Thursday 2 April 2020

Can I sell my car?

Tillie Wynott: Yes. You can, as long as you tell the potential buyer.

Rosie Travino: You can sell it as scrap or as a parts car to an individual or salvage yard. Make sure you get a signed agreement that it is sold as scrap or parts only.

Lourie Mcroberts: It also has a cracked windshield which I knew about (obviously). Can I sell it as is as I do not wish to put anymore money into it, or do I have to replace it before selling?

Soraya Coodey: As long as you don't make false statements about the condition, you can legally sell the car. In some states, you are required to disclose known defects.Even in California, where an emissions test is required. you can sell a piece of junk, as long as the buyers acknowledges in writing that they know they are buying a piece of junk.

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