Sunday 19 April 2020

Are there any examples of a Mass Public Transportation System serving Industrial/manufacturing areas?

Denna Prudente: There is a topic TOD - Transit Oriented Development - which is part of modern Public Transportation planning where in part of the routing and planning is have housing close to the stations when they open so that instant customers are available.I recently listened to an online webcast where a survey of dozens of city transit systems was done and the cities rated as to the level of service was given. One of the disconnects found in many cities was that the upper class had their destinations well served (downtown/office parks) their residential areas were not. Meanwhile the low income living areas had good service but the jobs they were qualified to hold were in areas not well served.However, a real problem with part of your proposal is that large scale manufacturing can't just move - it is built on cheap land and often is taking over sites that have been heavy industry for decades - now in considerable decline. And such sites are spread out so that servic! e has fewer passengers per mile of track.and then there is the fact, brought out in the discussion, that those cities with high service scores are in places where mountains restrict development and are young cities in the west, while those with low scores are sprawling places in the midwest that are depressed and cities in the south where poor people are looked down upon and why should we give stuff to sinners?...Show more

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