Sunday 12 April 2020

car repair.. help!!!!!!!!!!!1111?

Andra Oger: I'm afraid I have no good answers for you... at 194,000 miles and 1995, you could say you've got your money's worth out of this vehicle and, although you may have been paying for collision insurance, the insurance company is going to say this too.I did look up the vehicles worth on Kelley Blue Book assuming it was pretty much fully loaded and has an automatic transmission... the private party value in good condition was only $1500.00.So, I would say it's pretty much a sure thing that the insurance company, whether yours or theirs, is going to total the vehicle. It's just not worth repairing when it costs more to repair than to buy another one in the same condition.However, unless you live in a no-fault insurance state, the full amount of it's replacement cost should be paid to you. Your deduction amount shouldn't come into play using their insurance company and you should be able to get more than the value of the car with a pain and suffering payment as well! . After all, it was them that hit you! Now you are suffering because you don't have a usable vehicle anymore! In fact, you might have to get a rental car until the dust settles and you know what? They should pay for that too.My son was in a collision that was not his fault and his airbag deployed. His car was totaled as well... The insurance company paid $3,000 in pain and suffering due to bruising from the beating the airbag and seat belt caused him. Oh, his car was worth a bit more than yours but only $6,000.So... you want full replacement cost... You should expect the full $1500 for that. Any receipts you have that would show improvements to the car will add to that value, i.e. transmission overhaul, engine replacement etc. Small improvements don't add much if anything. I allowed for 50% of the new parts costs assuming depreciation and the insurance company bought it without a fight.I asked many people how much they would accept to take a ride in a car traveling! 50 mph and let it collide head-on to experience the seat belt! s and air bag... assuring they would walk away from the wreck like my son did... none would accept less than $3,000 and that's the figure I demanded from the insurance company. I told them I thought my figures were just and would be more than happy to show them to any judge should the insurance company decide to take me to court over it. Believe me, since it wasn't your fault, you might get even more in court and then the court costs etc... the insurance company would just assume avoid all that.So... what do I expect YOU to get?$1500 for the car$3,000 for each person suffering from air bags & seat belts.So... at least $4500.Oh, and you can ask the insurance company how much they want to buy your wrecked car back once they pay you off... you would be surprised to find them wanting about $500 or less. Do it and then trade the vehicle in for more if you can. Otherwise let it go.Sorry to hear of your plight but there just might be some light at the end of this tunnel!...Sho! w more

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