPC. Estos resultados de los motores de búsqueda son listados pagados y aparecen antes y al lado de los resultados de búsqueda orgánicos.

Crear un sitio web. Incluso si usted está tratando de comercializar localmente, la mayoría de la gente busca negocios locales en línea, utilizando Google u otros motores de búsqueda. Tener un sitio web con detalles sobre sus servicios, información de contacto e indicaciones para llegar a! su tienda.

Construya listados de búsqueda orgánicos. SEO orgánico es la promoción natural de su sitio web a través de recursos que los motores de búsqueda encuentran valiosos. Los listados orgánicos en los motores de búsqueda son altamente confiables y a menudo visitados por clientes potenciales.

Compre un anuncio en el periódico local más popular para su población. Recuerda regatear. Los vendedores de anuncios en los periódicos tienen la capacidad de dar un poco, así que vea si puede conseguir 2 anuncios por el precio de 1, o un mes de anuncios para un artículo promocional.

Apunte a los listados de búsqueda local. Los listados locales en los motores de búsqueda son los que se ven al lado de esas «burbujas de mapa» con las letras A, B, C, D, etc.

Haz un Groupon. Esta nueva forma de publicidad le permite dar a la gente la oportunidad de comprar un servicio o producto con un gran descuento, siempre y cuando una cierta cantidad de gen! te lo compre. Muchos periódicos y servicios locales ahora ofrecen desc! uentos de esta manera, así que infórmese bien.

Obtenga una lista en todos los motores de búsqueda en línea que pueda encontrar. Esto puede incluir Google Maps, Bing Local y Yahoo Local. Hay un número de páginas amarillas en línea donde usted debe enviar, como Merchant Circle, Web Local,,,, Insider Pages y Super pages.

Envíe el listado de su empresa a los principales proveedores de datos, como Localeze, infoUSA y Estas compañías venden o comparten listados locales y usted puede encontrar los listados de su negocio en lugares antes de solicitar un listado.

Considere la posibilidad de hacer publicidad pagada en su área. Esto debe hacerse cuando haya completado todas las rutas libres. Sin embargo, algunas de las siguientes vías son probadas y verdaderas campañas de publicidad que funcionan en las áreas locales:

Tener una gran apertura o renovar su negocio y tener una gr! an reapertura. Usted puede atraer a la gente a su negocio ofreciendo una venta durante los primeros días, refrescos o un sorteo de un gran certificado de regalo.

Considere la posibilidad de crear una aplicación nativa. La aplicación móvil proporciona una nueva y más interactiva experiencia de compra y puede ser beneficiosa para el crecimiento de una base de clientes y mejorar la retención de clientes. Con una buena aplicación, usted puede proporcionar:

Asegúrese de estar casi completamente preparado antes de lanzar una campaña de marketing local, si está iniciando un nuevo negocio. Es una gran idea investigar avenidas y planear hasta 6 meses de adelanto mientras usted arregla un contrato de arrendamiento u obtiene su licencia comercial. Sin embargo, usted debe estar dentro de aproximadamente 1 mes de su apertura antes de obtener su nombre en el público, o de lo contrario pueden buscarlo y ver que usted no está disponible.

Thursday, 23 April 2020

What makes you resistant to dental anesthesia?  

What makes you resistant to dental anesthesia?  

answers 0:Me and my mother have been resistant to this type of anesthesia since we were kids. We both had some dental problems, and we both felt a lot of pain because anesthesia didn't work (syringe one included) when we had operations.So what makes us resistant to it, and does this mean I will pass it unto my kids? (if I ever have any)...Show moreanswers 1:Always see an oral and maxillofacial surgeonFor all your dental implant questions, this is probably the best source 2:Most dentist do not use an anesthesia like they use in a hospital in the office it is a med that helps you relax some people it will knock out others have a stronger immune system and won't completely knock you out. You can ask the doc for an extra pill to help you relax even more you take that befor you get to the dentist then with the other it wor! ks.

Clear Internet? good or bad?

Vince Delarge: I think that clear internet is good for every person. Many person can use clear internet

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

HTC ONE camera purple tint is software or hardware issue ...?

Clemmie Burkleo: That camera tinting problem is actually a known issue that hasn't been fixed issue. It's sorta more hardware based on this part. Have you tried finnicking with the camera settings? Have a good day

what can be done to do away with bad breath besides good oral hygiene and perfect health otherwise?  

what can be done to do away with bad breath besides good oral hygiene and perfect health otherwise?  

answers 0:what can be done to do away with bad breath besides good oral hygiene and perfect health otherwise?answers 1:The link below is to a good article '5 Tips to Combat Bad Breath': answers 2:Perhaps try taking some acidopholus capsules/Yakuit as these can be good for your digestive tract, helping to prevent yo! ur stomach from creating bad bacteria, through introducing good bacteria. Also, anything that causes 'bad bacteria' will eventually cause bad breath! (eg. excessive sugar, cheese - yeast, other yeast products in excess like bread and bakery items) You don't eat a lot of pies, pastries and doughnuts do you?!...answers 3:scrub your tongue, avoid mints and the like as they just produce more odor causing bacteria....use listerine and visit your dentist every 6 months.answers 4:Chew fresh parsley on occasionanswers 5:if you have good oral hygiene and your breath is still bad...the smell is originating from bacteria in your stomach...your intestines should contain 3-5 pounds of friendly bacteria, but most people who have used antibiotics or eat a lot of sugar get an overgrowth of unfriendly bacteria whose byproducts create gases that lead to bad breath. try taking probiotics, flora, or friendly bacteria (all are the same thing...just different names)...any health food store can ! help you out.answers 6:The problem might not be in the mouth. ! It could be in the stomach. Some food produce more gas than others.answers 7:Chew gum.

Tuesday, 21 April 2020

Im having trouble with my audio hardware can someone HELP?

Phil Kuarez: Actually, the audio hardware is there, but your operating system has either corrupted or misplaced the driver info to identify it.1st step - DON'T PANIC. Take a deep breath & relax, you can fix this.2nd step - Activate your anti-virus program and scan your hard drive (a virus will cause problems like these more often than anything, so cleaning out any viruses is always a good first step). If you don't have one, you should definitely go and get one (Norton Anti-Virus is not recommended)3rd step - Identify the brand and model of your laptop, and write this down to a piece of paper.4th step - Go to the manufacturer's website, find the section for downloads and find your model. Download the driver for the sound card that is specific to your operating system.5th step - Run that driver file and listen as your sound card comes back to life (also please follow the on screen prompts as they are shown to you).6th step - Reward yourself with a good smirk and a pat on! the back....Show more

Cómo completar un finalizador de Mortal Kombat

Cómo completar un finalizador de Mortal Kombat

Mortal kombat es un juego divertido que tiene finalistas difíciles. Aquí hay una guía para los que terminan el trabajo como Fatalidad, Babalidad, Hara-Kiri, Brutalidad, Animalidad y Brutalidad Heroica. P.D. Es posible que esta guía no incluya a todos los finalistas, todavía. Si usted sabe una manera de completarlos entonces por favor añádalo y una vez que todos hayan sido agregados por favor remueva esto.

Darse cuenta de algunas cosas. Una brutalidad es diferente de una brutalidad heroica. Además, es muy difícil de lograr, es un combo de 11 botones, y no es muy satisfactorio. Averigua si una brutalidad es capaz de atentar contra uno de tus juegos de MK. Trate de ser capaz de hacer una fatalidad o un hara-kiri antes de intentarlo o de lo contrario las posibilidades de fracaso son mayores que! las suyas. Después de leer esto, continúe.

Elige a tu personaje, juega y aprende sus fatalidades. Hay muchas listas de fatalidades en Internet, asegúrate de incluir qué juego es y tu personaje. Además, recuerde que los MK 1, 2 y 3 son más fáciles de matar. Además, las brutalidades heroicas sólo pueden ser hechas en el universo de Mortal Kombat vs DC por los personajes de DC.

Sigue intentándolo hasta que lo hagas. Juega a los videojuegos y sigue intentándolo cuando los derrotes, y el locutor dice «acaba con él/ella».

Empieza con combos simples, luego con movimientos especiales, luego con los combos grandes y trata de completar cada uno de los combos grandes que tu personaje tiene.

Inténtalo. ¡Sigue haciéndolo, hasta que lo consigas!

Empieza con combos simples, luego haz movimientos especiales, luego los combos grandes y, una vez que hayas derrotado al oponente, prueba.

De otras maneras: Sigue jugando contra el ordenador y! si tienes suerte, podrían hacerlo.

De otras maneras. E! n el combate de ajedrez en MK: Decepción se realiza una fatalidad una vez que se derrota al líder automáticamente con cualquier personaje o clase.

Aprende a cronometrarlo. Una vez que hayas sido derrotado y el locutor te diga «acaba con él/ella», intenta presionar 5 cosas al azar antes de que tu oponente pueda acabar contigo. No tiene por qué ser un hara-kiri, pero puedes tener suerte y mejorar tu timing al intentarlo.

Divídelo. Practíquelo en partes, y trate de agregar otro botón a medida que mejore.

Recuerda que esto sólo se puede hacer con el engaño de Mortal Kombat. También elige a tu personaje y descubre su combinación para hacer el finalista.

Encuentra al oponente correcto. Necesitas a alguien que no te acabe tan pronto como pueda. Pídele a un amigo que te ayude o usa a los primeros oponentes de la computadora de arcade. Recuerda que tienes que ser derrotado para intentarlo.

Hazlo. Haz el hara-kiri y sigue haciéndolo hasta! que lo hagas bien, esta es la única manera de hacerlo bien.

Monday, 20 April 2020

Computer Networking training institute with good placement assistance and quality education in Delhi?

Beau Starcevic: 1. Netlabs ITS, South Extension []2. CMS Computers Pvt Ltd, South Extension []3. IIHT []4. IACM South Extension []5. InfoPark6. Rooman Tech7. JetkingMake sure wherever you join you get maximum lab practice time and practice alot. As it's going to be your career so don't compromise here. You can find the truth of the institute from the Ex students. While enquiring, do not blindly believe whatever institute's admin says but try to find at ur end.I have noticed that one get maximum lab time in low range institutes but stil not sure.You can find opinion of the students about particular institute at interne tblogs etc.If you have any question for computer related career or guidance you can just drop me an email, I will try to answer ur query as I am in the computer networking field and working in companies since more than last seven years. All the best....Show more

Jene Kostyla: ! Indian Institute of Technology Bombay ranked 36th in Top 100 Uni in Tech subject.

Jerald Florence: In Greens Technology, Adyar They are providing excelent realtime training. Free "LIVE DEMOs" would be provided prior to our training registration. Specific DAY to DAY Course Plan will also be shared prior to training registration to ensure transparency of our Training services. Greens Technologys, No.15 First Street,Padmanabha nagar, Adyar, Chennai-20. Tel: +91 89399 15577 +91 89399 25577 more

Jasper Mangel: Go to Netlabs ITS, south Extension Part-1

Darcie Peraha: 1. Visit few institute and try to attend free demo class for whatever you want to go for and then decide. 2. Try to talk to X-students or who is already taking coaching from the institute wherever you want to join and know the quality.


Jeannine Vassie: There is good number of computer networkin! g institute in South Delhi, specially in South Extension. You try to visit and find out about good institute who gives student proper time for lab practice and then take admission.

Sunday, 19 April 2020

Are there any examples of a Mass Public Transportation System serving Industrial/manufacturing areas?

Denna Prudente: There is a topic TOD - Transit Oriented Development - which is part of modern Public Transportation planning where in part of the routing and planning is have housing close to the stations when they open so that instant customers are available.I recently listened to an online webcast where a survey of dozens of city transit systems was done and the cities rated as to the level of service was given. One of the disconnects found in many cities was that the upper class had their destinations well served (downtown/office parks) their residential areas were not. Meanwhile the low income living areas had good service but the jobs they were qualified to hold were in areas not well served.However, a real problem with part of your proposal is that large scale manufacturing can't just move - it is built on cheap land and often is taking over sites that have been heavy industry for decades - now in considerable decline. And such sites are spread out so that servic! e has fewer passengers per mile of track.and then there is the fact, brought out in the discussion, that those cities with high service scores are in places where mountains restrict development and are young cities in the west, while those with low scores are sprawling places in the midwest that are depressed and cities in the south where poor people are looked down upon and why should we give stuff to sinners?...Show more

Saturday, 18 April 2020

Best car alarms? WIll any car alarm install in any car?

Dick Baumgarten: google "Best car alarms" and see what the critics and reviews. Also car alarm companys will show alarm applications for the type of car u have.

Long Woltjer: personally i like python . but their parent company directed electronics sell several brands. yes it should fit any car

Comment nettoyer les coques de conque

Comment nettoyer les coques de conque

p>Si vous avez ramassé des coquillages à l’océan, il est important de les nettoyer à votre retour à la maison. Une coquille de conque bien nettoyée peut être un excellent souvenir pour les années à venir. Pour commencer, trempez votre coquille dans de l’eau de javel pendant une journée. Ensuite, enlevez les balanes et polissez la coquille avec de l’huile minérale.

Nettoie ta carapace. Après avoir enlevé les balanes, prenez une brosse à récurer et essuyez vos conques. Utilisez des mouvements légers et frottants pour enlever la saleté et les débris restants qui forment la coquille.

Examinez vos coquillages avant de les prendre sur la plage. Assurez-vous que les coquillages que vous prenez sur la plage n’abritent pas de vie aquatique. Tapotez doucement la coquille après l’avoir ramassée pour vous assurer qu’elle est vide. Si vous enten! dez un sabordage ou voyez un animal dans la coquille, remettez-le où vous l’avez trouvé.

Veillez à ne pas fendre la coquille lorsque vous enlevez les balanes. Soyez très prudent lorsque vous enlevez les balanes. N’utilisez la méthode de ciselage que si c’est absolument nécessaire. Vous ne voulez pas fendre ou endommager votre coquille pendant que vous enlevez les balanes.

Enlevez toutes les balanes. Un outil dentaire, un tournevis à tête plate ou un pic puissant est utilisé pour enlever les balanes. Coincer le pic ou l’outil sous la balane et l’arracher doucement. Cela devrait être assez facile, car l’eau de Javel aurait dû desserrer les balanes.

Faites tremper vos coquilles pendant 24 heures. Une fois que vous avez mélangé l’eau de Javel et l’eau, ajoutez vos conches à la solution. Dans environ 24 heures, vous pouvez les retirer de la solution. Une partie de la saleté se sera détachée, et toute saleté collée sur les bala! nes sera plus facile à enlever.

Ne laissez pas les coqu! illes au soleil trop longtemps. Pour sécher vos coquilles plus rapidement, vous pouvez les exposer au soleil. Cependant, ne les laissez pas plus de quelques heures au soleil. Si les coquillages restent trop longtemps au soleil, ils commenceront à perdre leur couleur.

Laisser sécher les coquilles à l’air. Il est important que les coquilles de vos conques sèchent à l’air. Placez-les dans un endroit sec où ils ne seront pas dérangés, comme une armoire ou une armoire. N’essayez pas de polir vos coquilles avant qu’elles ne soient complètement sèches au toucher.

Couvrez votre coquille d’huile. Une fois que vos coquilles sont sèches, elles peuvent sembler un peu ternies par le processus de nettoyage. Pour les égayer, tamponner un peu d’huile minérale sur un coton ou un tampon de coton. Frotter le coton sur la coquille et le recouvrir complètement d’huile. Si les coquilles ne sont pas aussi brillantes que vous le souhaitez après une couche,! ajoutez-en une autre.

Mettre un équipement de protection. Lorsque vous travaillez avec de l’eau de Javel, il est essentiel de porter un équipement de protection pour votre sécurité. Mettez des gants épais et des lunettes de protection avant de mélanger votre solution. De plus, assurez-vous de mélanger l’eau de Javel dans un endroit bien aéré, comme à l’extérieur ou dans un garage.

Préparez votre solution d’eau de Javel. Pour faire tremper une conque, mélangez une solution moitié eau de javel et moitié eau. Les quantités précises dont vous avez besoin dépendent du nombre de conches que vous faites tremper. Vous avez besoin de suffisamment d’eau de Javel et d’eau pour submerger complètement vos conches.

Friday, 17 April 2020

Do you have to have a taipipe on a car?

Moises Rupinski: the exhaust has to extend beyond the rear axle or it can exit out the side of the vehicle.

Floy Fague: Even if it's not illegal, it's simply a very bad idea to have exhaust gasses accumulating under the vehicle.In the state I live in, the exhaust has to exit behind the passenger compartment.

Sena Highman: Well i dont have to go through emissons because its an older car but i do have to have safety

Kenneth Queener: i live near mo, and work there. you will fail inspection unless you have 1 of those shops doing your can go with a bigger pipe and turn down behind the muffler.hell half the cars in mo dont even have a muffler.its more common to see a muffler on the roadside than a dead deer.

Chanda Wittwer: Besides maybe being illegal, it is a safety hazard. Exhaust fumes can get into your car, if the exhaust pipe exit is under the body, and burned gas is carbon monoxide. Being carbon monoxide, you won't smell it. It can! kill you and others. That is why they have the pipe going back to the back bumper. If you cut the end of the pipe near the bumper and install a turn down pipe, that would probably be okay, as long as it extends past the bumper or near the end. Check with local laws. Best to be safe....Show more

Forest Duttinger: If your state has any kind of safety or emissions inspections, the answer is no.

Dexter Dingus: just call a muffler shop and they will be able to tell you ,they have to know all the rules and regulations on exhaust systems. ok

Comment faire un sac avec une vieille chemise à manches longues

Comment faire un sac avec une vieille chemise à manches longues

Coupez votre chemise. Assurez-vous que tous les boutons, fermetures éclair, motifs, etc. sont au-dessus de votre coupe. Coupez-le à la longueur que vous voulez qu’il soit. Si vous voulez transporter des livres et des objets lourds, utilisez une chemise plus lourde et plus grande. Si c’est juste pour des vêtements ou des articles de plage, n’importe quelle chemise fonctionnerait. Coupez une ligne droite à travers. À l’aide d’un crayon ou d’une craie et d’une règle pour obtenir une ligne droite. Mais ne jetez pas les manches.

Coupez votre manche en deux dans le sens de la longueur. Cela le divise en deux sangles. Assurez-vous que les deux sont égaux en longueur et en largeur.

Couper la manche. Il en résultera une seule pièce de tissu plat.

Repassez t! outes les coutures.

Coudre le bas coupé ensemble. Utilisez un point double pour le soutien.

Coudre vos sangles sur votre sac. Assurez-vous que votre sac est toujours à l’envers pendant que vous cousez.

Retournez le sac à l’endroit et utilisez-le.

Coudre des ourlets sur les deux bretelles pour une finition propre. Presser les manches à plat. Cette étape est facultative.

Retournez la chemise à l’envers et assurez-vous que l’ourlet inférieur est en haut. Ce sera le haut du sac. Remarquez comment il est déjà cousu pour vous.

Couper les manches pour les bretelles. Ne coupez pas les manches plus courtes qu’elles ne le sont déjà. Coupez une ligne droite à l’endroit où la courbe de votre aisselle s’arrête. Assurez-vous que le fond est bien droit. Une manche est bonne pour les deux sangles.

Thursday, 16 April 2020

Motorcycle Safety: Agressive Car Drivers?

Jimmie Doerfler: being safe on a motorcycle is about predicting what's going to happen 12 seconds before you get there (enough time to stop even on a freeway). If you see an aggressive driver up there and your coming up on him / her try and put as much space between you and them, and pass quickly. any bike worth it's weight in... well rocks can walk away from the fastest car, so getting out or around a bad situation isn't much of a problem. Riders hug the edges of the lanes for visibility, and accident avoidance, and there's less debris in the center of the road compared to the edges.I've only been riding for about a year, and I've been merged into once, it wasn't a big deal, I just had to go over the center stripe for a second till I was around the retard! I sure let him have it though. Personally I'm much more concerned about the minivan with the children in the back seat and the woman on the phone driving that the agressive tundra, at least he's paying attention!The cl! ass helped me tons! you need to take that before getting a bike.oh, and if this is your first bike and the fjr1300ae has a 1300cc engine I would certainly recommend starting with something much smaller. (that's like going straight into formula one racing having never driven a car before!) on a bike you have to drive for you, and everyone around you!...Show more

Gilberto Cratin: Don't know if it will fit either but call a dealer and the will be able to tell you. As far as will the "ride" be worse......The ride may be a little better. Especially over bumps, road snakes and pot holes. However, as mentioned previously, the cornering will be "worse." Worse meaning slower to corner.

Ileen Oshell: I'm not sure if it will fit or not but if the bike was designed with a 180 then installing a 200 is only going to slow down the turning. If you're only concerned with how it looks then knock yourself out, but why ride one of he best sportbikes made then? You may as well get a! harley.

Magda Vandergriend: Is this possible on my 2002! suzuki gxsr 750? If so, do I have to get a wider wheel? Will the ride, with the 200 tire, become worst versus the ride with the 180?

Lupe Sancen: I don't know about the fit for on your bike, but the wider the back tire is the you have to work the bike in the turns, I ride a powerful bike with a 240 it rides smooth but I really have to work the corners at extreme angles grinding the pegs in some turns, I don't recommend going bigger unless you are really at home with what you have now.

Otto Lingafelt: The most common cause of mc accidents is cars turning left .I feel safer on my big cruiser than in my mini truck. I've out run or out maneuvered murderous assholes in cars. See if your state permits you to carry a concealed weapon. Usualy, all you have to do is unconceal it and the antagonist is ready to quit.

Ollie Desalvo: Part of it is, it seems no one can judge their cars/trucks anymore. I don't know how many times I've seen a car either with it's w! heels on the dividing line or on the outside line because they just can't tell where the side of their cars are.But also, people have a me first attitude these days, plus just a general lack of awareness of anything around them. You have to make up for it by being hyper-aware and avoid as much as possible trouble areas and situations. I personally disagree with the lane splitter post before..lane splitting is a great way to die. I see quite a few people panic and swerve or go nuts looking around when they hear a sport bike get that close (probably overgeneralizing, but you don't see a lot of cruisers/tourers lane splitting) and that little section of lane may wind up narrower than it was due to the fact (plus I have heard people say things like "I would love to be able to just swerve or open my door and clobber that guy coming dangerously and recklessly close to my car.").Bottom line is, drive way ahead of yourself, figure no one is laware of you and drive accordingly a! nd defensively, and by all means, do your best to avoid ever being tail! gated...remember, you stop in 1/2 to 1/3rd the distance of that big vehicle behind you, thus you would become road pizza way too easily....Show more

Catheryn Small: This also applies to cars coming towards you. I see a lot of riders hugging the center line like they own it. Is this a common cause of accidents?

Derrick Cacioppo: Get as far away from the nut-jobs as you can. I have been known to use the shoulder and to ride between cars to put distance between my vulnerable a** and some idiot that wants to mess with me. Doesn't happen very often, but once in a while they just seem to open the doors at the funny farm and out they come. Yes, "lane-splitting" is illegal in Kansas, but when the nice officer pulls me over, I'll make my report about the goof who was trying to make me into a grease spot, take my ticket, (it's only money) and go on my way. I NEVER challenge these cage drivers. They have all the advantages and none of the responsibilities, it seems...K ;o)! ...Show more

Johnnie Pummill: it does happen,no matter what you ride or drive,ride defensively & dont drop your guard,its the old cars you have to wory about, the newer ones will move away from you if they see you are not moving away from them but towards them when they try force you off the road dont want to get scratches on their cars,there are chicanes trafic calming near me they try force through even when a car is coming the other way they swerv when i have right of way & keep controle of the road not pull right to side do that & more will try to get through but allways leave your self a safty margin to get out of way if you need to...Show more

Tommy Durrenberger: there isn't much you can do besides try to stay alert at all times keep a constant look ahead of you of 12 seconds as that is the distance ahead of you,you need to be aware of I've had more cars and trucks change lanes in front of me and into the lane I am traveling in the worst are the d! rivers that tail gate all you can do is either pull over to the side an! d let the a#$hole by or find an opening to get away from them we have enough to worry about with the potholes, oil spots, water bottles as well as water and everything else they drop on the road we aren't looking to become a hood ornament on a chevy...Show more

Lino Cawthorne: do you think a tzr 125 is good for a go kart engine is it water cooled and how fast is it

Sherri Drakos: Get a helmet cam. Thats what I did.

Vickie Clampett: You will be sorely disappointed. No speed, no power, always in need of a charge.Don't waste your money.

Bibi Tyron: Being a motorcyclist the answer is the same a Driver.Be aware of wreckless cars around u and do ur best to avoid them. If u happen to catch their License plate or car discription, pull over and call the police and state that there is a wreckless driver on So and So street /hwyI live in Boston and the biggest problem i have is that alot or motorist Ride up my rear. Mainly because they see me on a sport bik! e and assume that Im gonna go fast....Show more


Gene Debell: You'll need the rim extended and may even need a different swing arm depending on the tire. Fat tires are mostly for looks or for drag racing. It provides more contact with the ground for better launch off the start line. for regular street riding it is worse performance. You cannot lean into a turn the way you need to on a fatter tire. I ride a 190 and turning sucks. My 8" swing arm doesn't help either but still.

Ervin Overbee: i'm used to driving a bike, yet i'm able to force a motor vehicle to boot. i imagine a bike is less demanding to study and administration because the controls are spread out (i changed into utilizing a motor vehicle some weeks in the past and hill starts were a nightmare as I had to ease the take carry of as a lot as biting element, then elevate my foot of the brake and onto the accelera! tor and it really is a procedures not common than it really is on a bik! e), you at the prompt are not off centre on a bike and also you do not ought to pressure about reversing. motorcycles are a procedures extra risky although. try to be concentrating each and each and every of the time, you should keep an eye fixed on all different highway clients and think ofyou've got to anticipate their moves. maximum different highway clients do not see you, so as that they regularly pull out in the front of you. i do not care that some human beings argue that when you're experienced a bike isn't any extra risky than a motor vehicle, because you may't in any respect anticipate what some different person will do. also, motorcycles have a preventing distance a lot less that of vehicles, so in case you slam on the brakes you'll miss the vehicle in the front by utilizing a large margin, although the vehicle behind would force into you as they could't provide up in time. I easily have ridden in snow (it turned right into a stunning snow hurricane that no one p! redicted) and it changed into treacherous. some thing that would reason a bike to skid makes it truly risky to vacation. If one wheel skids then you will bypass down. In a motor vehicle, if all wheels skid, a minimum of you're in a metallic cage. also gusts of wind can blow you obviously. the purely danger-free practices a bike supplies is what you're wearing. Hitting tarmac or concrete at in simple terms 30 miles in line with hour (motorcycles can bypass a lot swifter than this) is sufficient to break bones and tear epidermis off. Even wearing each and each and every of the protection equipment does not assure you'll walk faraway from an coincidence without harm. i imagine that motorbikes are a procedures extra relaxing than vehicles, yet they look a lot extra risky and nowhere close to as versatile. I vacation all year round, yet i'm so tempted to get a motor vehicle through wintry climate....Show more

Lewis Ranft: belting engine,good for around a 100mph if geared c! orrectly.... engine parts are cheap as chips for them

Damaris Wei! ler: i was wanting to buy a electric razor pocket bike or scooter are they good

Donella Vasta: Rubberneck 24-7, and play keep away. Sometimes you gotta be the better person and let the guy through.

Hunter Osterberger: well, i usually just flip em off and pass em right back

Cletus Crotts: Keep your head on a swivel. Also predict what someone is going to do... Take a motorcycle safty classIn todays road rage craziness, its not worth get all inflammed about someone cutting you off. You run the risk of escualating the situation.Passive Aggressive goes far these days. I use to keep coin and washers in my jacket, when someone pisses me off I would causually get ahead of them again and chuck it at thier windshields. But I don't ride anymore... To many stupid people on the road......Show more

Chris Wilczewski: Compared to the present tire, the 200 would be approximately .4 inch wider on each side. If you presently have 3/4 inch of clearance between the swi! ng arm at widest portion of the tire on BOTH sides, you could probably make it work. Don't forget to check for chain clearance also. Then, go to the company website of the tire maker and find the width of that particular line of tire. The actual width can be different than the stated tire size. If you have a Dunlop, you're in good shape because they have an excellent site. Then find the actual width of the desired tire. I'd want probably 1/4 inch of clearance on both sides of the bigger tire.

Adan Alipio: nawh man, buy the frame and put a 'busa engine in it

Daren Ventrice: It is really rare to have someone actually try to force you off the road, even in metro areas. USUALLY, they just don't know you are there. Experienced riders learn to avoid situations where you CAN be cut off.Don't worry about it. You can outrun most cars if you have a decent size bike....Show more

Comment éviter la constipation en prenant Temodar (Temozolomide)

Comment éviter la constipation en prenant Temodar (Temozolomide)

Augmentez votre apport en magnésium. Discutez avec votre équipe soignante pour savoir si l’ajout d’un supplément de magnésium de haute qualité est un bon choix pour vous. Le magnésium tel que le citrate de magnésium peut aider avec la constipation. Commencez par une faible dose et utilisez la plus faible dose efficace pour éviter la diarrhée.

Consultez votre médecin si vous n’avez pas eu de selles depuis plus de 3 jours. Si votre constipation persiste malgré tous vos efforts et qu’il y a 3 jours ou plus depuis votre dernière selle, consultez votre médecin. Ils peuvent vous prescrire un laxatif fort ou vous donner d’autres conseils pour résoudre le problème. Consultez également un médecin immédiatement si vous éprouvez l’une ou l’autre des situations! suivantes :

Ajoutez 20 à 30 minutes d’exercice à votre journée. Un travail sédentaire et un mode de vie sédentaire peuvent aggraver la constipation. Vous ne vous sentez peut-être pas à votre meilleur, mais ajoutez un peu d’exercice à votre routine quotidienne pour aider à minimiser la constipation. Marchez, faites un léger jogging, utilisez un exerciseur elliptique, dansez â€" faites n’importe quelle activité qui vous plaît pour aller à la selle et faire bouger vos intestins.

Suivez votre « programme intestinal » à la lettre. Au besoin, votre équipe de traitement du cancer vous prescrira un programme d’hygiène intestinale pour prévenir ou traiter votre constipation pendant que vous prenez Temodar. Selon vos habitudes intestinales antérieures, ils voudront peut-être que vous commenciez à prendre des médicaments contre la constipation avant de commencer à prendre Temodar. Vous devrez peut-être prendre un émollient fécal ou un ! autre médicament une ou deux fois par jour. Suivez toutes les! instructions pour savoir quand et comment prendre vos médicaments et suivez attentivement votre programme intestinal.

Essayez un émollient fécal en vente libre. Parfois, l’utilisation d’un émollient fécal et d’un régime alimentaire approprié peut prévenir la constipation. Il existe un certain nombre d’émollients fécaux que vous pouvez vous procurer sans ordonnance à la pharmacie de votre quartier. Essayez Colace (docusate de sodium), senna (Senokot), bisacodyl (Dulcolax, Correctol, et plus), lait de magnésie (hydroxyde de magnésium), MiraLAX ou Metamucil.

Demandez une ordonnance pour un laxatif. Parfois, lorsque vous prenez du Temodar ou d’autres médicaments, vous aurez simplement besoin d’un laxatif prescrit, ainsi. Il existe de nombreux types de laxatifs qui agissent de différentes façons. Les laxatifs  » en vrac  » comme le psyllium, le polycarbophile ou la méthylcellulose sont souvent prescrits en premier dans les cas de c! onstipation légère ; le docusate peut être prescrit avec ces laxatifs pour aider à prévenir les efforts.

Soyez lent lorsque vous intégrez des aliments qui peuvent causer des gaz. Vous vous sentirez probablement mieux et améliorerez votre constipation si vous incorporez lentement de nouveaux aliments et limitez les aliments susceptibles de causer des gaz aux premiers stades de la modification de votre alimentation. Cependant, une fois que votre corps s’adapte à l’augmentation des fibres et aux nouveaux aliments, vous n’aurez plus à vous inquiéter d’avoir des gaz. Les haricots, le brocoli, les choux de Bruxelles, le chou, le chou-fleur, les oignons et la laitue sont les légumes les plus susceptibles de vous donner des gaz, alors intégrez-les lentement et limitez vos portions au début. Évitez les boissons gazeuses et gazeuses.

Restez hydraté. L’eau potable (et les autres liquides non caféinés) est très importante pour éviter la constipa! tion. À moins que votre médecin ne vous ait dit de restreindre vos li! quides, buvez régulièrement de 8 à 12 tasses par jour de liquides comme de l’eau, du thé décaféiné, de la limonade chaude ou du jus de pruneau. L’eau peut aussi aider à éliminer l’excès de toxines de la chimiothérapie.

Mangez des aliments riches en fibres. Consultez toujours votre médecin ou votre équipe soignante avant d’apporter des changements importants à votre alimentation. Cependant, il est recommandé d’améliorer votre alimentation plutôt que de prendre beaucoup de vitamines et de suppléments. S’il y a lieu, augmentez la quantité de fibres que vous consommez. Vous devriez obtenir 25-30 grammes de fibres de la nourriture quotidiennement. Beaucoup de gens ne satisfont pas à cette exigence. Il est peu probable que vous dépassiez 30 grammes de fibres, mais essayez de ne pas le faire â€" gardez une trace de votre fibre et visez cet objectif. Les céréales à grains entiers, l’avoine, les haricots, les lentilles, les noix, les grain! es et les fruits et légumes entiers sont de bonnes sources de fibres.

Wednesday, 15 April 2020

Question about Pasadena (CA) Gold Line Metro Rail?

Arnulfo Seegars: You get on the Gold metro rail train right there at the Sierra Madre Villa Station, then get off the same train at the Chinatown Station. It's very easy, no changing of buses or trains. You can also visit Olvera Street, and Little Tokyo, if you have time. The Gold Line train takes about half an hour from Pasadena to Chinatown, and it runs about every 10 minutes most of the day, to about every 20 minutes at night. You can get the timetables here: I think it costs about $1.50 each way.Just get there a bit early since you're not familiar with the station. You will park your car at the station and then figure out where to go to, there will be signs. It's very easy, my teen son and his friends have done it before and they haven't taken public transportation much at all.Chinatown Street Tokyo!...Show more

Dental mystery. Please help?  

Dental mystery. Please help?  

answers 0:I was having lots of pain and sensitivity on teeth 24, 25. X-rays showed little bone loss. I went to various dentists and they said that nothing is really wrong. One dentist then said that i have periodontitis and performed root planing and scaling, which is also known as deep cleaning. After root planing and scaling, I got total relief from pain and irritation on my gums and teeth. I felt cured. Then one month after root planing and scaling, I again started experiencing the same symptoms of lot of sensitivity and pain on teeth 24 and 25. The dental x-rays are same like before. Now again dentists are saying that there really isn't anything wrong. However, i continue suffering with tooth pain and gum irritations despite having normal x-rays. Went to a periodontist and he said i have gum inflammation but did not! do anything to fix the problem and he too sent me home saying there is nothing to worry. All these dentists show the attitude of "there really is nothing wrong. just go home". However, the truth is that I suffer a lot from sensitivity and pain on teeth 24, 25 and that my gums are very red under 24, 25 teeth. What is the remedy? And what am i to do now since most dentists say there is nothing really wrong? I brush twice, floss thrice and use mouthwash daily....Show moreanswers 1:i read on internet that a toothpaste ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate is an irritant and cause of gum problems and teeth problems to many people. Now I use SLS free toothpaste but still no change in condition.answers 2:i have been using sensitivity toothpaste for over a month and it has not helped me at all.answers 3:If the scaling and root planing didn't work you should probably see a periodontist. Look into LANAP to treat your periodontitis.answers 4:If your sensitivity is to temperatures,! or it is spontaneous, you have idiots for dentists as pain in! teeth is diagnosed by symptoms only, and your symptoms that I stated above would be from grinding your teeth. You need a hard night guard to relieve pressure on your front teeth.

Tuesday, 14 April 2020

Chicago Illinois motorcycle license requirements?

Colby Millberg: the two get a tag for the motorbike from Michigan or you will ought to alter each little thing to Illinois. Legally you're meant to alter all of it to Illinois, yet you in all probability ought to flee with a Michigan tag. that's a gaggle of artwork the two way.

Agustina Stimmel: In your case, drivers ages 16 and 17, you'd have to have to pass a separate motorcycle exam and complete a motorcycle training course approved by the state of Illinois for a class M license. However you still need to obtain your regular Illinois drivers license. For a scooter you'd need to pass the class L, under 150 cc's, exam.

Comment laver le boeuf haché

Comment laver le boeuf haché

p>Le boeuf haché (ou viande hachée comme on l’appelle à certains endroits), est utilisé dans de nombreux plats de base, y compris les lasagnes, le pain de viande et le hamburger, toujours très populaire. Bien que ce ne soit pas nécessaire, pour des raisons culturelles et pour des raisons personnelles, de nombreuses personnes aiment laver ou rincer le boeuf haché cru à l’eau avant la cuisson â€" pour éliminer l’excès de sang, de liquide et de germes transféré par les personnes manipulant la viande à l’usine de transformation.

Mettez un tablier et une paire de gants en caoutchouc. Le port d’un tablier empêchera vos vêtements de se mouiller et de se contaminer par la viande, les jus de viande et le sang. Des gants en caoutchouc garderont vos mains propres et empêcheront la viande de se coincer sous vos ongles.

Lavez-vou! s les mains. Après avoir lavé le boeuf haché, lavez-vous les mains à l’eau chaude et au savon pendant 20 secondes. Il est extrêmement important de se laver les mains après avoir manipulé la viande ou son emballage pour éviter toute contamination croisée et toute maladie.

Nettoyez votre cuisine. Après avoir lavé le boeuf haché, prévenir toute contamination croisée bactérienne en le nettoyant à l’eau chaude savonneuse. Essuyez soigneusement votre évier, vos robinets, vos ustensiles, vos planches à découper et tous vos comptoirs de cuisine.

Rincer le boeuf haché à l’eau froide. Divisez la viande en plus petits morceaux avec les mains pour vous assurer que tout l’excès de sang est enlevé. Laver la viande en sections. N’essayez pas de tout faire d’un coup. Prenez votre temps.

Rassemblez tout le matériel nécessaire. Pour laver le boeuf haché, vous aurez besoin d’avoir accès à une cuisine avec un évier muni d’eau coura! nte et d’un espace dégagé sur le banc. Utilisez un endroit! qui ne sera pas utilisé pour préparer d’autres aliments. Vous en aurez besoin :

Placez une passoire en métal (ou une passoire sur le dessus de l’un des bols) dans l’évier. Cela permet d’éviter que le boeuf haché ne tombe dans l’évier de la cuisine ou dans l’eau pendant que vous le lavez. Si vous utilisez une passoire, vous devrez vider régulièrement le bol en dessous car il se remplit d’eau.

Ouvrez le robinet froid et retirez le boeuf haché de son emballage. Lors du lavage de la viande, la température de l’eau doit toujours être froide. Si vous utilisez de l’eau chaude pour laver le boeuf haché, vous commencerez à cuire la viande.

Lisez attentivement la recette. Certaines recettes vous diront spécifiquement de NE PAS laver le boeuf haché. En effet, laver la viande et ajouter de l’eau diminuera la saveur et l’impact de cette recette particulière.

Épongez la viande lavée avec un essuie-tout. Soyez doux et n’a! ppuyez pas sur la viande lorsque vous l’asséchez en la tapotant. Placer la viande fraîchement lavée et séchée dans le deuxième bol propre. Votre boeuf haché est maintenant prêt à cuire.

Monday, 13 April 2020

Car repair co. Home check up?

Hilde Heskett: Some areas do have mobil mechanics. Try to google Mobile Mechanics for your city and state.. Example..... Mobile Mechanic, Newark, NJ

Comment nettoyer l’antigel d’un plancher de garage

Comment nettoyer l’antigel d’un plancher de garage

p>L’antigel est un produit chimique nécessaire au refroidissement des objets mécaniques. Les bouteilles qui tombent et les pièces de voiture fissurées rendent les déversements d’antigel courants, qui sont facilement détectables en raison de leur couleur vive et éclatante. L’antigel tache votre plancher mais est aussi très toxique… Pour enlever l’antigel de votre plancher en toute sécurité, posez un matériau absorbant sur les déversements frais, couvrez les taches de détergent et de papier journal, et frottez la surface avec une brosse à main en nylon rigide.

Laissez sécher le journal pendant trois heures. Attendez trois heures, sans déranger la zone. Revenez et le journal aura séché considérablement, laissant la tache prête à être frottée.

Séchez la tac! he mouillée. Ouvrez la porte du garage et laissez sécher à l’air libre. Cela peut prendre quelques heures selon l’ampleur du déversement, mais cela aidera à éliminer l’odeur. Si vous ne pouvez pas le faire, superposez du papier journal par-dessus. Le journal captera l’humidité lorsqu’il sera laissé en place pendant au moins une heure. Des essuie-tout en papier peuvent également être utilisés pour essuyer les restes d’humidité.

Laisser reposer le matériau pendant quelques heures. Revenez après au moins une heure afin de laisser le temps au matériau d’absorber le déversement. Limitez votre temps d’absence à environ trois heures maximum pour que vous puissiez vérifier de nouveau l’antigel avant qu’il ne s’enfonce dans le plancher.

Saupoudrez de détergent sur la tache. Choisissez un détergent à lessive en poudre ou un savon à vaisselle. La variété en poudre est la plus utile parce que vous pouvez facilement voir quand el! le recouvre toute la tache et qu’elle est assez absorbante p! our aspirer l’antigel.

Placez du papier journal sur le détergent. Empilez le journal en plusieurs couches sur la surface. Presser pour protéger le savon et faciliter le processus d’absorption.

Frottez la zone et rincez à l’eau claire. Répandre de l’eau à l’aide d’un boyau d’arrosage sur toute la surface. Utilisez une brosse en nylon pour frotter la tache. Rincez complètement la mousse.

Épongez la tache avec du papier journal. Le papier journal est très absorbant et absorbera l’excès d’humidité. Utilisez votre main pour frotter le journal sur les taches mouillées. L’endroit lavé peut ensuite être laissé sécher à l’air libre.

Étendre du savon sur toute la surface. Un simple détergent à lessive ou à vaisselle suffit pour nettoyer le sol. Un détergent en poudre est utile pour fixer les taches, mais s’il n’y a pas encore de tache, du savon liquide peut être utilisé sur la zone. Laisser agir une minute.

Essuyer le matériau absorbant. Utilisez des essuie-tout secs pour ramasser le matériau absorbant et essuyer les restes de liquide. Bien qu’une petite exposition de la peau à l’antigel ne représente pas une grande menace, lavez-vous les mains à l’eau et au savon ou portez des gants pour être en sécurité.

Recouvrir le matériau absorbant d’essuie-tout. Des serviettes en papier ou du papier journal protègent le matériau contre la dispersion et facilitent l’absorption. Déposez-les sur la litière pour chat ou sur tout autre matériau. Ajoutez d’autres couches si vous voulez vous assurer que tout le déversement sera absorbé.

Frotter la tache. Ramasse et jette le journal. Tremper une brosse en nylon à poils durs dans de l’eau propre. Utilisez la brosse pour frotter la zone avec le détergent à lessive humide. Vous remarquerez que le détergent se transforme en mousse.

Rincez la zone. Vaporisez la zone avec un boyau d’arrosage jus! qu’à ce que la mousse ait disparu. Si vous utilisez un seau, répart! issez l’eau sur la surface et utilisez des essuie-tout ou la brosse nettoyée pour recueillir la mousse et l’humidité supplémentaire. Un nettoyeur haute pression ou un nettoyeur haute pression peut également être utilisé.

Pulvériser de l’eau sur la zone à traiter. Heureusement, l’antigel se dissout dans l’eau. Utilisez un boyau, un seau ou un flacon pulvérisateur pour tremper la zone. Gardez-le humide jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à ajouter du détergent. L’humidité aide à décoller l’antigel du béton.

Mouiller le journal. Appliquez de l’eau à l’aide d’un seau ou d’un boyau d’arrosage, en prenant soin de ne pas déranger le papier. L’eau doit tremper tout le long du journal, laissant le journal complètement trempé afin d’aspirer l’antigel vers le haut.

Placer un matériau absorbant sur le dessus du déversement. La litière pour chat, le sable ou le bicarbonate de soude fonctionnent bien et devraient être ! utilisés pour couvrir le déversement dès qu’il se produit. Ces matériaux absorbants absorbent l’antigel avant qu’il ne se dépose.

Sunday, 12 April 2020

car repair.. help!!!!!!!!!!!1111?

Andra Oger: I'm afraid I have no good answers for you... at 194,000 miles and 1995, you could say you've got your money's worth out of this vehicle and, although you may have been paying for collision insurance, the insurance company is going to say this too.I did look up the vehicles worth on Kelley Blue Book assuming it was pretty much fully loaded and has an automatic transmission... the private party value in good condition was only $1500.00.So, I would say it's pretty much a sure thing that the insurance company, whether yours or theirs, is going to total the vehicle. It's just not worth repairing when it costs more to repair than to buy another one in the same condition.However, unless you live in a no-fault insurance state, the full amount of it's replacement cost should be paid to you. Your deduction amount shouldn't come into play using their insurance company and you should be able to get more than the value of the car with a pain and suffering payment as well! . After all, it was them that hit you! Now you are suffering because you don't have a usable vehicle anymore! In fact, you might have to get a rental car until the dust settles and you know what? They should pay for that too.My son was in a collision that was not his fault and his airbag deployed. His car was totaled as well... The insurance company paid $3,000 in pain and suffering due to bruising from the beating the airbag and seat belt caused him. Oh, his car was worth a bit more than yours but only $6,000.So... you want full replacement cost... You should expect the full $1500 for that. Any receipts you have that would show improvements to the car will add to that value, i.e. transmission overhaul, engine replacement etc. Small improvements don't add much if anything. I allowed for 50% of the new parts costs assuming depreciation and the insurance company bought it without a fight.I asked many people how much they would accept to take a ride in a car traveling! 50 mph and let it collide head-on to experience the seat belt! s and air bag... assuring they would walk away from the wreck like my son did... none would accept less than $3,000 and that's the figure I demanded from the insurance company. I told them I thought my figures were just and would be more than happy to show them to any judge should the insurance company decide to take me to court over it. Believe me, since it wasn't your fault, you might get even more in court and then the court costs etc... the insurance company would just assume avoid all that.So... what do I expect YOU to get?$1500 for the car$3,000 for each person suffering from air bags & seat belts.So... at least $4500.Oh, and you can ask the insurance company how much they want to buy your wrecked car back once they pay you off... you would be surprised to find them wanting about $500 or less. Do it and then trade the vehicle in for more if you can. Otherwise let it go.Sorry to hear of your plight but there just might be some light at the end of this tunnel!...Sho! w more

Comment nettoyer le Bok Choy

Comment nettoyer le Bok Choy

p>Bok choy est un chou asiatique riche en vitamines K, C, A, potassium, calcium et autres nutriments. D’un goût subtil et sucré et d’une texture tendre, il se marie à merveille avec un sauté ou une salade. Bien qu’il fasse partie de la famille des choux, le pak-choï ne ressemble pas aux autres choux, il peut donc être difficile de trouver comment le nettoyer avant de l’utiliser pour cuisiner. Que vous laviez un pak-choï mature ou un bébé, la clé est de vous assurer que vous obtenez toute la saleté et les sédiments qui sont cachés entre les feuilles. Il est également important de se rappeler que vous devriez conserver le bok choy dans le réfrigérateur non lavé et seulement le nettoyer juste avant de l’utiliser.

Hacher la base du bok choy. Pour préparer le bok choy pour le nettoyage, vous devez le décomposer en morceaux individuels. À l’aide d’un co! uteau bien aiguisé, couper les 5 à 7,5 cm (2 à 3 po) qui se trouvent à la base du légume.

Sortez le bok choy de l’eau et placez-le dans une passoire. Après que les tiges de bok choy se soient assises dans l’eau pendant plusieurs minutes, utilisez vos mains pour les soulever. Transférez-les dans une passoire ou une passoire et secouez-les bien pour éliminer l’excès d’humidité.

Séchez le bok choy avec du papier essuie-tout. Même après avoir filtré le bok choy, il se peut qu’il soit encore légèrement humide. À l’aide d’essuie-tout, séchez-les en les tapotant délicatement avant de les cuire ou de les mélanger dans un plat.

Couvrir le bok choy d’eau. Après avoir séparé les tiges du bok choy, ajoutez assez d’eau dans le bol pour le couvrir. Veillez à utiliser de l’eau froide pour éviter de flétrir les feuilles.

Conserver le bok choy au réfrigérateur. Pour que le bok choy reste frais le plus longtemps possible! , vous devriez le conserver dans votre réfrigérateur. En par! ticulier, le bac à légumes est l’endroit idéal pour conserver les légumes.

Placez le bok choy dans un sac en plastique. Lorsque vous achetez un bok choy à l’épicerie ou au marché fermier, il est probablement livré dans un sac en plastique. Gardez-le dans le sac lorsque vous le rangez pour le garder aussi frais que possible.

Faites tourner l’eau autour et laissez reposer le bok choy pendant plusieurs minutes. Une fois que vous avez recouvert le bok choy d’eau, utilisez vos mains pour agiter doucement les tiges afin de décoller toute saleté. Ensuite, laissez le bok choy reposer dans l’eau pendant environ 10 minutes pour que toute la saleté et les sédiments aient le temps de se déposer au fond.

Passez les quartiers sous l’eau pour les rincer. Pour nettoyer les quartiers de bok choy, allumez l’eau froide dans votre évier. Placez les morceaux sous l’eau courante, un à la fois, en faisant couler vos doigts sur toute la longueur pou! r enlever toute saleté.

Séparer les tiges. Une fois que vous avez enlevé le fond de la base, vous devez séparer les tiges. Utilisez des mains propres pour retirer délicatement chaque tige à la base du bok choy et placez-les dans un bol.

Sécher le bok choy avec du papier absorbant. Lorsque vous avez fini de rincer les quartiers de bébé bok choy sous l’eau, placez-les sur une feuille de papier absorbant. Posez une autre feuille d’essuie-tout sur le dessus et appuyez doucement pour les sécher.

Couper le bok choy en quartiers. Parce que le baby bok choy est plus petit, vous pouvez laisser la base intacte. Utilisez plutôt un couteau aiguisé pour le couper en quatre dans le sens de la longueur.

Laissez le bok choy non lavé jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à l’utiliser. Même si vous pensez que c’est une bonne idée de nettoyer le bok choy avant de le ranger, vous devriez le laisser non lavé jusqu’à ce que vous soyez prêt à lâ€! ™utiliser. Si le bok choy n’est pas complètement sec lorsque vous le! conservez au réfrigérateur, les feuilles peuvent devenir visqueuses et fanées.

Saturday, 11 April 2020

Routine Maintenance For A Car?

Katheryn Skrobacki: Oil+filter:3000 miles or 6 monthsCoolant:3-5 years depending on what coolant you put inTranny fluid:5 years or 80000 miles depending on vehicleSpark Plugs:2-3 yearsAir filter:every yearDifferential filter(if your car has it i dont think it does)every 10 years or soBrake fluid:10 yearsSteering fluid:10 yearsBattery:as necessaryLubricating chassy: every 2-3 yearsLook at the owners manual of your car, somewhere in there it should say what needs to be done and at what intervals, the ones above are generalized and can work with almost any car but your manual tells you what needs to be done for your specific car....Show more

Judie Kise: I know I will need a new car one day considering I drive so much but I would LOVE this one to last me the next two years until I can finish getting my Bachelors Degree in Nursing.

Miguel Koczela: My son is also a poor college student. He had a 2004 Stratus with over 130,000 miles and still going strong which was a! great car for him until he totaled it this past spring break. Luckily, nobody got hurt and it wasn't his fault. If it wasn't for the wreck, I'm sure that car would have lasted him another 100,000 miles or more.Since you're asking about an 8 year old vehicle, there's a good chance that you don't have an owners manual for it. On the off chance that you do have it, all of the maintenance schedules are listed inside it. If you don't have it, you still have a couple of options. One is that you could go to your local Dodge Dealer and try to order one. I think they're fairly expensive though and possibly even out of print by now.Another option is to go to where you can download one for free.Or. option 3, which is what I would do, you can go to nearly any auto parts store and buy a Haynes Repair Manual for it for around $25. Inside it, you'll find complete maintenance schedules for your Stratus that tell you everything you need to do and when it nee! ds to be done. They also give step by step, illustrated instru! ctions for any simple and many not so simple repairs that your car might need.A Haynes Manual is invaluable to any car owner. You might even find yourself changing your own oil some Saturday afternoon after you find out how simple it is just because you learned how to do it by reading your Haynes Manual....Show more

Damion Oleksa: They make owners manuals that lay that out for you and what sort of oil. However Any synthetic oil will due, Mobil 1 could be very preferred, just make sure the burden of the oil is correct for that automobile. The upkeep for all automobiles are the same, the difference is the fee of elements and labor a dealership most often charge extra for labor then local garages. The fee for Audi/BMW parts are more then Acura/Toyota components, Audi's/BMW are more compact and intricate then automobiles like acura/ford. I work as a mechanic and book time for a audi a4 thermostat is about 2.5hrs labor and a acura isn't any more then an 1hr labor. So your ! paying extra for upkeep...Show more

Gerardo Greist: First of all ,forget the oil changes every 3000 or 5000 miles.Synthetic oil will last a long time.Even the regular oil lasts longer due to how they are formulated.Check the tire pressure.Check all fluid levels.Squeeze the water hoses for soft spots.Pay attention to any strange noises....Show more

Pasty Cobbett: Gosh Meghan, We could type for a full day and not cover everything. We'll skip the usual things and touch on a few things that everyone else misses: #1. Have your brake fluid changed as soon as possible. Moisture from the atmosphere has been entering the master cylinder reservoir vent-hole on the cover from the day it rolled off the assembly line. The brake lines will rust from the inside out and your wheel cylinders and front caliper pistons *eventually will get rust and corrosion in them. When that happens the wheel cylinders and calipers will stick in one position, better known as "freezing". This is ! why all auto parts stores sell boat loads of re-manufactured wheel cyli! nders and calipers.Brand new Lexus Cars recommend having the brake fluid changed every two years regardless of mileage.#2. Every 60,000 miles have your automatic transmission fluid *CHANGED and a new filter installed. Never under any circumstances allow anyone to talk you into FLUSHING a transmission!#3. By now, your cooling system should be drained, flushed and CLEANED with a one part acid cooling system cleaner to remove the rust and corrosion from the cooling system. PLEASE, always buy your antifreeze from a Chrysler dealer. Never mix discount store antifreeze in a Chrysler system which has their own brand of long life chemical coolant. There is only one brand of aftermarket antifreeze which could be used in a Chrysler Product. That is ZEREX G0-5.#4. The next time you buy any brand of car, AVOID anything with a timing belt! Ask before you buy if it has a timing chain, which you do want, not an expensive painful timing belt. All Toyota's now have timing chains.#5. Fast hi! ghway miles are better for the engine motor oil and your engine than creeping and crawling around town at "turtle" speeds. Mobil1 5W-30 will keep the inside of your motor cleaner and will allow you to drive slightly longer between oil and filter changes.#6. Your struts should be whipped by now. They control & dampen the down and up movement of the coil springs. PS: There as no car on the face of the earth that recommends 3,000 mile oil changes anymore. No question is too weird. Fire away if you ever have anything you can think of!...Show more

I need help with tooth pain ?  

I need help with tooth pain ?  

answers 0:does anyone know of anyone that can do oral surgery that will help someone that has no income ? I live in ohio northeast part. I am in serious pain and my perscriptions are costing me alot of money. im tired of relying on pain pills just to eat and live without pain. so if anyone knows anything that might help ide be apprieative. thanksanswers 1:You definitely need to see a dentist. If you need dental benefits, go to You can find a dentist in your area and enroll online. It will save you tons of money. Good luck to you...answers 2:Are you only taking pain pills or also taking antibiotics to clear the infection? As for the income issue I would check to see if you can go to a dental school near your home or see if there is a Charity hospital system in your state? We have both here in Louisiana. Good luck.answers 3:Reverse Your Too! th Decay : answers 4:try a dental teaching hospital, they are students but under the guidance of a skilled oral surgeonanswers 5:...Pain medication is "masking" the problem... you most likely need to see a Dentist... (I know, you said you have no income)... call your public health service... there must be an agency in the "yellow-pages"... Do you belong to a Church that you could talk with your Pastor about getting some help?Is there a College or University near you that teaches Dentistry... many times "they" will treat people at the Colg. for free as "you" become a "teaching" guide for them... (Call a local Dentist... explain to him/her about your financial situation...make payment arraignments... "they" will help you....answers 6:Look to see if there's a dental school in the area. There's one near where I live, and they will do normal dental procedures, including some oral surgeries for much lower than a normal dental surgeon would.! You can also call your local health and human services and s! ee if they have a list of doctors that will take payment plans or for low income people.answers 7:Ibuprofen has always worked best for tooth pain for me, but you don't want to take too much, too often. How long before you have insurance? A lot of dentists will make payment arrangements with you, if you have a means to pay. Are you working at all? Could your parents or family help you? Sorry, I know how miserable tooth pain can be.answers 8:Some dental clinics have sliding fee scales. Contact your DSHS office, you might be able to get medical coupons since you have no income, that would cover your dental work.answers 9:Medicaid varies by state and has not helped me one bit with my dental problems. My only choices are to be put on a dental college waiting list for a year or two (which is too far a drive anyway since I can't drive myself and my 84 year old father has to drive me and he just can't go that far) or to pay out of pocket. Add to that, I'm a dental phobic who alread! y has an anxiety disorder and agoraphobia and can't just go to any dentist. I seriously doubt I could handle having an 18 year old kid practicing on me.On the medicaid website, they do have listings for dentists that will take medicaid. But the listings are often outdated (at least for my area). Every one I have called has either opted out entirely or has decided to serve only medicaid children. When you are in a lot of pain this isn't very funny. I have to literally wait as my teeth go one by one and have them pulled as extractions are the cheapest option. Many times I've had to walk out of a dental office still in pain as some dentists have *refused* to pull my teeth when an expensive procedure could save the tooth. Part of their "ethics"....answers 10:I am in New York State and am on Medicaid after spending everything on doctors. Here you have to be nearly in the street to receive benefits, but Medicaid (not MediCare) has paid for everything even transportation. I had s! evere gum disease with no insurance years ago and the oral surgery cost! nothing but some dignity! I do a great Popeye now! But then, I was always funny looking.... besides my dentist gave me free choppers and he also is a County Legislator! Life can always turn out good! One caution however, Medicaid does not pay for happy gas during oral surgery. In NY anyway.... hey. It was free and quick! I'm thankful for doctors!Remember:Our government belongs to us, and must take care of us when we are in need. No questions asked! We pay for it!Every state has these resources, and every citizen is entitled to them. It is our collective problem when the services become too expensive to share among ourselves, and that's where our vote means power! Make sure everyone you know is or will be registered and votes regularly! It is what makes our Union!And I'm a hippie! With a vote!! And a proud nation I believe in!! That forgets about the little folks sometimes.....Oh, clove oil is a great tooth pain reliever too... Hope you feel better soon!...