Wednesday 15 April 2020

Dental mystery. Please help?  

Dental mystery. Please help?  

answers 0:I was having lots of pain and sensitivity on teeth 24, 25. X-rays showed little bone loss. I went to various dentists and they said that nothing is really wrong. One dentist then said that i have periodontitis and performed root planing and scaling, which is also known as deep cleaning. After root planing and scaling, I got total relief from pain and irritation on my gums and teeth. I felt cured. Then one month after root planing and scaling, I again started experiencing the same symptoms of lot of sensitivity and pain on teeth 24 and 25. The dental x-rays are same like before. Now again dentists are saying that there really isn't anything wrong. However, i continue suffering with tooth pain and gum irritations despite having normal x-rays. Went to a periodontist and he said i have gum inflammation but did not! do anything to fix the problem and he too sent me home saying there is nothing to worry. All these dentists show the attitude of "there really is nothing wrong. just go home". However, the truth is that I suffer a lot from sensitivity and pain on teeth 24, 25 and that my gums are very red under 24, 25 teeth. What is the remedy? And what am i to do now since most dentists say there is nothing really wrong? I brush twice, floss thrice and use mouthwash daily....Show moreanswers 1:i read on internet that a toothpaste ingredient called sodium lauryl sulfate is an irritant and cause of gum problems and teeth problems to many people. Now I use SLS free toothpaste but still no change in condition.answers 2:i have been using sensitivity toothpaste for over a month and it has not helped me at all.answers 3:If the scaling and root planing didn't work you should probably see a periodontist. Look into LANAP to treat your periodontitis.answers 4:If your sensitivity is to temperatures,! or it is spontaneous, you have idiots for dentists as pain in! teeth is diagnosed by symptoms only, and your symptoms that I stated above would be from grinding your teeth. You need a hard night guard to relieve pressure on your front teeth.

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