Saturday 4 April 2020

Can I buy a car if my driver licence is suspend?

Marcellus Yoshimori: im a cop and i don't see why not.

Shelley Stevens: yes,but you cant drive it

Mitchel Demry: Car insurance

Rubi Romo: Yes you can buy a car w/o a drivers will however need to take someone with you to test drive it for you and then once you get it home you will have to deal with insurance issues and registration of the car, most states will not let it set more than a month with out you registering it.

Renita Sefton: yes

Delmy Varano: Yes

Troy Staton: Yes you can - you just need to make sure you can also get insurance on the vehicle - which you can do - if you add a driver on your policy that does NOT have a suspended license.

Mikel Bethay: You can buy one buy you can't register the car. You may have a challange to register the title too in some states. However more important is do you want to drive the car, you can make an appeal for "hardship licence. A goo! d lawyer may get you one for under 1500. Check it out and they may get you off too. I don't know what you did but sometimes a freshstart is just a phone call away. Good Luck God bless you.

Matt Tiry: Yes you can buy a car but not drive.

Wally Gower: Basically you can!. If u have enough money, and sure u dont want to drive it like Hilton

Marcellus Exler: Yes you can... you just can't drive it. You can't test drive it; you can't drive it off the lot; you can't drive it afterwards.Having a license is not required to buy a car.

Monty Sieloff: What's the objective? When the tow truck delivers your new vehicle to your apartment or house (without a license plate registration), do you plan to put it on display for the public to see, or store it away for it's collector's value? Seems like your first concern should be to get a valid driver's license if the intent is to drive the car.

Roosevelt Pendill: Ownership of a car gives you no rights to drive it ! on a public road, so anybody car buy a car. The dealership is ! in business to sell cars; What you do with that car after you buy it is up to you.

Giovanna Sherlin: Sure but you may forfeit the test drive. You also have financing issues, insurance issues, licensing issues etc.

Dwight Siniard: yep, just dont drive it

Blair Abdi: Sure you can. You can buy anything if you have the just can't drive it.

Benita Nancy: Yes. You don't need a license to buy a car. If you buy the car from a commercial dealer, someone with a license and insurance is needed to drive it away.If you buy the car from a private party, that person has no responsibilty to make sure you're licensed or insured.

Eleni Mccier: I want to buy a car for my brother to drive it for me

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